※プロトコルの一覧はVersion 3.0.2 (v3.0.2-0-g621ed351d5c9)を元に作成しています。
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
Lua Dissection | _ws.lua | Lua Dissection |
Expert | _ws.expert | Expert Info |
104apci | 104apci | IEC 60870-5-104-Apci |
104asdu | 104asdu | IEC 60870-5-104-Asdu |
29West | 29west | 29West Protocol |
2dparityfec | 2dparityfec | Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 release 2 FEC Protocol |
3COMXNS | 3comxns | 3Com XNS Encapsulation |
3GPP2 A11 | a11 | 3GPP2 A11 |
6LoWPAN | 6lowpan | IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks |
802.11 Radio | wlan_radio | 802.11 radio information |
802.11 Radiotap | radiotap | IEEE 802.11 Radiotap Capture header |
802.11 RSNA EAPOL | wlan_rsna_eapol | IEEE 802.11 RSNA EAPOL key |
802.3 Slow protocols | slow | Slow Protocols |
9P | 9p | Plan 9 |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
A-bis OML | gsm_abis_oml | GSM A-bis OML |
A21 | a21 | A21 Protocol |
AAF | aaf | AVTP Audio Format |
AAL1 | aal1 | ATM AAL1 |
AAL3/4 | aal3_4 | ATM AAL3/4 |
AARP | aarp | Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol |
AASP | aasp | Aastra Signalling Protocol |
ACAP | acap | Application Configuration Access Protocol |
ACN | acn | Architecture for Control Networks |
ACP133 | acp133 | ACP133 Attribute Syntaxes |
ACR 122 | acr122 | Advanced Card Systems ACR122 |
ACSE | acse | ISO 8650-1 OSI Association Control Service |
ACtrace | actrace | AudioCodes Trunk Trace |
ADB | adb | Android Debug Bridge |
ADB CS | adb_cs | Android Debug Bridge Client-Server |
ADB Service | adb_service | Android Debug Bridge Service |
ADP | adp | Aruba Discovery Protocol |
ADwin | adwin | ADwin communication protocol |
ADwin-Config | adwin_config | ADwin configuration protocol |
Aeron | aeron | Aeron Protocol |
AFP | afp | Apple Filing Protocol |
AFS (RX) | afs | Andrew File System (AFS) |
AgentX | agentx | AgentX |
AH | ah | Authentication Header |
AIM | aim | AOL Instant Messenger |
AIM Administration | aim_admin | AIM Administrative |
AIM Advertisements | aim_adverts | AIM Advertisements |
AIM BOS | aim_bos | AIM Privacy Management Service |
AIM Buddylist | aim_buddylist | AIM Buddylist Service |
AIM Chat | aim_chat | AIM Chat Service |
AIM ChatNav | aim_chatnav | AIM Chat Navigation |
AIM Directory | aim_dir | AIM Directory Search |
AIM Email | aim_email | AIM E-mail |
AIM Generic | aim_generic | AIM Generic Service |
AIM ICQ | aim_icq | AIM ICQ |
AIM Invitation | aim_invitation | AIM Invitation Service |
AIM Location | aim_location | AIM Location |
AIM Messaging | aim_messaging | AIM Messaging |
AIM Popup | aim_popup | AIM Popup |
AIM Signon | aim_signon | AIM Signon |
AIM SSI | aim_ssi | AIM Server Side Info |
AIM SST | aim_sst | AIM Server Side Themes |
AIM Stats | aim_stats | AIM Statistics |
AIM Translate | aim_translate | AIM Translate |
AIM User Lookup | aim_lookup | AIM User Lookup |
AIN | ain | Advanced Intelligent Network |
AJP13 | ajp13 | Apache JServ Protocol v1.3 |
ALC | alc | Asynchronous Layered Coding |
ALCAP | alcap | AAL type 2 signalling protocol (Q.2630) |
AllJoyn | aj | AllJoyn Message Protocol |
AllJoyn ARDP | ardp | AllJoyn Reliable Datagram Protocol |
AllJoyn NS | ajns | AllJoyn Name Service Protocol |
AltBeacon | alt_beacon | AltBeacon |
AMF | amf | Action Message Format |
AMQP | amqp | Advanced Message Queueing Protocol |
AMR | amr | Adaptive Multi-Rate |
AMS | ams | AMS |
AMT | amt | Automatic Multicast Tunneling |
ANCP | ancp | Access Node Control Protocol |
ANS | ans | Intel ANS probe |
ANSI BSMAP | ansi_a_bsmap | ANSI A-I/F BSMAP |
ANSI DTAP | ansi_a_dtap | ANSI A-I/F DTAP |
ANSI IS-637-A Teleservice | ansi_637_tele | ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Teleservice Layer |
ANSI IS-637-A Transport | ansi_637_trans | ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Transport Layer |
ANSI IS-683 (OTA (Mobile)) | ansi_683 | ANSI IS-683 (OTA (Mobile)) |
ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) | ansi_801 | ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) |
ANSI MAP | ansi_map | ANSI Mobile Application Part |
ANSI_TCAP | ansi_tcap | ANSI Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
AODV | aodv | Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol |
AOE | aoe | ATAoverEthernet |
AOL | aol | America Online |
AppleMIDI | applemidi | Apple Network-MIDI Session Protocol |
APRS | aprs | Automatic Position Reporting System |
aptX | aptx | aptX Codec |
AR Drone | ar_drone | AR Drone Packet |
ARCNET | arcnet | ARCNET |
Armagetronad | armagetronad | The Armagetron Advanced OpenGL Tron clone |
ARP/RARP | arp | Address Resolution Protocol |
Artemis | artemis | Artemis Core Protocol |
ARTNET | artnet | Art-Net |
ARUBA_ERM | aruba_erm | Aruba Networks encapsulated remote mirroring |
aruba_iap | aruba_iap | Aruba Instant AP Protocol |
ASAP | asap | Aggregate Server Access Protocol |
ASF | asf | Alert Standard Forum |
ASP | asp | AppleTalk Session Protocol |
ASTERIX | asterix | ASTERIX packet |
AT | at | AT Command |
ATH | ath | Apache Tribes Heartbeat Protocol |
ATM | atm | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATM Cell | mplspwatmcell | ATM Cell |
ATM LANE | lane | ATM LAN Emulation |
ATMARP | atmarp | ATM Address Resolution Protocol |
ATMTCP | atmtcp | ATM over TCP |
ATN-CM | atn-cm | ICAO Doc9705 CM |
ATN-CPDLC | atn-cpdlc | ICAO Doc9705 CPDLC |
ATN-ULCS | atn-ulcs | ICAO Doc9705 ULCS |
ATP | atp | AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet |
ATSVC | atsvc | Microsoft AT-Scheduler Service |
Auto-RP | auto_rp | Cisco Auto-RP |
AUTOSAR NM | autosar-nm | AUTOSAR Network Management |
AVS WLANCAP | wlancap | AVS WLAN Capture header |
avsp | avsp | Arista Vendor Specific Protocol |
AWDL | awdl | Apple Wireless Direct Link action frame |
AWDL data | awdl_data | Apple Wireless Direct Link data frame |
AX.25 | ax25 | Amateur Radio AX.25 |
AX.25 KISS | ax25_kiss | AX.25 KISS |
AX.25 no L3 | ax25_nol3 | AX.25 no Layer 3 |
AX4000 | ax4000 | AX/4000 Test Block |
AYIYA | ayiya | Anything in Anything Protocol |
Babel | babel | Babel Routing Protocol |
BACapp | bacapp | Building Automation and Control Network APDU |
BACnet | bacnet | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU |
BACnet MS/TP | mstp | BACnet MS/TP |
Banana | banana | Twisted Banana |
Basic Format XID | basicxid | Logical-Link Control Basic Format XID |
BAT | bat | B.A.T.M.A.N. Layer 3 Protocol |
BAT GW | bat.gw | B.A.T.M.A.N. GW |
BAT VIS | bat.vis | B.A.T.M.A.N. Vis |
BATADV | batadv | B.A.T.M.A.N. Advanced Protocol |
Bazaar | bzr | Bazaar Smart Protocol |
BCTP | bctp | BCTP Q.1990 |
BEEP | beep | Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol |
Bencode | bencode | Bencode |
BER | ber | Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.690) |
BFCP | bfcp | Binary Floor Control Protocol |
BFD Control | bfd | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Control Message |
BGP | bgp | Border Gateway Protocol |
BICC | bicc | Bearer Independent Call Control |
Bitcoin | bitcoin | Bitcoin protocol |
BitTorrent | bittorrent | BitTorrent |
BJNP | bjnp | Canon BJNP |
BLIP | blip | BLIP Couchbase Mobile |
bluecom | bluecom | bluecom Protocol |
Bluetooth | bluetooth | Bluetooth |
BMC | bmc | Broadcast/Multicast Control |
BMP | bmp | BGP Monitoring Protocol |
Boardwalk | brdwlk | Boardwalk |
BOFL | bofl | Wellfleet Breath of Life |
BOOTPARAMS | bootparams | Boot Parameters |
BOSSVR | bossvr | DCE DFS Basic Overseer Server |
BPQ | bpq | Amateur Radio BPQ |
Broadcom tag | brcm-tag | Broadcom tag protocol |
BROWSER | browser | Microsoft Windows Browser Protocol |
BRP | brp | BRP Protocol |
BSSAP | bssap | BSSAP/BSAP |
BSSAP2 | bssap_plus | BSSAP2 |
BSSGP | bssgp | Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol |
BSSLAP | bsslap | BSS LCS Assistance Protocol |
BT 3DS | bt3ds | Bluetooth 3DS Profile |
BT A2DP | bta2dp | Bluetooth A2DP Profile |
BT A2DP Content Protection Header SCMS-T | bta2dp_content_protection_header_scms_t | Bluetooth A2DP Content Protection Header SCMS-T |
BT AMP | btamp | Bluetooth AMP Packet |
BT ATT | btatt | Bluetooth Attribute Protocol |
BT AVCTP | btavctp | Bluetooth AVCTP Protocol |
BT AVDTP | btavdtp | Bluetooth AVDTP Protocol |
BT AVRCP | btavrcp | Bluetooth AVRCP Profile |
BT BIP Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.bip | Bluetooth OBEX BIP Application Parameters |
BT BNEP | btbnep | Bluetooth BNEP Protocol |
BT BPP Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.bpp | Bluetooth OBEX BPP Application Parameters |
BT BR/EDR RF | btbredr_rf | Bluetooth Pseudoheader for BR/EDR |
BT Common | btcommon | Bluetooth Common |
BT CTN Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.ctn | Bluetooth OBEX CTN Application Parameters |
BT DUN | btdun | Bluetooth DUN Packet |
BT GATT | btgatt | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Protocol |
BT GATT Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a7e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a7e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a7e) |
BT GATT Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a84) | btgatt.uuid0x2a84 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a84) |
BT GATT Aerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a7f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a7f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a7f) |
BT GATT Age (UUID 0x2a80) | btgatt.uuid0x2a80 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Age (UUID 0x2a80) |
BT GATT Aggregate (UUID 0x2a5a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aggregate (UUID 0x2a5a) |
BT GATT AirFuel Alliance - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Service (UUID 0xfffc) | btgatt.uuid0xfffc | Bluetooth GATT Attribute AirFuel Alliance - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Service (UUID 0xfffc) |
BT GATT Alert Category ID (UUID 0x2a43) | btgatt.uuid0x2a43 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Category ID (UUID 0x2a43) |
BT GATT Alert Category ID Bit Mask (UUID 0x2a42) | btgatt.uuid0x2a42 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Category ID Bit Mask (UUID 0x2a42) |
BT GATT Alert Level (UUID 0x2a06) | btgatt.uuid0x2a06 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Level (UUID 0x2a06) |
BT GATT Alert Notification Control Point (UUID 0x2a44) | btgatt.uuid0x2a44 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Notification Control Point (UUID 0x2a44) |
BT GATT Alert Notification Service (UUID 0x1811) | btgatt.uuid0x1811 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Notification Service (UUID 0x1811) |
BT GATT Alert Status (UUID 0x2a3f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Status (UUID 0x2a3f) |
BT GATT Alliance for Wireless Power - Wireless Power Transfer Service (UUID 0xfffe) | btgatt.uuid0xfffe | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alliance for Wireless Power - Wireless Power Transfer Service (UUID 0xfffe) |
BT GATT Altitude (UUID 0x2ab3) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Altitude (UUID 0x2ab3) |
BT GATT Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a81) | btgatt.uuid0x2a81 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a81) |
BT GATT Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a82) | btgatt.uuid0x2a82 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a82) |
BT GATT Anaerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a83) | btgatt.uuid0x2a83 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a83) |
BT GATT Analog (UUID 0x2a58) | btgatt.uuid0x2a58 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Analog (UUID 0x2a58) |
BT GATT Analog Output (UUID 0x2a59) | btgatt.uuid0x2a59 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Analog Output (UUID 0x2a59) |
BT GATT Apparent Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a73) | btgatt.uuid0x2a73 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Apparent Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a73) |
BT GATT Apparent Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a72) | btgatt.uuid0x2a72 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Apparent Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a72) |
BT GATT Appearance (UUID 0x2a01) | btgatt.uuid0x2a01 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Appearance (UUID 0x2a01) |
BT GATT Automation IO (UUID 0x1815) | btgatt.uuid0x1815 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Automation IO (UUID 0x1815) |
BT GATT Average Current (UUID 0x2ae0) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Average Current (UUID 0x2ae0) |
BT GATT Average Voltage (UUID 0x2ae1) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Average Voltage (UUID 0x2ae1) |
BT GATT Barometric Pressure Trend (UUID 0x2aa3) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Barometric Pressure Trend (UUID 0x2aa3) |
BT GATT Battery Level (UUID 0x2a19) | btgatt.uuid0x2a19 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Level (UUID 0x2a19) |
BT GATT Battery Level State (UUID 0x2a1b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Level State (UUID 0x2a1b) |
BT GATT Battery Power State (UUID 0x2a1a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Power State (UUID 0x2a1a) |
BT GATT Battery Service (UUID 0x180f) | btgatt.uuid0x180f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Service (UUID 0x180f) |
BT GATT Blood Pressure (UUID 0x1810) | btgatt.uuid0x1810 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure (UUID 0x1810) |
BT GATT Blood Pressure Feature (UUID 0x2a49) | btgatt.uuid0x2a49 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure Feature (UUID 0x2a49) |
BT GATT Blood Pressure Measurement (UUID 0x2a35) | btgatt.uuid0x2a35 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure Measurement (UUID 0x2a35) |
BT GATT Body Composition (UUID 0x181b) | btgatt.uuid0x181b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition (UUID 0x181b) |
BT GATT Body Composition Feature (UUID 0x2a9b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition Feature (UUID 0x2a9b) |
BT GATT Body Composition Measurement (UUID 0x2a9c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition Measurement (UUID 0x2a9c) |
BT GATT Body Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a38) | btgatt.uuid0x2a38 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a38) |
BT GATT Bond Management (UUID 0x181e) | btgatt.uuid0x181e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management (UUID 0x181e) |
BT GATT Bond Management Control Point (UUID 0x2aa4) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management Control Point (UUID 0x2aa4) |
BT GATT Bond Management Feature (UUID 0x2aa5) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management Feature (UUID 0x2aa5) |
BT GATT Boolean (UUID 0x2ae2) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boolean (UUID 0x2ae2) |
BT GATT Boot Keyboard Input Report (UUID 0x2a22) | btgatt.uuid0x2a22 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Keyboard Input Report (UUID 0x2a22) |
BT GATT Boot Keyboard Output Report (UUID 0x2a32) | btgatt.uuid0x2a32 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Keyboard Output Report (UUID 0x2a32) |
BT GATT Boot Mouse Input Report (UUID 0x2a33) | btgatt.uuid0x2a33 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Mouse Input Report (UUID 0x2a33) |
BT GATT Central Address Resolution (UUID 0x2aa6) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Central Address Resolution (UUID 0x2aa6) |
BT GATT CGM Feature (UUID 0x2aa8) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Feature (UUID 0x2aa8) |
BT GATT CGM Measurement (UUID 0x2aa7) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Measurement (UUID 0x2aa7) |
BT GATT CGM Session Run Time (UUID 0x2aab) | btgatt.uuid0x2aab | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Session Run Time (UUID 0x2aab) |
BT GATT CGM Session Start Time (UUID 0x2aaa) | btgatt.uuid0x2aaa | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Session Start Time (UUID 0x2aaa) |
BT GATT CGM Specific Ops Control Point (UUID 0x2aac) | btgatt.uuid0x2aac | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Specific Ops Control Point (UUID 0x2aac) |
BT GATT CGM Status (UUID 0x2aa9) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Status (UUID 0x2aa9) |
BT GATT Characteristic Aggregate Format (UUID 0x2905) | btgatt.uuid0x2905 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Aggregate Format (UUID 0x2905) |
BT GATT Characteristic Extended Properties (UUID 0x2900) | btgatt.uuid0x2900 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Extended Properties (UUID 0x2900) |
BT GATT Characteristic Presentation Format (UUID 0x2904) | btgatt.uuid0x2904 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Presentation Format (UUID 0x2904) |
BT GATT Characteristic User Description (UUID 0x2901) | btgatt.uuid0x2901 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic User Description (UUID 0x2901) |
BT GATT Chromatic Distance From Planckian (UUID 0x2ae3) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromatic Distance From Planckian (UUID 0x2ae3) |
BT GATT Chromaticity Coordinate (UUID 0x2b1c) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Coordinate (UUID 0x2b1c) |
BT GATT Chromaticity Coordinates (UUID 0x2ae4) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Coordinates (UUID 0x2ae4) |
BT GATT Chromaticity In CCT And Duv Values (UUID 0x2ae5) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity In CCT And Duv Values (UUID 0x2ae5) |
BT GATT Chromaticity Tolerance (UUID 0x2ae6) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Tolerance (UUID 0x2ae6) |
BT GATT CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index (UUID 0x2ae7) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index (UUID 0x2ae7) |
BT GATT Client Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2902) | btgatt.uuid0x2902 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Client Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2902) |
BT GATT Client Supported Features (UUID 0x2b29) | btgatt.uuid0x2b29 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Client Supported Features (UUID 0x2b29) |
BT GATT Coefficient (UUID 0x2ae8) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Coefficient (UUID 0x2ae8) |
BT GATT Continuous Glucose Monitoring (UUID 0x181f) | btgatt.uuid0x181f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Continuous Glucose Monitoring (UUID 0x181f) |
BT GATT Correlated Color Temperature (UUID 0x2ae9) | btgatt.uuid0x2ae9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Correlated Color Temperature (UUID 0x2ae9) |
BT GATT Count 16 (UUID 0x2aea) | btgatt.uuid0x2aea | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Count 16 (UUID 0x2aea) |
BT GATT Count 24 (UUID 0x2aeb) | btgatt.uuid0x2aeb | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Count 24 (UUID 0x2aeb) |
BT GATT Country Code (UUID 0x2aec) | btgatt.uuid0x2aec | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Country Code (UUID 0x2aec) |
BT GATT Cross Trainer Data (UUID 0x2ace) | btgatt.uuid0x2ace | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cross Trainer Data (UUID 0x2ace) |
BT GATT CSC Feature (UUID 0x2a5c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CSC Feature (UUID 0x2a5c) |
BT GATT CSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a5b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute CSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a5b) |
BT GATT Current Time (UUID 0x2a2b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a2b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Current Time (UUID 0x2a2b) |
BT GATT Current Time Service (UUID 0x1805) | btgatt.uuid0x1805 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Current Time Service (UUID 0x1805) |
BT GATT Cycling Power (UUID 0x1818) | btgatt.uuid0x1818 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power (UUID 0x1818) |
BT GATT Cycling Power Control Point (UUID 0x2a66) | btgatt.uuid0x2a66 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Control Point (UUID 0x2a66) |
BT GATT Cycling Power Feature (UUID 0x2a65) | btgatt.uuid0x2a65 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Feature (UUID 0x2a65) |
BT GATT Cycling Power Measurement (UUID 0x2a63) | btgatt.uuid0x2a63 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Measurement (UUID 0x2a63) |
BT GATT Cycling Power Vector (UUID 0x2a64) | btgatt.uuid0x2a64 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Vector (UUID 0x2a64) |
BT GATT Cycling Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1816) | btgatt.uuid0x1816 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1816) |
BT GATT Database Change Increment (UUID 0x2a99) | btgatt.uuid0x2a99 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Database Change Increment (UUID 0x2a99) |
BT GATT Database Hash (UUID 0x2b2a) | btgatt.uuid0x2b2a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Database Hash (UUID 0x2b2a) |
BT GATT Date of Birth (UUID 0x2a85) | btgatt.uuid0x2a85 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date of Birth (UUID 0x2a85) |
BT GATT Date of Threshold Assessment (UUID 0x2a86) | btgatt.uuid0x2a86 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date of Threshold Assessment (UUID 0x2a86) |
BT GATT Date Time (UUID 0x2a08) | btgatt.uuid0x2a08 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date Time (UUID 0x2a08) |
BT GATT Date UTC (UUID 0x2aed) | btgatt.uuid0x2aed | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date UTC (UUID 0x2aed) |
BT GATT Day Date Time (UUID 0x2a0a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Day Date Time (UUID 0x2a0a) |
BT GATT Day of Week (UUID 0x2a09) | btgatt.uuid0x2a09 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Day of Week (UUID 0x2a09) |
BT GATT Descriptor Value Changed (UUID 0x2a7d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a7d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Descriptor Value Changed (UUID 0x2a7d) |
BT GATT Device Information (UUID 0x180a) | btgatt.uuid0x180a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Device Information (UUID 0x180a) |
BT GATT Device Name (UUID 0x2a00) | btgatt.uuid0x2a00 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Device Name (UUID 0x2a00) |
BT GATT Dew Point (UUID 0x2a7b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a7b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Dew Point (UUID 0x2a7b) |
BT GATT Digital (UUID 0x2a56) | btgatt.uuid0x2a56 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Digital (UUID 0x2a56) |
BT GATT Digital Output (UUID 0x2a57) | btgatt.uuid0x2a57 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Digital Output (UUID 0x2a57) |
BT GATT DST Offset (UUID 0x2a0d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute DST Offset (UUID 0x2a0d) |
BT GATT Electric Current (UUID 0x2aee) | btgatt.uuid0x2aee | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current (UUID 0x2aee) |
BT GATT Electric Current Range (UUID 0x2aef) | btgatt.uuid0x2aef | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Range (UUID 0x2aef) |
BT GATT Electric Current Specification (UUID 0x2af0) | btgatt.uuid0x2af0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Specification (UUID 0x2af0) |
BT GATT Electric Current Statistics (UUID 0x2af1) | btgatt.uuid0x2af1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Statistics (UUID 0x2af1) |
BT GATT Elevation (UUID 0x2a6c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Elevation (UUID 0x2a6c) |
BT GATT Email Address (UUID 0x2a87) | btgatt.uuid0x2a87 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Email Address (UUID 0x2a87) |
BT GATT Energy (UUID 0x2af2) | btgatt.uuid0x2af2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Energy (UUID 0x2af2) |
BT GATT Energy In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2af3) | btgatt.uuid0x2af3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Energy In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2af3) |
BT GATT Environmental Sensing (UUID 0x181a) | btgatt.uuid0x181a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing (UUID 0x181a) |
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Configuration (UUID 0x290b) | btgatt.uuid0x290b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Configuration (UUID 0x290b) |
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Measurement (UUID 0x290c) | btgatt.uuid0x290c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Measurement (UUID 0x290c) |
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290d) | btgatt.uuid0x290d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290d) |
BT GATT Event Statistics (UUID 0x2af4) | btgatt.uuid0x2af4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Event Statistics (UUID 0x2af4) |
BT GATT Exact Time 100 (UUID 0x2a0b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Exact Time 100 (UUID 0x2a0b) |
BT GATT Exact Time 256 (UUID 0x2a0c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Exact Time 256 (UUID 0x2a0c) |
BT GATT External Report Reference (UUID 0x2907) | btgatt.uuid0x2907 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute External Report Reference (UUID 0x2907) |
BT GATT Fast IDentity Online Alliance - Universal Second Factor Authenticator Service (UUID 0xfffd) | btgatt.uuid0xfffd | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fast IDentity Online Alliance - Universal Second Factor Authenticator Service (UUID 0xfffd) |
BT GATT Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a88) | btgatt.uuid0x2a88 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a88) |
BT GATT Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a89) | btgatt.uuid0x2a89 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a89) |
BT GATT Firmware Revision String (UUID 0x2a26) | btgatt.uuid0x2a26 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Firmware Revision String (UUID 0x2a26) |
BT GATT First Name (UUID 0x2a8a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute First Name (UUID 0x2a8a) |
BT GATT Fitness Machine (UUID 0x1826) | btgatt.uuid0x1826 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine (UUID 0x1826) |
BT GATT Fitness Machine Control Point (UUID 0x2ad9) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Control Point (UUID 0x2ad9) |
BT GATT Fitness Machine Feature (UUID 0x2acc) | btgatt.uuid0x2acc | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Feature (UUID 0x2acc) |
BT GATT Fitness Machine Status (UUID 0x2ada) | btgatt.uuid0x2ada | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Status (UUID 0x2ada) |
BT GATT Five Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a8b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Five Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a8b) |
BT GATT Fixed String 16 (UUID 0x2af5) | btgatt.uuid0x2af5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 16 (UUID 0x2af5) |
BT GATT Fixed String 24 (UUID 0x2af6) | btgatt.uuid0x2af6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 24 (UUID 0x2af6) |
BT GATT Fixed String 36 (UUID 0x2af7) | btgatt.uuid0x2af7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 36 (UUID 0x2af7) |
BT GATT Fixed String 8 (UUID 0x2af8) | btgatt.uuid0x2af8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 8 (UUID 0x2af8) |
BT GATT Floor Number (UUID 0x2ab2) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Floor Number (UUID 0x2ab2) |
BT GATT GATT Characteristic Declaration (UUID 0x2803) | btgatt.uuid0x2803 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Characteristic Declaration (UUID 0x2803) |
BT GATT GATT Include Declaration (UUID 0x2802) | btgatt.uuid0x2802 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Include Declaration (UUID 0x2802) |
BT GATT GATT Primary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2800) | btgatt.uuid0x2800 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Primary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2800) |
BT GATT GATT Secondary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2801) | btgatt.uuid0x2801 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Secondary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2801) |
BT GATT Gender (UUID 0x2a8c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Gender (UUID 0x2a8c) |
BT GATT Generic Access Profile (UUID 0x1800) | btgatt.uuid0x1800 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Access Profile (UUID 0x1800) |
BT GATT Generic Attribute Profile (UUID 0x1801) | btgatt.uuid0x1801 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Attribute Profile (UUID 0x1801) |
BT GATT Generic Level (UUID 0x2af9) | btgatt.uuid0x2af9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Level (UUID 0x2af9) |
BT GATT Global Trade Item Number (UUID 0x2afa) | btgatt.uuid0x2afa | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Global Trade Item Number (UUID 0x2afa) |
BT GATT Glucose (UUID 0x1808) | btgatt.uuid0x1808 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose (UUID 0x1808) |
BT GATT Glucose Feature (UUID 0x2a51) | btgatt.uuid0x2a51 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Feature (UUID 0x2a51) |
BT GATT Glucose Measurement (UUID 0x2a18) | btgatt.uuid0x2a18 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Measurement (UUID 0x2a18) |
BT GATT Glucose Measurement Context (UUID 0x2a34) | btgatt.uuid0x2a34 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Measurement Context (UUID 0x2a34) |
BT GATT Gust Factor (UUID 0x2a74) | btgatt.uuid0x2a74 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Gust Factor (UUID 0x2a74) |
BT GATT Hardware Revision String (UUID 0x2a27) | btgatt.uuid0x2a27 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Hardware Revision String (UUID 0x2a27) |
BT GATT Health Thermometer (UUID 0x1809) | btgatt.uuid0x1809 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Health Thermometer (UUID 0x1809) |
BT GATT Heart Rate (UUID 0x180d) | btgatt.uuid0x180d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate (UUID 0x180d) |
BT GATT Heart Rate Control Point (UUID 0x2a39) | btgatt.uuid0x2a39 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Control Point (UUID 0x2a39) |
BT GATT Heart Rate Max (UUID 0x2a8d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Max (UUID 0x2a8d) |
BT GATT Heart Rate Measurement (UUID 0x2a37) | btgatt.uuid0x2a37 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Measurement (UUID 0x2a37) |
BT GATT Heat Index (UUID 0x2a7a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a7a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heat Index (UUID 0x2a7a) |
BT GATT Height (UUID 0x2a8e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Height (UUID 0x2a8e) |
BT GATT HID Control Point (UUID 0x2a4c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HID Control Point (UUID 0x2a4c) |
BT GATT HID Information (UUID 0x2a4a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HID Information (UUID 0x2a4a) |
BT GATT Hip Circumference (UUID 0x2a8f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a8f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Hip Circumference (UUID 0x2a8f) |
BT GATT HTTP Control Point (UUID 0x2aba) | btgatt.uuid0x2aba | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Control Point (UUID 0x2aba) |
BT GATT HTTP Entity Body (UUID 0x2ab9) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Entity Body (UUID 0x2ab9) |
BT GATT HTTP Headers (UUID 0x2ab7) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Headers (UUID 0x2ab7) |
BT GATT HTTP Proxy (UUID 0x1823) | btgatt.uuid0x1823 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Proxy (UUID 0x1823) |
BT GATT HTTP Status Code (UUID 0x2ab8) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Status Code (UUID 0x2ab8) |
BT GATT HTTPS Security (UUID 0x2abb) | btgatt.uuid0x2abb | Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTPS Security (UUID 0x2abb) |
BT GATT Human Interface Device (UUID 0x1812) | btgatt.uuid0x1812 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Human Interface Device (UUID 0x1812) |
BT GATT Humidity (UUID 0x2a6f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Humidity (UUID 0x2a6f) |
BT GATT IDD Annunciation Status (UUID 0x2b22) | btgatt.uuid0x2b22 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Annunciation Status (UUID 0x2b22) |
BT GATT IDD Command Control Point (UUID 0x2b25) | btgatt.uuid0x2b25 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Command Control Point (UUID 0x2b25) |
BT GATT IDD Command Data (UUID 0x2b26) | btgatt.uuid0x2b26 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Command Data (UUID 0x2b26) |
BT GATT IDD Features (UUID 0x2b23) | btgatt.uuid0x2b23 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Features (UUID 0x2b23) |
BT GATT IDD History Data (UUID 0x2b28) | btgatt.uuid0x2b28 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD History Data (UUID 0x2b28) |
BT GATT IDD Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2b27) | btgatt.uuid0x2b27 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2b27) |
BT GATT IDD Status (UUID 0x2b21) | btgatt.uuid0x2b21 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status (UUID 0x2b21) |
BT GATT IDD Status Changed (UUID 0x2b20) | btgatt.uuid0x2b20 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status Changed (UUID 0x2b20) |
BT GATT IDD Status Reader Control Point (UUID 0x2b24) | btgatt.uuid0x2b24 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status Reader Control Point (UUID 0x2b24) |
BT GATT IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List (UUID 0x2a2a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a2a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List (UUID 0x2a2a) |
BT GATT Illuminance (UUID 0x2afb) | btgatt.uuid0x2afb | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Illuminance (UUID 0x2afb) |
BT GATT Immediate Alert (UUID 0x1802) | btgatt.uuid0x1802 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Immediate Alert (UUID 0x1802) |
BT GATT Indoor Bike Data (UUID 0x2ad2) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Bike Data (UUID 0x2ad2) |
BT GATT Indoor Positioning (UUID 0x1821) | btgatt.uuid0x1821 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Positioning (UUID 0x1821) |
BT GATT Indoor Positioning Configuration (UUID 0x2aad) | btgatt.uuid0x2aad | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Positioning Configuration (UUID 0x2aad) |
BT GATT Insulin Delivery (UUID 0x183a) | btgatt.uuid0x183a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Insulin Delivery (UUID 0x183a) |
BT GATT Intermediate Cuff Pressure (UUID 0x2a36) | btgatt.uuid0x2a36 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Intermediate Cuff Pressure (UUID 0x2a36) |
BT GATT Intermediate Temperature (UUID 0x2a1e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Intermediate Temperature (UUID 0x2a1e) |
BT GATT Internet Protocol Support (UUID 0x1820) | btgatt.uuid0x1820 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Internet Protocol Support (UUID 0x1820) |
BT GATT Irradiance (UUID 0x2a77) | btgatt.uuid0x2a77 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Irradiance (UUID 0x2a77) |
BT GATT Language (UUID 0x2aa2) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Language (UUID 0x2aa2) |
BT GATT Last Name (UUID 0x2a90) | btgatt.uuid0x2a90 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Last Name (UUID 0x2a90) |
BT GATT Latitude (UUID 0x2aae) | btgatt.uuid0x2aae | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Latitude (UUID 0x2aae) |
BT GATT Link Loss (UUID 0x1803) | btgatt.uuid0x1803 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Link Loss (UUID 0x1803) |
BT GATT LN Control Point (UUID 0x2a6b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute LN Control Point (UUID 0x2a6b) |
BT GATT LN Feature (UUID 0x2a6a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute LN Feature (UUID 0x2a6a) |
BT GATT Local East Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab1) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local East Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab1) |
BT GATT Local North Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab0) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local North Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab0) |
BT GATT Local Time Information (UUID 0x2a0f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local Time Information (UUID 0x2a0f) |
BT GATT Location and Navigation (UUID 0x1819) | btgatt.uuid0x1819 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location and Navigation (UUID 0x1819) |
BT GATT Location and Speed (UUID 0x2a67) | btgatt.uuid0x2a67 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location and Speed (UUID 0x2a67) |
BT GATT Location Name (UUID 0x2ab5) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location Name (UUID 0x2ab5) |
BT GATT Longitude (UUID 0x2aaf) | btgatt.uuid0x2aaf | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Longitude (UUID 0x2aaf) |
BT GATT Luminous Efficacy (UUID 0x2afc) | btgatt.uuid0x2afc | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Efficacy (UUID 0x2afc) |
BT GATT Luminous Energy (UUID 0x2afd) | btgatt.uuid0x2afd | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Energy (UUID 0x2afd) |
BT GATT Luminous Exposure (UUID 0x2afe) | btgatt.uuid0x2afe | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Exposure (UUID 0x2afe) |
BT GATT Luminous Flux (UUID 0x2aff) | btgatt.uuid0x2aff | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Flux (UUID 0x2aff) |
BT GATT Luminous Flux Range (UUID 0x2b00) | btgatt.uuid0x2b00 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Flux Range (UUID 0x2b00) |
BT GATT Luminous Intensity (UUID 0x2b01) | btgatt.uuid0x2b01 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Intensity (UUID 0x2b01) |
BT GATT Magnetic Declination (UUID 0x2a2c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a2c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Declination (UUID 0x2a2c) |
BT GATT Magnetic Flux Density - 2D (UUID 0x2aa0) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Flux Density - 2D (UUID 0x2aa0) |
BT GATT Magnetic Flux Density - 3D (UUID 0x2aa1) | btgatt.uuid0x2aa1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Flux Density - 3D (UUID 0x2aa1) |
BT GATT Manufacturer Name String (UUID 0x2a29) | btgatt.uuid0x2a29 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Manufacturer Name String (UUID 0x2a29) |
BT GATT Mass Flow (UUID 0x2b02) | btgatt.uuid0x2b02 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mass Flow (UUID 0x2b02) |
BT GATT Maximum Recommended Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a91) | btgatt.uuid0x2a91 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Maximum Recommended Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a91) |
BT GATT Measurement Interval (UUID 0x2a21) | btgatt.uuid0x2a21 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Measurement Interval (UUID 0x2a21) |
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Data In (UUID 0x2adb) | btgatt.uuid0x2adb | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Data In (UUID 0x2adb) |
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Data Out (UUID 0x2adc) | btgatt.uuid0x2adc | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Data Out (UUID 0x2adc) |
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Service (UUID 0x1827) | btgatt.uuid0x1827 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Service (UUID 0x1827) |
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Data In (UUID 0x2add) | btgatt.uuid0x2add | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Data In (UUID 0x2add) |
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Data Out (UUID 0x2ade) | btgatt.uuid0x2ade | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Data Out (UUID 0x2ade) |
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Service (UUID 0x1828) | btgatt.uuid0x1828 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Service (UUID 0x1828) |
BT GATT Model Number String (UUID 0x2a24) | btgatt.uuid0x2a24 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Model Number String (UUID 0x2a24) |
BT GATT Navigation (UUID 0x2a68) | btgatt.uuid0x2a68 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Navigation (UUID 0x2a68) |
BT GATT Network Availability (UUID 0x2a3e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Network Availability (UUID 0x2a3e) |
BT GATT New Alert (UUID 0x2a46) | btgatt.uuid0x2a46 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute New Alert (UUID 0x2a46) |
BT GATT Next DST Change Service (UUID 0x1807) | btgatt.uuid0x1807 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Next DST Change Service (UUID 0x1807) |
BT GATT Number of Digitals (UUID 0x2909) | btgatt.uuid0x2909 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Number of Digitals (UUID 0x2909) |
BT GATT Object Action Control Point (UUID 0x2ac5) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Action Control Point (UUID 0x2ac5) |
BT GATT Object Changed (UUID 0x2ac8) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Changed (UUID 0x2ac8) |
BT GATT Object First-Created (UUID 0x2ac1) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object First-Created (UUID 0x2ac1) |
BT GATT Object ID (UUID 0x2ac3) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object ID (UUID 0x2ac3) |
BT GATT Object Last-Modified (UUID 0x2ac2) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac2 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Last-Modified (UUID 0x2ac2) |
BT GATT Object List Control Point (UUID 0x2ac6) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object List Control Point (UUID 0x2ac6) |
BT GATT Object List Filter (UUID 0x2ac7) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object List Filter (UUID 0x2ac7) |
BT GATT Object Name (UUID 0x2abe) | btgatt.uuid0x2abe | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Name (UUID 0x2abe) |
BT GATT Object Properties (UUID 0x2ac4) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Properties (UUID 0x2ac4) |
BT GATT Object Size (UUID 0x2ac0) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Size (UUID 0x2ac0) |
BT GATT Object Transfer (UUID 0x1825) | btgatt.uuid0x1825 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Transfer (UUID 0x1825) |
BT GATT Object Type (UUID 0x2abf) | btgatt.uuid0x2abf | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Type (UUID 0x2abf) |
BT GATT OTS Feature (UUID 0x2abd) | btgatt.uuid0x2abd | Bluetooth GATT Attribute OTS Feature (UUID 0x2abd) |
BT GATT Perceived Lightness (UUID 0x2b03) | btgatt.uuid0x2b03 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Perceived Lightness (UUID 0x2b03) |
BT GATT Percentage 8 (UUID 0x2b04) | btgatt.uuid0x2b04 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Percentage 8 (UUID 0x2b04) |
BT GATT Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (UUID 0x2a04) | btgatt.uuid0x2a04 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (UUID 0x2a04) |
BT GATT Peripheral Privacy Flag (UUID 0x2a02) | btgatt.uuid0x2a02 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Peripheral Privacy Flag (UUID 0x2a02) |
BT GATT Phone Alert Status Service (UUID 0x180e) | btgatt.uuid0x180e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Phone Alert Status Service (UUID 0x180e) |
BT GATT PLX Continuous Measurement (UUID 0x2a5f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Continuous Measurement (UUID 0x2a5f) |
BT GATT PLX Features (UUID 0x2a60) | btgatt.uuid0x2a60 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Features (UUID 0x2a60) |
BT GATT PLX Spot-Check Measurement (UUID 0x2a5e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Spot-Check Measurement (UUID 0x2a5e) |
BT GATT PnP ID (UUID 0x2a50) | btgatt.uuid0x2a50 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute PnP ID (UUID 0x2a50) |
BT GATT Pollen Concentration (UUID 0x2a75) | btgatt.uuid0x2a75 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pollen Concentration (UUID 0x2a75) |
BT GATT Position 2D (UUID 0x2a2f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a2f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position 2D (UUID 0x2a2f) |
BT GATT Position 3D (UUID 0x2a30) | btgatt.uuid0x2a30 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position 3D (UUID 0x2a30) |
BT GATT Position Quality (UUID 0x2a69) | btgatt.uuid0x2a69 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position Quality (UUID 0x2a69) |
BT GATT Power (UUID 0x2b05) | btgatt.uuid0x2b05 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Power (UUID 0x2b05) |
BT GATT Power Specification (UUID 0x2b06) | btgatt.uuid0x2b06 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Power Specification (UUID 0x2b06) |
BT GATT Pressure (UUID 0x2a6d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pressure (UUID 0x2a6d) |
BT GATT Protocol Mode (UUID 0x2a4e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Protocol Mode (UUID 0x2a4e) |
BT GATT Pulse Oximeter (UUID 0x1822) | btgatt.uuid0x1822 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pulse Oximeter (UUID 0x1822) |
BT GATT Pulse Oximetry Control Point (UUID 0x2a62) | btgatt.uuid0x2a62 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pulse Oximetry Control Point (UUID 0x2a62) |
BT GATT Rainfall (UUID 0x2a78) | btgatt.uuid0x2a78 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Rainfall (UUID 0x2a78) |
BT GATT Reconnection Address (UUID 0x2a03) | btgatt.uuid0x2a03 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Address (UUID 0x2a03) |
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration (UUID 0x1829) | btgatt.uuid0x1829 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration (UUID 0x1829) |
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Control Point (UUID 0x2b1f) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Control Point (UUID 0x2b1f) |
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Feature (UUID 0x2b1d) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Feature (UUID 0x2b1d) |
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Settings (UUID 0x2b1e) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Settings (UUID 0x2b1e) |
BT GATT Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2a52) | btgatt.uuid0x2a52 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2a52) |
BT GATT Reference Time Information (UUID 0x2a14) | btgatt.uuid0x2a14 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reference Time Information (UUID 0x2a14) |
BT GATT Reference Time Update Service (UUID 0x1806) | btgatt.uuid0x1806 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reference Time Update Service (UUID 0x1806) |
BT GATT Relative Runtime In A Current Range (UUID 0x2b07) | btgatt.uuid0x2b07 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Runtime In A Current Range (UUID 0x2b07) |
BT GATT Relative Runtime In A Generic Level Range (UUID 0x2b08) | btgatt.uuid0x2b08 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Runtime In A Generic Level Range (UUID 0x2b08) |
BT GATT Relative Value In A Period of Day (UUID 0x2b0b) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Period of Day (UUID 0x2b0b) |
BT GATT Relative Value In A Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b0c) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b0c) |
BT GATT Relative Value In A Voltage Range (UUID 0x2b09) | btgatt.uuid0x2b09 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Voltage Range (UUID 0x2b09) |
BT GATT Relative Value In An Illuminance Range (UUID 0x2b0a) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In An Illuminance Range (UUID 0x2b0a) |
BT GATT Removable (UUID 0x2a3a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Removable (UUID 0x2a3a) |
BT GATT Report (UUID 0x2a4d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report (UUID 0x2a4d) |
BT GATT Report Map (UUID 0x2a4b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report Map (UUID 0x2a4b) |
BT GATT Report Reference (UUID 0x2908) | btgatt.uuid0x2908 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report Reference (UUID 0x2908) |
BT GATT Resolvable Private Address Only (UUID 0x2ac9) | btgatt.uuid0x2ac9 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Resolvable Private Address Only (UUID 0x2ac9) |
BT GATT Resting Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a92) | btgatt.uuid0x2a92 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Resting Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a92) |
BT GATT Ringer Control Point (UUID 0x2a40) | btgatt.uuid0x2a40 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Ringer Control Point (UUID 0x2a40) |
BT GATT Ringer Setting (UUID 0x2a41) | btgatt.uuid0x2a41 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Ringer Setting (UUID 0x2a41) |
BT GATT Rower Data (UUID 0x2ad1) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad1 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Rower Data (UUID 0x2ad1) |
BT GATT RSC Feature (UUID 0x2a54) | btgatt.uuid0x2a54 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute RSC Feature (UUID 0x2a54) |
BT GATT RSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a53) | btgatt.uuid0x2a53 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute RSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a53) |
BT GATT Running Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1814) | btgatt.uuid0x1814 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Running Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1814) |
BT GATT SC Control Point (UUID 0x2a55) | btgatt.uuid0x2a55 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute SC Control Point (UUID 0x2a55) |
BT GATT Scan Interval Window (UUID 0x2a4f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a4f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Interval Window (UUID 0x2a4f) |
BT GATT Scan Parameters (UUID 0x1813) | btgatt.uuid0x1813 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Parameters (UUID 0x1813) |
BT GATT Scan Refresh (UUID 0x2a31) | btgatt.uuid0x2a31 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Refresh (UUID 0x2a31) |
BT GATT Scientific Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a3c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scientific Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a3c) |
BT GATT Secondary Time Zone (UUID 0x2a10) | btgatt.uuid0x2a10 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Secondary Time Zone (UUID 0x2a10) |
BT GATT Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a5d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a5d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a5d) |
BT GATT Serial Number String (UUID 0x2a25) | btgatt.uuid0x2a25 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Serial Number String (UUID 0x2a25) |
BT GATT Server Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2903) | btgatt.uuid0x2903 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Server Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2903) |
BT GATT Service Changed (UUID 0x2a05) | btgatt.uuid0x2a05 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Service Changed (UUID 0x2a05) |
BT GATT Service Required (UUID 0x2a3b) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Service Required (UUID 0x2a3b) |
BT GATT Software Revision String (UUID 0x2a28) | btgatt.uuid0x2a28 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Software Revision String (UUID 0x2a28) |
BT GATT Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds (UUID 0x2a93) | btgatt.uuid0x2a93 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds (UUID 0x2a93) |
BT GATT Stair Climber Data (UUID 0x2ad0) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad0 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Stair Climber Data (UUID 0x2ad0) |
BT GATT Step Climber Data (UUID 0x2acf) | btgatt.uuid0x2acf | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Step Climber Data (UUID 0x2acf) |
BT GATT String (UUID 0x2a3d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a3d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute String (UUID 0x2a3d) |
BT GATT Supported Heart Rate Range (UUID 0x2ad7) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad7 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Heart Rate Range (UUID 0x2ad7) |
BT GATT Supported Inclination Range (UUID 0x2ad5) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad5 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Inclination Range (UUID 0x2ad5) |
BT GATT Supported New Alert Category (UUID 0x2a47) | btgatt.uuid0x2a47 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported New Alert Category (UUID 0x2a47) |
BT GATT Supported Power Range (UUID 0x2ad8) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad8 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Power Range (UUID 0x2ad8) |
BT GATT Supported Resistance Level Range (UUID 0x2ad6) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Resistance Level Range (UUID 0x2ad6) |
BT GATT Supported Speed Range (UUID 0x2ad4) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Speed Range (UUID 0x2ad4) |
BT GATT Supported Unread Alert Category (UUID 0x2a48) | btgatt.uuid0x2a48 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Unread Alert Category (UUID 0x2a48) |
BT GATT System ID (UUID 0x2a23) | btgatt.uuid0x2a23 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute System ID (UUID 0x2a23) |
BT GATT TDS Control Point (UUID 0x2abc) | btgatt.uuid0x2abc | Bluetooth GATT Attribute TDS Control Point (UUID 0x2abc) |
BT GATT Temperature (UUID 0x2a6e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a6e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature (UUID 0x2a6e) |
BT GATT Temperature 8 (UUID 0x2b0d) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 (UUID 0x2b0d) |
BT GATT Temperature 8 In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2b0e) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2b0e) |
BT GATT Temperature 8 Statistics (UUID 0x2b0f) | btgatt.uuid0x2b0f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 Statistics (UUID 0x2b0f) |
BT GATT Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a1f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a1f) |
BT GATT Temperature Fahrenheit (UUID 0x2a20) | btgatt.uuid0x2a20 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Fahrenheit (UUID 0x2a20) |
BT GATT Temperature Measurement (UUID 0x2a1c) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Measurement (UUID 0x2a1c) |
BT GATT Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b10) | btgatt.uuid0x2b10 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b10) |
BT GATT Temperature Statistics (UUID 0x2b11) | btgatt.uuid0x2b11 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Statistics (UUID 0x2b11) |
BT GATT Temperature Type (UUID 0x2a1d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a1d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Type (UUID 0x2a1d) |
BT GATT Three Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a94) | btgatt.uuid0x2a94 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Three Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a94) |
BT GATT Time Accuracy (UUID 0x2a12) | btgatt.uuid0x2a12 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Accuracy (UUID 0x2a12) |
BT GATT Time Broadcast (UUID 0x2a15) | btgatt.uuid0x2a15 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Broadcast (UUID 0x2a15) |
BT GATT Time Decihour 8 (UUID 0x2b12) | btgatt.uuid0x2b12 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Decihour 8 (UUID 0x2b12) |
BT GATT Time Exponential 8 (UUID 0x2b13) | btgatt.uuid0x2b13 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Exponential 8 (UUID 0x2b13) |
BT GATT Time Hour 24 (UUID 0x2b14) | btgatt.uuid0x2b14 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Hour 24 (UUID 0x2b14) |
BT GATT Time Millisecond 24 (UUID 0x2b15) | btgatt.uuid0x2b15 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Millisecond 24 (UUID 0x2b15) |
BT GATT Time Second 16 (UUID 0x2b16) | btgatt.uuid0x2b16 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Second 16 (UUID 0x2b16) |
BT GATT Time Second 8 (UUID 0x2b17) | btgatt.uuid0x2b17 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Second 8 (UUID 0x2b17) |
BT GATT Time Source (UUID 0x2a13) | btgatt.uuid0x2a13 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Source (UUID 0x2a13) |
BT GATT Time Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290e) | btgatt.uuid0x290e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290e) |
BT GATT Time Update Control Point (UUID 0x2a16) | btgatt.uuid0x2a16 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Update Control Point (UUID 0x2a16) |
BT GATT Time Update State (UUID 0x2a17) | btgatt.uuid0x2a17 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Update State (UUID 0x2a17) |
BT GATT Time with DST (UUID 0x2a11) | btgatt.uuid0x2a11 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time with DST (UUID 0x2a11) |
BT GATT Time Zone (UUID 0x2a0e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a0e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Zone (UUID 0x2a0e) |
BT GATT Training Status (UUID 0x2ad3) | btgatt.uuid0x2ad3 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Training Status (UUID 0x2ad3) |
BT GATT Transport Discovery (UUID 0x1824) | btgatt.uuid0x1824 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Transport Discovery (UUID 0x1824) |
BT GATT Treadmill Data (UUID 0x2acd) | btgatt.uuid0x2acd | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Treadmill Data (UUID 0x2acd) |
BT GATT True Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a71) | btgatt.uuid0x2a71 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute True Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a71) |
BT GATT True Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a70) | btgatt.uuid0x2a70 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute True Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a70) |
BT GATT Two Zone Heart Rate Limit (UUID 0x2a95) | btgatt.uuid0x2a95 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Two Zone Heart Rate Limit (UUID 0x2a95) |
BT GATT Tx Power (UUID 0x1804) | btgatt.uuid0x1804 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Tx Power (UUID 0x1804) |
BT GATT Tx Power Level (UUID 0x2a07) | btgatt.uuid0x2a07 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Tx Power Level (UUID 0x2a07) |
BT GATT Uncertainty (UUID 0x2ab4) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab4 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Uncertainty (UUID 0x2ab4) |
BT GATT Unread Alert Status (UUID 0x2a45) | btgatt.uuid0x2a45 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Unread Alert Status (UUID 0x2a45) |
BT GATT URI (UUID 0x2ab6) | btgatt.uuid0x2ab6 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute URI (UUID 0x2ab6) |
BT GATT User Control Point (UUID 0x2a9f) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9f | Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Control Point (UUID 0x2a9f) |
BT GATT User Data (UUID 0x181c) | btgatt.uuid0x181c | Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Data (UUID 0x181c) |
BT GATT User Index (UUID 0x2a9a) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Index (UUID 0x2a9a) |
BT GATT UV Index (UUID 0x2a76) | btgatt.uuid0x2a76 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute UV Index (UUID 0x2a76) |
BT GATT Valid Range (UUID 0x2906) | btgatt.uuid0x2906 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Valid Range (UUID 0x2906) |
BT GATT Value Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290a) | btgatt.uuid0x290a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Value Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290a) |
BT GATT VO2 Max (UUID 0x2a96) | btgatt.uuid0x2a96 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute VO2 Max (UUID 0x2a96) |
BT GATT Voltage (UUID 0x2b18) | btgatt.uuid0x2b18 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage (UUID 0x2b18) |
BT GATT Voltage Specification (UUID 0x2b19) | btgatt.uuid0x2b19 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage Specification (UUID 0x2b19) |
BT GATT Voltage Statistics (UUID 0x2b1a) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1a | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage Statistics (UUID 0x2b1a) |
BT GATT Volume Flow (UUID 0x2b1b) | btgatt.uuid0x2b1b | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Volume Flow (UUID 0x2b1b) |
BT GATT Waist Circumference (UUID 0x2a97) | btgatt.uuid0x2a97 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Waist Circumference (UUID 0x2a97) |
BT GATT Weight (UUID 0x2a98) | btgatt.uuid0x2a98 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight (UUID 0x2a98) |
BT GATT Weight Measurement (UUID 0x2a9d) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Measurement (UUID 0x2a9d) |
BT GATT Weight Scale (UUID 0x181d) | btgatt.uuid0x181d | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Scale (UUID 0x181d) |
BT GATT Weight Scale Feature (UUID 0x2a9e) | btgatt.uuid0x2a9e | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Scale Feature (UUID 0x2a9e) |
BT GATT Wind Chill (UUID 0x2a79) | btgatt.uuid0x2a79 | Bluetooth GATT Attribute Wind Chill (UUID 0x2a79) |
BT GNSS | btgnss | Bluetooth GNSS Profile |
BT GPP Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.gpp | Bluetooth OBEX GPP Application Parameters |
BT HCRP | bthcrp | Bluetooth HCRP Profile |
BT HFP | bthfp | Bluetooth HFP Profile |
BT HID | bthid | Bluetooth HID Profile |
BT HSP | bthsp | Bluetooth HSP Profile |
BT L2CAP | btl2cap | Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol |
BT LE LL | btle | Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer |
BT MAP Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.map | Bluetooth OBEX MAP Application Parameters |
BT MCAP | btmcap | Bluetooth MCAP Protocol |
BT Mesh | btmesh | Bluetooth Mesh |
BT PBAP Application Parameters | obex.parameter.bt.pbap | Bluetooth OBEX PBAP Application Parameters |
BT RFCOMM | btrfcomm | Bluetooth RFCOMM Protocol |
BT SAP | btsap | Bluetooth SAP Profile |
BT SDP | btsdp | Bluetooth SDP Protocol |
BT SMP | btsmp | Bluetooth Security Manager Protocol |
BT SPP | btspp | Bluetooth SPP Packet |
BT VDP | btvdp | Bluetooth VDP Profile |
BT VDP Content Protection Header SCMS-T | btvdp_content_protection_header_scms_t | Bluetooth VDP Content Protection Header SCMS-T |
BT-DHT | bt-dht | BitTorrent DHT Protocol |
BT-uTP | bt-utp | uTorrent Transport Protocol |
BTLE RF | btle_rf | Bluetooth Low Energy RF Info |
BTPA | btpa | BTP-A |
BTPB | btpb | BTP-B |
BTSNOOP | btsnoop | Symbian OS BTSNOOP File Format |
BUDB | budb | DCE/DFS BUDB |
Bundle | bundle | Bundle Protocol |
BUTC | butc | DCE/RPC BUTC |
BVLC | bvlc | BACnet Virtual Link Control |
C12.22 | c1222 | ANSI C12.22 |
C15 | c15 | C15 Call History Protocol |
C15.ch | c15.ch | C15 Call History Common Header Protocol |
C15.INC_GWE | c15.inc_gwe | C15 Incoming GWE |
C15.out_gwe | c15.out_gwe | C15 Outgoing GWE |
C15.TONE | c15.tone | C15 Tone |
C15HBEAT | c15hbeat | C15 Call History Heartbeat Protocol |
CalcAppProtocol | calcappprotocol | Calculation Application Protocol |
CAMEL | camel | Camel |
CAN | can | Controller Area Network |
CAN-ETH | caneth | Controller Area Network over Ethernet |
CANFD | canfd | Controller Area Network FD |
CANOPEN | canopen | CANopen |
CAPWAP-CONTROL | capwap | Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points - Control |
CAPWAP-DATA | capwap.data | Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points - Data |
CARP | carp | Common Address Redundancy Protocol |
CAST | cast | Cast Client Control Protocol |
CAT-TP | cattp | ETSI Card Application Toolkit Transport Protocol |
CBOR | cbor | Concise Binary Object Representation |
CBRS_OIDS | cbrs_oids | Citizen Broadband Radio Service - Object Identifiers |
CCSDS | ccsds | CCSDS |
CCSRL | ccsrl | H.324/CCSRL |
CDMA Code Attribute | wmx.cdma | WiMax CDMA Code Attribute |
CDMA2K | cdma2k | CDMA2K |
CDP | cdp | Cisco Discovery Protocol |
CDS_CLERK | cds_clerkserver | CDS Clerk Server Calls |
cds_solicit | cds_solicit | DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation |
CDT | cdt | Compressed Data Type |
cEMI | cemi | Common External Message Interface |
Ceph | ceph | Ceph |
CESoETH | cesoeth | Circuit Emulation Service over Ethernet |
CESoPSN basic (no RTP) | pwcesopsn | CESoPSN basic NxDS0 mode (no RTP support) |
CFDP | cfdp | CFDP |
CFLOW | cflow | Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX |
CFM | cfm | CFM EOAM 802.1ag/ITU Protocol |
CFP | cfp | Cisco FabricPath |
CGMP | cgmp | Cisco Group Management Protocol |
Chargen | chargen | Character Generator Protocol |
ChargingASE | chargingase | Charging ASE |
CHDLC | chdlc | Cisco HDLC |
CIGI | cigi | Common Image Generator Interface |
CIMD | cimd | Computer Interface to Message Distribution |
Cimetrics MS/TP | cimetrics | Cimetrics MS/TP |
CIP | cip | Common Industrial Protocol |
CIP I/O | cipio | Common Industrial Protocol, I/O |
CIP Motion | cipm | Common Industrial Protocol, Motion |
CIP Safety | cipsafety | Common Industrial Protocol, Safety |
CIPCCO | cipcco | CIP Connection Configuration Object |
CIPCLS | cipcls | CIP Class Generic |
CIPCM | cipcm | CIP Connection Manager |
CIPMB | cipmb | CIP Modbus Object |
CIPPCCC | cippccc | CIP PCCC Object |
CIPSSupervisor | cipssupervisor | CIP Safety Supervisor |
CIPSValidator | cipsvalidator | CIP Safety Validator |
Cisco MetaData | cmd | Cisco MetaData |
Cisco ttag | ttag | Cisco ttag |
CISCO3 ERSPAN MARKER | cisco-erspan3-marker | CISCO ERSPAN3 Marker Packet |
CLACSE | clacse | ISO 10035-1 OSI Connectionless Association Control Service |
CLASSICSTUN | classicstun | Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT |
CLDAP | cldap | Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
CLEARCASE | clearcase | Clearcase NFS |
CLIP | clip | Classical IP frame |
Clique-rm | clique-rm | Clique Reliable Multicast Protocol |
CLNP | clnp | ISO 8473/X.233 CLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol |
CLPRES | clpres | ISO 9576-1 OSI Connectionless Presentation Protocol |
CLSP | clsp | ISO 9548-1 OSI Connectionless Session Protocol |
CLTP | cltp | ISO 8602/X.234 CLTP ConnectionLess Transport Protocol |
CLUSAPI | clusapi | Failover Cluster Management API (clusapi) |
CMIP | cmip | X711 CMIP |
CMP | cmp | Certificate Management Protocol |
CMPP | cmpp | China Mobile Point to Point Protocol |
CMS | cms | Cryptographic Message Syntax |
CN/IP | cnip | Component Network over IP |
CoAP | coap | Constrained Application Protocol |
collectd | collectd | collectd network data |
ComponentStatusProtocol | componentstatusprotocol | Component Status Protocol |
CONV | conv | DCE/RPC Conversation Manager |
COPS | cops | Common Open Policy Service |
COROSYNC/TOTEMNET | corosync_totemnet | Totemnet Layer of Corosync Cluster Engine |
COROSYNC/TOTEMSRP | corosync_totemsrp | Totem Single Ring Protocol implemented in Corosync Cluster Engine |
COSEVENTCOMM | giop-coseventcomm | Coseventcomm Dissector Using GIOP API |
CoSine | cosine | CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output |
COSNAMING | giop-cosnaming | Cosnaming Dissector Using GIOP API |
COTP | cotp | ISO 8073/X.224 COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol |
Couchbase | couchbase | Couchbase Protocol |
CP2179 | cp2179 | CP2179 Protocol |
CPFI | cpfi | Cross Point Frame Injector |
CPHA | cpha | Check Point High Availability Protocol |
cprpc_server | cprpc_server | DNS Control Program Server |
CQL | cql | Cassandra CQL Protocol |
CredSSP | credssp | Credential Security Support Provider |
CRF | crf | Clock Reference Format |
CRMF | crmf | Certificate Request Message Format |
CRTP | crtp | CRTP |
CSM_ENCAPS | csm_encaps | CSM_ENCAPS |
CSN1 | csn1 | CSN.1 |
CTDB | ctdb | Cluster TDB |
CUPS | cups | Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol |
CVF | cvf | AVTP Compressed Video Format |
cvspserver | cvspserver | CVS pserver |
CWIDS | cwids | Cisco Wireless IDS Captures |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
D-BUS | dbus | D-Bus |
DAAP | daap | Digital Audio Access Protocol |
DAP | dap | X.519 Directory Access Protocol |
Data | data | Data |
DAYTIME | daytime | Daytime Protocol |
DB-LSP | db-lsp | Dropbox LAN sync Protocol |
DB-LSP-DISC | db-lsp-disc | Dropbox LAN sync Discovery Protocol |
dc | dc | Dublin Core Metadata (DC) |
DCC | dcc | Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse protocol |
DCCP | dccp | Datagram Congestion Control Protocol |
dce_update | dce_update | DCE/RPC UpServer |
DCERPC | dcerpc | Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Call (DCE/RPC) |
DCOM | dcom | DCOM |
DCP (ETSI) | dcp-etsi | ETSI Distribution & Communication Protocol (for DRM) |
DCP-AF | dcp-af | DCP Application Framing Layer |
DCP-PFT | dcp-pft | DCP Protection, Fragmentation & Transport Layer |
DCP-TPL | dcp-tpl | DCP Tag Packet Layer |
DCT2000 | dct2000 | Catapult DCT2000 packet |
DDP | ddp | Datagram Delivery Protocol |
DDTP | ddtp | Dynamic DNS Tools Protocol |
DEC_DNA | dec_dna | DEC DNA Routing Protocol |
DEC_STP | dec_stp | DEC Spanning Tree Protocol |
DECT | dect | DECT Protocol |
DeviceNet | devicenet | DeviceNet Protocol |
DHCP/BOOTP | dhcp | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DHCPFO | dhcpfo | DHCP Failover |
DHCPv6 | dhcpv6 | DHCPv6 |
DHCPv6 Bulk Leasequery | dhcpv6.bulk_leasequery | DHCPv6 Bulk Leasequery |
DIAMETER | diameter | Diameter Protocol |
Diameter3GPP | diameter.3gpp | Diameter 3GPP |
DICOM | dicom | DICOM |
DIS | dis | Distributed Interactive Simulation |
DISP | disp | X.519 Directory Information Shadowing Protocol |
DISTCC | distcc | Distcc Distributed Compiler |
DJIUAV | djiuav | DJI UAV Drone Control Protocol |
DLM3 | dlm3 | Distributed Lock Manager |
DLR | dlr | Device Level Ring |
DLSw | dlsw | Data Link SWitching |
DLT_USER | user_dlt | DLT User |
DMP | dmp | Direct Message Profile |
DMX | dmx | DMX |
DMX Channels | dmx_chan | DMX Channels |
DMX SIP | dmx_sip | DMX SIP |
DMX Test Frame | dmx_test | DMX Test Frame |
DMX Text Frame | dmx_text | DMX Text Frame |
DNP 3.0 | dnp3 | Distributed Network Protocol 3.0 |
DNS | dns | Domain Name System |
DNSSERVER | dnsserver | DNS Server |
DOCSIS | docsis | DOCSIS |
DOCSIS MAC MGMT | docsis_mgmt | DOCSIS Mac Management |
DOCSIS PLC | docsis_plc | DOCSIS PHY Link Channel |
DOCSIS Segment | docsis_segment | DOCSIS Segment |
DOCSIS TLVs | docsis_tlv | DOCSIS Appendix C TLV's |
DOCSIS VSIF | docsis_vsif | DOCSIS Vendor Specific Encodings |
DOCSIS_NCP | docsis_ncp | DOCSIS_NCP |
DOF | dof | DOF Protocol Stack |
DOF-TCP | dof-tcp | DOF Protocol Stack TCP |
DOF-UDP | dof-udp | DOF Protocol Stack UDP |
DOF.CCM | dof.ccm | DOF CCM Security Mode of Operation |
DOF.CCM.APP | dof.ccm.app | DOF CCM Security Mode App |
DOF.CCM.DSP | dof.ccm.dsp | DOF CCM Security Mode DSP Options |
DOF.DNP.V1 | dof.dnp.v1 | DOF Network Protocol V1 |
DOF.ESP | dof.esp | DOF Session Protocol |
DOF.OAP | dof.oap | DOF Object Access Protocol |
DOF.OAP.DSP | dof.oap.dsp | DOF Object Access Protocol DSP Options |
DOF.SGMP | dof.sgmp | DOF Secure Group Management Protocol |
DOF.TEP1 | dof.tep1 | DOF Ticket Exchange Protocol Version 1 |
DOF.TEP1.DSP | dof.tep1.dsp | DOF Ticket Exchange Protocol DSP Options |
DOF.TRP | dof.trp | DOF Ticket Request Protocol |
DOF.TRP.DSP | dof.trp.dsp | DOF Ticket Request Protocol DSP Options |
DoIP | doip | DoIP (ISO13400) Protocol |
DOP | dop | X.501 Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol |
DPAUX | dpaux | DisplayPort AUX-Channel |
DPAUXMON | dpauxmon | DPAUXMON DisplayPort AUX channel monitor |
DPLAY | dplay | DirectPlay Protocol |
DPNET | dpnet | DirectPlay 8 protocol |
DPNSS | dpnss | Digital Private Signalling System No 1 |
DPNSS Link | dpnss_link | Digital Private Signalling System No 1 Link Layer |
DPS.APP | dof.app | DOF Application Protocol |
DPS.DNP | dof.dnp | DOF Network Protocol |
DPS.DNP.V0 | dof.dnp.v0 | DOF Network Protocol V0 |
DPS.DPP | dof.dpp | DOF Presentation Protocol |
DPS.DPP.V0 | dof.dpp.v0 | DOF Presentation Protocol V0 |
DPS.DPP.V2 | dof.dpp.v2 | DOF Presentation Protocol V2 |
DPS.DPP.V2S | dof.dpp.v2s | DOF Presentation Protocol V2 Support |
DPS.OID | dof.oid | DOF Object Identifier |
DRb | drb | Distributed Ruby |
DRDA | drda | DRDA |
DRSUAPI | drsuapi | DRSUAPI |
DSI | dsi | Data Stream Interface |
DSP | dsp | X.519 Directory System Protocol |
DSR | dsr | Dynamic Source Routing |
DSSETUP | dssetup | Active Directory Setup |
DTCP-IP | dtcp-ip | Digital Transmission Content Protection over IP |
DTLS | dtls | Datagram Transport Layer Security |
DTP | dtp | Dynamic Trunk Protocol |
DTPS | dtps | DOF Tunnel Protocol Stack |
DTPT | dtpt | DeskTop PassThrough Protocol |
DTSPROVIDER | dtsprovider | DCE Distributed Time Service Provider |
DTSSTIME_REQ | dtsstime_req | DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server |
DUA | dua | DPNSS/DASS2-User Adaptation Layer |
DVB AIT | dvb_ait | DVB Application Information Table |
DVB BAT | dvb_bat | DVB Bouquet Association Table |
DVB EIT | dvb_eit | DVB Event Information Table |
DVB NIT | dvb_nit | DVB Network Information Table |
DVB SDT | dvb_sdt | DVB Service Description Table |
DVB TDT | dvb_tdt | DVB Time and Date Table |
DVB TOT | dvb_tot | DVB Time Offset Table |
DVB-CI | dvb-ci | DVB Common Interface |
DVB-DATA MPE | dvb_data_mpe | DVB-DATA MultiProtocol Encapsulation |
DVB-S2 | dvb-s2_modeadapt | DVB-S2 Mode Adaptation Header |
DVB-S2-BB | dvb-s2_bb | DVB-S2 Baseband Frame |
DVB-S2-GSE | dvb-s2_gse | DVB-S2 GSE Packet |
DVMRP | dvmrp | Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol |
DX | dx | DX cluster |
DXL | dxl | Data Exchange Layer |
E-LMI | elmi | Ethernet Local Management Interface |
E.164 | e164 | ITU-T E.164 number |
E.212 | e212 | ITU-T E.212 number |
E100 | e100 | E100 Encapsulation |
E1AP | e1ap | E1 Application Protocol |
EAP | eap | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAPOL | eapol | 802.1X Authentication |
EAPOL-MKA | mka | MACsec Key Agreement |
ECAT | ecat | EtherCAT datagram(s) |
ECAT_MAILBOX | ecat_mailbox | EtherCAT Mailbox Protocol |
ECHO | echo | Echo |
ECMP | ecmp | ECMP |
ECP | ecp | ECP Protocol |
ECP21 | ecp21 | Edge Control Protocol |
EDONKEY | edonkey | eDonkey Protocol |
EDP | edp | Extreme Discovery Protocol |
EFS | efs | EFS (pidl) |
EGD | egd | Ethernet Global Data |
EHS | ehs | EHS |
EIGRP | eigrp | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch | Elasticsearch |
ELCOM | elcom | ELCOM Communication Protocol |
ELF | elf | Executable and Linkable Format |
ENC | enc | OpenBSD Encapsulating device |
ENIP | enip | EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol) |
ENRP | enrp | Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol |
ENTTEC | enttec | ENTTEC |
EPL | epl | Ethernet POWERLINK |
EPL_V1 | epl_v1 | ETHERNET Powerlink V1.0 |
EPM | epm | DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper |
EPMD | epmd | Erlang Port Mapper Daemon |
EPMv4 | epm4 | DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper v4 |
EPON | epon | IEEE 802.3 EPON Preamble |
ERF | erf | Extensible Record Format |
Ericsson GSM A-bis P-GSL | gsm_abis_pgsl | GSM A-bis P-GSL |
Ericsson GSM A-bis TFP | gsm_abis_tfp | GSM A-bis TFP |
Ericsson HDLC as used in A-bis over IP | ehdlc | Ericsson HDLC |
Ericsson OML | gsm_abis_om2000 | Ericsson A-bis OML |
ErlDP | erldp | Erlang Distribution Protocol |
ERSPAN | erspan | Encapsulated Remote Switch Packet ANalysis |
ESG Bootstrap | dvb_ipdc | ETSI IPDC Bootstrap |
ESIO | esio | SAIA Ether-S-I/O protocol |
ESIS | esis | ISO 9542 ESIS Routeing Information Exchange Protocol |
ESL | esl | EtherCAT Switch Link |
ESP | esp | Encapsulating Security Payload |
ESS | ess | Extended Security Services |
ETAG | etag | 802.1BR E-Tag |
Etch | etch | Apache Etch Protocol |
ETHERCAT | ecatf | EtherCAT frame header |
ETHERIP | etherip | Ethernet over IP |
Ethernet | eth | Ethernet |
Ethernet OAM PDU | oampdu | OAMPDU |
Ethernet PW (CW heuristic) | pwethheuristic | Ethernet PW (CW heuristic) |
Ethernet PW (no CW) | pwethnocw | Ethernet PW (no CW) |
Ethernet PW (with CW) | pwethcw | PW Ethernet Control Word |
Ethertype | ethertype | Ethertype |
ETSI CAT | etsi_cat | Card Application Tookit ETSI TS 102.223 |
ETV-AM DDB | etv-ddb | ETV-AM DDB Section |
ETV-AM DII | etv-dii | ETV-AM DII Section |
ETV-AM EISS | eiss | ETV-AM EISS Section |
ETW Ndis | etw.ndis | ETW Ndis |
ETW WFP Capture | etw.wfp_capture | ETW WFP Capture |
EVENTLOG | eventlog | Event Logger |
EVRC | evrc | Enhanced Variable Rate Codec |
EVS | evs | Enhanced Voice Services |
Exablaze | exablaze | Exablaze trailer |
EXEC | exec | Remote Process Execution |
exported_pdu | exported_pdu | EXPORTED_PDU |
F1AP | f1ap | F1 Application Protocol |
F5 Ethernet trailer | f5ethtrailer | F5 Ethernet Trailer Protocol |
FB/IB GDS DB | gdsdb | Firebird SQL Database Remote Protocol |
FBZERO | fb_zero | (Facebook) Zero Protocol |
FC | fc | Fibre Channel |
FC ELS | fcels | FC Extended Link Svc |
FC FZS | fcfzs | Fibre Channel Fabric Zone Server |
FC-dNS | fcdns | Fibre Channel Name Server |
FC-FCS | fcs | FC Fabric Configuration Server |
FC-SB3 | fcsb3 | Fibre Channel Single Byte Command |
FC-SP | fcsp | Fibre Channel Security Protocol |
FC-SWILS | swils | Fibre Channel SW_ILS |
Fc00 | fc00 | Fc00 CryptoAuth |
FC_CT | fcct | Fibre Channel Common Transport |
FCGI | fcgi | FastCGI |
FCoE | fcoe | Fibre Channel over Ethernet |
FCoIB | fcoib | Fibre Channel over Infiniband |
FCP | fcp | Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI |
FCSoF | fcsof | Fibre Channel Delimiters |
FDDI | fddi | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDP | fdp | Foundry Discovery Protocol |
FEFD | fefd | Far End Failure Detection |
FeliCa | felica | Sony FeliCa |
FF | ff | FOUNDATION Fieldbus |
Fibre Channel over IP | fcip | FCIP |
File | file | File |
File-PCAP | file-pcap | PCAP File Format |
File-PCAPNG | file-pcapng | PCAPNG File Format |
FILEEXP | fileexp | DCE DFS File Exporter |
FILEINFO | f5fileinfo | F5 Capture Information |
FINGER | finger | finger |
FIP | fip | FCoE Initialization Protocol |
FIX | fix | Financial Information eXchange Protocol |
FLDB | fldb | DCE DFS Fileset Location Server |
FLEXNET | flexnet | FlexNet |
FLEXRAY | flexray | FlexRay Protocol |
FLIP | flip | NSN FLIP |
FMP | fmp | File Mapping Protocol |
FMP/NOTIFY | fmp_notify | File Mapping Protocol Nofity |
FMTP | fmtp | Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP) |
ForCES | forces | Forwarding and Control Element Separation Protocol |
FP | fp | FP |
FP Hint | fp_hint | FP Hint |
FP Mux | fp_mux | Huawei FP Multiplexing Header |
FR | fr | Frame Relay |
FractalGeneratorProtocol | fractalgeneratorprotocol | Fractal Generator Protocol |
Frame | frame | Frame |
Frame Preemption Protocol | fpp | IEEE 802.3br Frame Preemption Protocol |
Frame Relay DLCI PW | pwfr | PW Frame Relay DLCI Control Word |
FRSAPI | frsapi | Microsoft File Replication Service API |
FRSRPC | frsrpc | File Replication Service |
FRSTRANS | frstrans | File Replication Service DFS-R |
FTAM | ftam | ISO 8571 FTAM |
FTP | ftp | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) |
FTP-DATA | ftp-data | FTP Data |
FTSERVER | ftserver | FTServer Operations |
FW-1 | fw1 | Checkpoint FW-1 |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
G.723 | g723 | G.723 |
Gadu-Gadu | gadu-gadu | Gadu-Gadu Protocol |
GBCS GBZ | gbcs_gbz | GBCS GBZ |
GBCS Message | gbcs_message | GBCS Message |
GBCS Tunnel | gbcs_tunnel | GBCS Tunnel |
GCSNA | gcsna | GCSNA |
GDB remote | gdb | GDB Remote Serial Protocol |
Gearman | gearman | Gearman Protocol |
GED125 | ged125 | Cisco GED-125 Protocol |
Generic PW (with CW) | pwmcw | PW MPLS Control Word (generic/preferred) |
Geneve | geneve | Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation |
genl | genl | Linux Generic Netlink protocol |
GFP | gfp | Generic Framing Procedure |
GIAS | giop-gias | Gias Dissector Using GIOP API |
GIF image | image-gif | Compuserve GIF |
giFT | gift | giFT Internet File Transfer |
GIOP | giop | General Inter-ORB Protocol |
Git | git | Git Smart Protocol |
GLBP | glbp | Gateway Load Balancing Protocol |
GLOW | glow | Glow |
Gluster CLI | gluster.cli | Gluster CLI |
Gluster Dump | gluster.dump | Gluster Dump |
Gluster Portmap | gluster.pmap | Gluster Portmap |
GlusterD | glusterd | Gluster Daemon |
GlusterFS | glusterfs | GlusterFS |
GlusterFS Callback | glusterfs.cbk | GlusterFS Callback |
GlusterFS Handshake | glusterfs.hndsk | GlusterFS Handshake |
GMHDR | gmhdr | Gigamon Header |
GMR-1 BCCH | gmr1.bcch | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) BCCH |
GMR-1 CCCH | gmr1.ccch | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) CCCH |
GMR-1 Common | gmr1.common | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) Common |
GMR-1 DTAP | gmr1.dtap | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) DTAP |
GMR-1 RACH | gmr1.rach | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) RACH |
GMR-1 RR | gmr1.rr | GEO-Mobile Radio (1) RR |
GMRP | gmrp | GARP Multicast Registration Protocol |
GMTRAILER | gmtrailer | Gigamon Trailer |
GNUTELLA | gnutella | Gnutella Protocol |
GNW | gnw | GeoNetworking |
GOOSE | goose | GOOSE |
Gopher | gopher | Gopher |
GPEF | gpef | GPEF |
GPRS-LLC | llcgprs | Logical Link Control GPRS |
GPRS-NS | gprs-ns | GPRS Network Service |
GPRSCDR | gprscdr | GPRS CDR |
GQUIC | gquic | GQUIC (Google Quick UDP Internet Connections) |
GRE | gre | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
GRPC | grpc | GRPC Message |
Gryphon | gryphon | DG Gryphon Protocol |
GSM BSSMAP | gsm_a.bssmap | GSM A-I/F BSSMAP |
GSM BSSMAP LE | gsm_bssmap_le | Lb-I/F BSSMAP LE |
GSM CBCH | gsm_cbch | GSM Cell Broadcast Channel |
GSM CCCH | gsm_a.ccch | GSM CCCH |
GSM Cell Broadcast Service | gsm_cbs | GSM Cell Broadcast Service |
GSM DTAP | gsm_a.dtap | GSM A-I/F DTAP |
GSM EC-CCCH | gsm_a.ec_ccch | GSM EC-CCCH |
GSM Management | gsm_a.gm | GSM A-I/F GPRS Mobility and Session Management |
GSM Osmux | osmux | GSM multiplexing for AMR |
GSM over IP | gsm_ipa | GSM over IP protocol as used by ip.access |
GSM RLC MAC | gsm_rlcmac | Radio Link Control, Medium Access Control, 3GPP TS44.060 |
GSM RP | gsm_a.rp | GSM A-I/F RP |
GSM RR | gsm_a.rr | GSM A-I/F Radio Resource Management |
GSM SACCH | gsm_a.sacch | GSM SACCH |
GSM SIM | gsm_sim | GSM SIM 11.11 |
GSM SMS | gsm_sms | GSM SMS TPDU (GSM 03.40) |
GSM SMS UD | gsm_sms_ud | GSM Short Message Service User Data |
GSM Um | gsm_um | GSM Um Interface |
GSM-R | gsm-r-uus1 | GSM-R User-to-User Signaling |
GSM_MAP | gsm_map | GSM Mobile Application |
GSMTAP | gsmtap | GSM Radiotap |
GSMTAP-LOG | gsmtap_log | GSMTAP libosmocore logging |
GSS-API | gss-api | GSS-API Generic Security Service Application Program Interface |
gsup | gsup | Osmocom General Subscriber Update Protocol |
GTP | gtp | GPRS Tunneling Protocol |
GTP (Prime) | gtpprime | GPRS Tunneling Protocol Prime |
GTPv2 | gtpv2 | GPRS Tunneling Protocol V2 |
GVCP | gvcp | GigE Vision Control Protocol |
GVRP | gvrp | GARP VLAN Registration Protocol |
GVSP | gvsp | GigE Vision Streaming Protocol |
H.223 | h223 | ITU-T Recommendation H.223 |
H.225 RAS | h225_ras | H.225 RAS |
H.225.0 | h225 | H323-MESSAGES |
H.235 | h235 | H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES |
H.261 | h261 | ITU-T Recommendation H.261 |
H.263 | h263 | ITU-T Recommendation H.263 |
H.323 | h323 | H.323 |
H.450 | h450 | H.450 Supplementary Services |
H.460 | h460 | H.460 Supplementary Services |
H.501 | h501 | H.501 Mobility |
H1 | h1 | Sinec H1 Protocol |
h221nonstd | h221nonstd | H221NonStandard |
H248 | h248 | H.248 MEGACO |
H2483GPP | h248.3gpp | H.248 3GPP |
H248_2 | h248.2 | H.248.2 |
H248AN | h248.an | H.248.7 |
H248C | h248.annexc | H.248 Annex C |
H248CHP | h248.chp | H.248.10 |
H248E | h248e | H.248 Annex E |
H248Q1950 | h248q1950 | H.248 Q.1950 Annex A |
H263P | h263p | ITU-T Recommendation H.263 RTP Payload header (RFC4629) |
H264 | h264 | H.264 |
H265 | h265 | H.265 |
H450.ROS | h450.ros | H.450 Remote Operations Apdus |
HART_IP | hart_ip | HART_IP Protocol |
HAZELCAST | hzlcst | Hazelcast Wire Protocol |
HCI BROADCOM | bthci_vendor.broadcom | Bluetooth Broadcom HCI |
HCI Intel | bthci_vendor.intel | Bluetooth Intel HCI |
HCI_ACL | bthci_acl | Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet |
HCI_CMD | bthci_cmd | Bluetooth HCI Command |
HCI_EVT | bthci_evt | Bluetooth HCI Event |
HCI_H1 | hci_h1 | Bluetooth HCI H1 |
HCI_H4 | hci_h4 | Bluetooth HCI H4 |
HCI_MON | hci_mon | Bluetooth Linux Monitor Transport |
HCI_SCO | bthci_sco | Bluetooth HCI SCO Packet |
HCI_USB | hci_usb | Bluetooth HCI USB Transport |
HCLNFSD | hclnfsd | Hummingbird NFS Daemon |
HCrt | hcrt | Hotline Command-Response Transaction protocol |
HDCP | hdcp | High bandwidth Digital Content Protection |
HDCP2 | hdcp2 | High bandwidth Digital Content Protection version 2 |
HDFS | hdfs | HDFS Protocol |
HDFSDATA | hdfsdata | HDFSDATA Protocol |
HDLC PW with PPP payload (no CW) | pw_hdlc_nocw_hdlc_ppp | HDLC-like framing for PPP |
HDLC PW, FR port mode (no CW) | pw_hdlc_nocw_fr | HDLC PW, FR port mode (no CW) |
HDMI | hdmi | High-Definition Multimedia Interface |
HI2OPERATIONS | hi2operations | HI2Operations |
HIP | hip | Host Identity Protocol |
HiQnet | hiqnet | Harman HiQnet |
HiSLIP | hislip | High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol |
HL7 | hl7 | Health Level Seven |
HNBAP | hnbap | UTRAN Iuh interface HNBAP signalling |
HomePlug | homeplug | HomePlug protocol |
HomePlug AV | homeplug-av | HomePlug AV protocol |
HomePNA | hpna | HomePNA, wlan link local tunnel |
HP_ERM | hp_erm | HP encapsulated remote mirroring |
HPEXT | hpext | HP Extended Local-Link Control |
HPFEEDS | hpfeeds | HPFEEDS HoneyPot Feeds Protocol |
HPSW | hpsw | HP Switch Protocol |
HPTEAM | hpteam | HP NIC Teaming Heartbeat |
HSMS | hsms | High-speed SECS Message Service Protocol |
HSR | hsr | High-availability Seamless Redundancy (IEC62439 Part 3 Chapter 5) |
HSR_PRP_SUPERVISION | hsr_prp_supervision | HSR/PRP Supervision (IEC62439 Part 3) |
HSRP | hsrp | Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol |
HTTP | http | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HTTP2 | http2 | HyperText Transfer Protocol 2 |
HyperSCSI | hyperscsi | HyperSCSI |
I2C | i2c | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
IAP | iap | Information Access Protocol |
IAPP | iapp | Inter-Access-Point Protocol |
IAX2 | iax2 | Inter-Asterisk eXchange v2 |
IB | infiniband | InfiniBand |
iBeacon | ibeacon | Apple iBeacon |
iCall | icall | iCall Communication Protocol |
ICAP | icap | Internet Content Adaptation Protocol |
ICBAAccoCB | cba_acco_cb | ICBAAccoCallback |
ICBAAccoCB2 | cba_acco_cb2 | ICBAAccoCallback2 |
ICBAAccoMgt | cba_acco_mgt | ICBAAccoMgt |
ICBAAccoMgt2 | cba_acco_mgt2 | ICBAAccoMgt2 |
ICBAAccoServ | cba_acco_server | ICBAAccoServer |
ICBAAccoServ2 | cba_acco_server2 | ICBAAccoServer2 |
ICBAAccoServSRT | cba_acco_server_srt | ICBAAccoServerSRT |
ICBAAccoSync | cba_acco_sync | ICBAAccoSync |
ICBABrowse | cba_browse | ICBABrowse |
ICBABrowse2 | cba_browse2 | ICBABrowse2 |
ICBAGErr | cba_grouperror | ICBAGroupError |
ICBAGErrEvent | cba_grouperror_event | ICBAGroupErrorEvent |
ICBALDev | cba_ldev | ICBALogicalDevice |
ICBALDev2 | cba_ldev2 | ICBALogicalDevice2 |
ICBAPDev | cba_pdev | ICBAPhysicalDevice |
ICBAPDev2 | cba_pdev2 | ICBAPhysicalDevice2 |
ICBAPDevPC | cba_pdev_pc | ICBAPhysicalDevicePC |
ICBAPDevPCEvent | cba_pdev_pc_event | ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent |
ICBAPersist | cba_persist | ICBAPersist |
ICBAPersist2 | cba_persist2 | ICBAPersist2 |
ICBARTAuto | cba_rtauto | ICBARTAuto |
ICBARTAuto2 | cba_rtauto2 | ICBARTAuto2 |
ICBAState | cba_state | ICBAState |
ICBAStateEvent | cba_state_event | ICBAStateEvent |
ICBASysProp | cba_sysprop | ICBASystemProperties |
ICBATime | cba_time | ICBATime |
ICEP | icep | Internet Communications Engine Protocol |
ICL_RPC | icl_rpc | DCE DFS ICL RPC |
ICMP | icmp | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICMPv6 | icmpv6 | Internet Control Message Protocol v6 |
ICP | icp | Internet Cache Protocol |
ICQ | icq | ICQ Protocol |
IDispatch | dispatch | DCOM IDispatch |
IDMP | idmp | X.519 Internet Directly Mapped Protocol |
IDP | idp | Internetwork Datagram Protocol |
IDRP | idrp | ISO/IEC 10747 (1993): Inter Domain Routing Protocol |
IEC 61883 | iec61883 | IEC 61883 Protocol |
IEEE 802.11 | wlan | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN |
IEEE 802.11 (Centrino) | wlan_centrino | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (Centrino) |
IEEE 802.11 Aggregate Data | wlan_aggregate | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN aggregate frame |
IEEE 802.11 EXT | wlan_ext | IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN extension frame |
IEEE 802.15.4 | wpan | IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN |
IEEE 802.15.4 non-ASK PHY | wpan-nonask-phy | IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN non-ASK PHY |
IEEE 802.15.4 TAP | wpan-tap | IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN TAP |
IEEE 802.1AD | ieee8021ad | IEEE 802.1ad |
IEEE 802.1AH | ieee8021ah | IEEE 802.1ah |
IEEE1609dot2 | ieee1609dot2 | IEEE1609dot2 |
IEEE1722 | ieee1722 | IEEE 1722 Protocol |
IEEE1722.1 | ieee17221 | IEEE 1722.1 Protocol |
ieee1905 | ieee1905 | IEEE 1905.1a |
IEEE802a | ieee802a | IEEE802a OUI Extended Ethertype |
iFCP | ifcp | iFCP |
IGAP | igap | Internet Group membership Authentication Protocol |
IGMP | igmp | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IGRP | igrp | Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
ILMI | ilmi | ILMI |
ILP | ilp | OMA Internal Location Protocol |
IMAP | imap | Internet Message Access Protocol |
IMF | imf | Internet Message Format |
INAP | inap | Intelligent Network Application Protocol |
InfiniBand Link | infiniband_link | InfiniBand Link |
Infiniband SDP | infiniband_sdp | Infiniband Sockets Direct Protocol |
INITSHUTDOWN | initshutdown | Init shutdown service |
Interlink | interlink | Interlink Protocol |
IO-RAW | ioraw | TwinCAT IO-RAW |
IOXIDResolver | oxid | DCOM OXID Resolver |
IP/IEEE1394 | ap1394 | Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394 |
IPA | ipaccess | GSM over IP ip.access CCM sub-protocol |
IPARS | ipars | International Passenger Airline Reservation System |
IPComp | ipcomp | IP Payload Compression |
IPDC | ipdc | IP Device Control (SS7 over IP) |
IPDR/SP | ipdr | IPDR |
iPerf2 | iperf2 | iPerf2 Packet Data |
IPFC | ipfc | IP Over FC |
IPMB | ipmb | Intelligent Platform Management Bus |
IPMI | ipmi | Intelligent Platform Management Interface |
IPMI Session | ipmi_session | Intelligent Platform Management Interface (Session Wrapper) |
ipmi-trace | ipmi.trace | IPMI Trace Data Collection |
IPNET | ipnet | Solaris IPNET |
IPoIB | ipoib | IP over Infiniband |
IPOS | ipos | IPOS Kernel Packet Protocol |
IPP | ipp | Internet Printing Protocol |
IPSICTL | ipsictl | IPSICTL |
IPv4 | ip | Internet Protocol Version 4 |
IPv6 | ipv6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 |
IPv6 Destination | ipv6.dstopts | Destination Options for IPv6 |
IPv6 Fragment | ipv6.fraghdr | Fragment Header for IPv6 |
IPv6 Hop-by-Hop | ipv6.hopopts | IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option |
IPv6 Routing | ipv6.routing | Routing Header for IPv6 |
IPVS | ipvs | IP Virtual Services Sync Daemon |
IPX | ipx | Internetwork Packet eXchange |
IPX MSG | ipxmsg | IPX Message |
IPX RIP | ipxrip | IPX Routing Information Protocol |
IPX SAP | ipxsap | Service Advertisement Protocol |
IPX WAN | ipxwan | IPX WAN |
IRC | irc | Internet Relay Chat |
IrCOMM | ircomm | IrCOMM Protocol |
IRemUnknown | remunk | IRemUnknown |
IRemUnknown2 | remunk2 | IRemUnknown2 |
IrLAP | irlap | IrDA Link Access Protocol |
IrLMP | irlmp | IrDA Link Management Protocol |
ISAKMP | isakmp | Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol |
iSCSI | iscsi | iSCSI |
ISDN | isdn | ISDN |
ISDN_SUP | isdn_sup | ISDN supplementary services |
iSER | iser | iSCSI Extensions for RDMA |
ISI | isi | Intelligent Service Interface |
ISIS | isis | ISO 10589 ISIS InTRA Domain Routeing Information Exchange Protocol |
ISIS CSNP | isis.csnp | ISO 10589 ISIS Complete Sequence Numbers Protocol Data Unit |
ISIS HELLO | isis.hello | ISIS HELLO |
ISIS LSP | isis.lsp | ISO 10589 ISIS Link State Protocol Data Unit |
ISIS PSNP | isis.psnp | ISO 10589 ISIS Partial Sequence Numbers Protocol Data Unit |
ISL | isl | Cisco ISL |
ISMACRYP | ismacryp | ISMACryp Protocol |
ISMP | ismp | InterSwitch Message Protocol |
iSNS | isns | iSNS |
ISO 14443 | iso14443 | ISO/IEC 14443 |
ISO 15765 | iso15765 | ISO15765 Protocol |
ISO 7816 | iso7816 | ISO/IEC 7816 |
ISO 8583 | iso8583 | ISO 8583-1 |
ISOBUS | isobus | ISObus |
ISObus VT | isobus.vt | ISObus Virtual Terminal |
ISUP | isup | ISDN User Part |
ISystemActivator | isystemactivator | ISystemActivator ISystemActivator Resolver |
ITDM | itdm | Internal TDM |
ITS | its | Intelligent Transport Systems |
itunes | itunes | iTunes podCast rss elements |
IUA | iua | ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer |
IuUP | iuup | IuUP |
IWARP_DDP_RDMAP | iwarp_ddp_rdmap | iWARP Direct Data Placement and Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol |
IWARP_MPA | iwarp_mpa | iWARP Marker Protocol data unit Aligned framing |
IXIATRAILER | ixiatrailer | Ixia Trailer |
ixveriwave | ixveriwave | ixveriwave |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
J1939 | j1939 | SAE J1939 |
JFIF (JPEG) image | image-jfif | JPEG File Interchange Format |
Jmirror | jmirror | Juniper Packet Mirror |
JPEG | jpeg | RFC 2435 JPEG |
JSON | json | JavaScript Object Notation |
Juniper | juniper | Juniper |
JXTA | jxta | JXTA P2P |
JXTA Message | jxta.message | JXTA Message |
K12xx | k12 | K12xx |
KADM5 | kadm5 | Kerberos Administration |
Kafka | kafka | Kafka |
KCS | kcs | Keyboard Controller Style Interface |
KDP | kdp | Kontiki Delivery Protocol |
KDSP | kdsp | Kismet Drone/Server Protocol |
KIF | kif | QNX6 QNET KIF protocol |
Kingfisher | kf | Kingfisher |
KINK | kink | Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Key |
Kismet | kismet | Kismet Client/Server Protocol |
KLM | klm | Kernel Lock Manager |
KNET | knet | kNet Protocol |
KNX/IP | kip | KNX/IP |
Kpasswd | kpasswd | MS Kpasswd |
KRB4 | krb4 | Kerberos v4 |
KRB5 | kerberos | Kerberos |
KRB5RPC | krb5rpc | DCE/RPC Kerberos V |
Kyoto Tycoon | kt | Kyoto Tycoon Protocol |
L&G 8979 | lg8979 | Landis & Gyr Telegyr 8979 |
L2TP | l2tp | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol |
LANforge | lanforge | LANforge Traffic Generator |
LANMAN | lanman | Microsoft Windows Lanman Remote API Protocol |
LAPB | lapb | Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) |
LAPBETHER | lapbether | Link Access Procedure Balanced Ethernet (LAPBETHER) |
LAPD | lapd | Link Access Procedure, Channel D (LAPD) |
LAPDm | lapdm | Link Access Procedure, Channel Dm (LAPDm) |
Laplink | laplink | Laplink |
LAPSat | lapsat | Link Access Procedure, Satellite channel (LAPSat) |
LAT | lat | Local Area Transport |
Layer 1 Events | data-l1-events | Layer 1 Event Messages |
LBMC | lbmc | LBMC Protocol |
LBMPDM | lbmpdm | LBMPDM Protocol |
LBMPDM-TCP | lbmpdm_tcp | LBMPDM over TCP Protocol |
LBMR | lbmr | LBM Topic Resolution Protocol |
LBT-RM | lbtrm | LBT Reliable Multicast Protocol |
LBT-RU | lbtru | LBT Reliable Unicast Protocol |
LBT-TCP | lbttcp | LBT TCP Protocol |
LCSAP | lcsap | LCS Application Protocol |
LCT | lct | H.283 Logical Channel Transport |
LDAP | ldap | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LDP | ldp | Label Distribution Protocol |
LDSS | ldss | Local Download Sharing Service |
LGE_Monitor | lge_monitor | LGE Monitor |
Line-based text data | data-text-lines | Line-based text data |
Link Aggregation Control Protocol | lacp | LACP |
Link Aggregation Marker Protocol | marker | Marker |
LINK16 | link16 | Link 16 |
LINX | linx | ENEA LINX |
LINX/TCP | linxtcp | ENEA LINX over TCP |
LISP Control | lisp | Locator/ID Separation Protocol |
LISP Data | lisp-data | Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Data) |
LISP Reliable Transport | lisp-tcp | Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport) |
list | list | Event Notification for Resource Lists (RFC 4662) |
LLAP | llap | LocalTalk Link Access Protocol |
llb | llb | DCE/RPC NCS 1.5.1 Local Location Broker |
LLC | llc | Logical-Link Control |
LLDP | lldp | Link Layer Discovery Protocol |
LLMNR | llmnr | Link-local Multicast Name Resolution |
LLRP | llrp | Low Level Reader Protocol |
LLT | llt | Veritas Low Latency Transport (LLT) |
LLTD | lltd | Link Layer Topology Discovery |
LMI | lmi | Local Management Interface |
LMP | lmp | Link Management Protocol (LMP) |
LNet | lnet | Lustre Network |
LNPDQP | lnpdqp | Local Number Portability Database Query |
Log | log | Log Message |
Logcat | logcat | Android Logcat |
Logcat Text | logcat_text | Android Logcat Text |
LogotypeCertExtn | logotypecertextn | Logotype Certificate Extensions |
LON | lon | Local Operating Network |
LOOP | loop | Configuration Test Protocol (loopback) |
LoRaTap | loratap | LoRaTap header |
LoRaWAN | lorawan | LoRaWAN Protocol |
LPD | lpd | Line Printer Daemon Protocol |
LPP | lpp | LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) |
LPPa | lppa | LTE Positioning Protocol A (LPPa) |
LPPe | lppe | LTE Positioning Protocol Extensions (LLPe) |
LR | lr | QNX6 QNET LR protocol |
LSARPC | lsarpc | Local Security Authority |
LSC | lsc | Pegasus Lightweight Stream Control |
LSD | lsd | Local Service Discovery |
LTE RRC | lte_rrc | LTE Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol |
LTP | ltp | Licklider Transmission Protocol |
Lucent/Ascend | ascend | Lucent/Ascend debug output |
lustre | lustre | Lustre |
LWAPP | lwapp | LWAPP Encapsulated Packet |
LWL4 | lwl4 | QNX6 QNET LWL4 protocol |
LwM2M-TLV | lwm2mtlv | Lightweight M2M TLV |
LwMesh | lwm | Lightweight Mesh (v1.1.1) |
LWRES | lwres | Light Weight DNS RESolver (BIND9) |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
M2AP | m2ap | M2 Application Protocol |
M2M (m2m) | m2m | WiMax Mac to Mac Packet |
M2PA | m2pa | MTP2 Peer Adaptation Layer |
M2TP | m2tp | MTP 2 Transparent Proxy |
M2UA | m2ua | MTP 2 User Adaptation Layer |
M3AP | m3ap | M3 Application Protocol |
M3UA | m3ua | MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer |
MA WFP Capture AUTH v4 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture.auth.v4 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture AUTH v4 |
MA WFP Capture AUTH v6 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture.auth.v6 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture AUTH v6 |
MA WFP Capture v4 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture.v4 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture v4 |
MA WFP Capture v6 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture.v6 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture v6 |
MA WFP Capture2 v4 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture2.v4 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture2 v4 |
MA WFP Capture2 v6 | message_analyzer.wfp_capture2.v6 | Message Analyzer WFP Capture2 v6 |
MAAP | maap | IEEE 1722 MAAP Protocol |
MAC | mac | MAC |
MAC-LTE | mac-lte | MAC-LTE |
MAC-LTE-FRAMED | mac-lte-framed | mac-lte-framed |
MAC-NR | mac-nr | MAC-NR |
MAC-Telnet | mactelnet | MikroTik MAC-Telnet Protocol |
MACC | macc | MAC Control |
MACsec | macsec | 802.1AE Security tag |
MAGIC | magic | Magic |
Malformed packet | _ws.malformed | Malformed Packet |
Manolito | manolito | Blubster/Piolet MANOLITO Protocol |
MAPI | mapi | Exchange 5.5 EMSMDB |
MATE | mate | Meta Analysis Tracing Engine |
MAUSB | mausb | Media Agnostic USB |
MBIM | mbim | Mobile Broadband Interface Model |
MCPE | mcpe | Minecraft Pocket Edition |
mDNS | mdns | Multicast Domain Name System |
MDP | mdp | Meraki Discovery Protocol |
MDS Header | mdshdr | MDS Header |
MDSSVC | mdssvc | Spotlight metadata search service |
Media | media | Media Type |
Media Access Control (MAC) Address Withdrawal over Static Pseudowire | mpls_mac | MPLS-MAC |
MEGACO | megaco | MEGACO |
Mellanox EoIB | infiniband.eoib | Mellanox EoIB Encapsulation Header |
MEMCACHE | memcache | Memcache Protocol |
Mesh | mesh | Mesh Header |
message/http | message-http | Media Type: message/http |
Messenger | messenger | Microsoft Messenger Service |
META | meta | Metadata |
Metamako | metamako | Metamako ethernet trailer |
MGCP | mgcp | Media Gateway Control Protocol |
MGMT | mgmt | DCE/RPC Remote Management |
MGMT MSG | wmx.mgmt | WiMax MAC Management Message |
MiFare | mifare | NXP MiFare |
MIH | mih | Media-Independent Handover |
MIKEY | mikey | Multimedia Internet KEYing |
MIME multipart | mime_multipart | MIME Multipart Media Encapsulation |
MIME_FILE | mime_dlt | MIME file |
MiNT | mint | Media independent Network Transport |
MIOP | miop | Unreliable Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol |
MIPv6 | mipv6 | Mobile IPv6 |
MISC | misc | MISC (pidl) |
MLE | mle | Mesh Link Establishment |
MMS | mms | MMS |
MMSE | mmse | MMS Message Encapsulation |
MNDP | mndp | Mikrotik Neighbor Discovery Protocol |
Mobile IP | mip | Mobile IP |
Modbus | modbus | Modbus |
Modbus RTU | mbrtu | Modbus RTU |
Modbus/TCP | mbtcp | Modbus/TCP |
Modbus/UDP | mbudp | Modbus/UDP |
Mojito | mojito | Mojito DHT |
MoldUDP | moldudp | MoldUDP |
MoldUDP64 | moldudp64 | MoldUDP64 |
MONGO | mongo | Mongo Wire Protocol |
MOUNT | mount | Mount Service |
MP2T | mp2t | ISO/IEC 13818-1 |
mp4 | mp4 | MP4 / ISOBMFF file format |
MP4V-ES | mp4v-es | MP4V-ES |
MPEG | mpeg | Moving Picture Experts Group |
MPEG Audio | mpeg-audio | Moving Picture Experts Group Audio |
MPEG CA | mpeg_ca | MPEG2 Conditional Access Table |
MPEG Descriptor | mpeg_descr | MPEG2 Descriptors |
MPEG DSM-CC | mpeg_dsmcc | MPEG DSM-CC |
MPEG PAT | mpeg_pat | MPEG2 Program Association Table |
MPEG PES | mpeg-pes | Packetized Elementary Stream |
MPEG PMT | mpeg_pmt | MPEG2 Program Map Table |
MPEG SECT | mpeg_sect | MPEG2 Section |
MPEG1 | mpeg1 | RFC 2250 MPEG1 |
MPLS | mpls | MultiProtocol Label Switching Header |
MPLS Delay Measurement (DM) | mplspmdm | MPLS Delay Measurement (DM) |
MPLS Direct Loss and Delay Measurement (DLM+DM) | mplspmdlmdm | MPLS Direct Loss and Delay Measurement (DLM+DM) |
MPLS Direct Loss Measurement (DLM) | mplspmdlm | MPLS Direct Loss Measurement (DLM) |
MPLS Echo | mpls-echo | Multiprotocol Label Switching Echo |
MPLS Inferred Loss and Delay Measurement (ILM+DM) | mplspmilmdm | MPLS Inferred Loss and Delay Measurement (ILM+DM) |
MPLS Inferred Loss Measurement (ILM) | mplspmilm | MPLS Inferred Loss Measurement (ILM) |
MPLS ITU-T Y.1711 OAM | mpls_y1711 | MPLS ITU-T Y.1711 OAM |
MPLS PW ATM 1:1 / AAL5 PDU | mplspwatm11_or_aal5pdu | MPLS PW ATM One-to-One or AAL5 PDU encapsulation |
MPLS PW ATM AAL5 SDU | mplspwatmaal5sdu | MPLS PW ATM AAL5 CPCS-SDU mode encapsulation |
MPLS PW ATM Cell Header | mplspwatmcellheader | MPLS PW ATM Cell Header |
MPLS PW ATM Control Word | mplspwatmcontrolword | MPLS PW ATM Control Word |
MPLS PW ATM N:1 CW | mplspwatmn1cw | MPLS PW ATM N-to-One encapsulation, with CW |
MPLS PW ATM N:1 no CW | mplspwatmn1nocw | MPLS PW ATM N-to-One encapsulation, no CW |
MPLS[-TP] Fault-Management Fault-Management (FM) Protocol | mplstp_fm | MPLS-TP Fault-Management |
MPLS[-TP] Lock-Instruct Lock-Instruct (LI) Protocol | mplstp_lock | MPLS-TP Lock-Instruct |
MPLS[-TP] Protection State Coordination (PSC) Protocol | mpls_psc | PSC |
MPTCP | mptcp | Multipath Transmission Control Protocol |
MQ | mq | WebSphere MQ |
MQ PCF | mqpcf | WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats |
MQTT | mqtt | MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol |
MQTT-SN | mqttsn | MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol for Sensor Networks |
MRCPv2 | mrcpv2 | Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2) |
MRDISC | mrdisc | Multicast Router DISCovery protocol |
MRP-MMRP | mrp-mmrp | Multiple Mac Registration Protocol |
MRP-MSRP | mrp-msrp | Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol |
MRP-MVRP | mrp-mvrp | Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol |
MS NLB | msnlb | MS Network Load Balancing |
MS Proxy | msproxy | MS Proxy Protocol |
MS-WSP | mswsp | Windows Search Protocol |
mscml | mscml | Media Server Control Markup Language - draft 07 |
MSDP | msdp | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol |
MsgPack | msgpack | Message Pack |
MSMMS | msmms | Microsoft Media Server |
MSNIP | msnip | MSNIP: Multicast Source Notification of Interest Protocol |
MSNMS | msnms | MSN Messenger Service |
MSRP | msrp | Message Session Relay Protocol |
MTP over NW UDP | nw_mtp | NexusWare C7 MTP |
MTP2 | mtp2 | Message Transfer Part Level 2 |
MTP3 | mtp3 | Message Transfer Part Level 3 |
MTP3MG | mtp3mg | Message Transfer Part Level 3 Management |
MUDURL | mudurl | MUDURL |
MUX27010 | mux27010 | MUX27010 Protocol |
MySQL | mysql | MySQL Protocol |
Nano | nano | Nano Cryptocurrency Protocol |
NAS-5GS | nas-5gs | Non-Access-Stratum 5GS (NAS)PDU |
NAS-EPS | nas-eps | Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU |
NASDAQ-ITCH | nasdaq_itch | Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH |
NASDAQ-SOUP | nasdaq_soup | Nasdaq-SoupTCP version 2.0 |
NAT-PMP | nat-pmp | NAT Port Mapping Protocol |
NB_RTPMUX | nb_rtpmux | 3GPP Nb Interface RTP Multiplex |
NBAP | nbap | UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling |
NBD | nbd | Network Block Device |
NBDS | nbdgm | NetBIOS Datagram Service |
NBIFOM | nbifom | Network-Based IP Flow Mobility |
NBIPX | nbipx | NetBIOS over IPX |
NBNS | nbns | NetBIOS Name Service |
NBP | nbp | Name Binding Protocol |
NBSS | nbss | NetBIOS Session Service |
NCP | ncp | NetWare Core Protocol |
NCS | ncs | Novell Cluster Services |
NDMP | ndmp | Network Data Management Protocol |
NDP | ndp | Nortel Discovery Protocol |
NDPS | ndps | Novell Distributed Print System |
NEGOEX | negoex | SPNEGO Extended Negotiation Security Mechanism |
NET/ROM | netrom | Amateur Radio NET/ROM |
netANALYZER | netanalyzer | netANALYZER |
NetBIOS | netbios | NetBIOS |
NETDFS | netdfs | Settings for Microsoft Distributed File System |
Netdump | netdump | Netdump Protocol |
netfilter | netlink-netfilter | Linux netlink netfilter protocol |
NETLINK | netlink | Linux netlink protocol |
NetMon 802.11 | netmon_802_11 | NetMon 802.11 capture header |
NetMon Event | netmon_event | Network Monitor Event |
NetMon Filter | netmon_filter | Network Monitor Filter |
NetMon Header | netmon_header | Network Monitor Header |
NetMon Network Info | netmon_network_info | Network Monitor Network Info |
NetMon Process | netmon_process | Network Monitor Process |
NetMon System Config | netmon_system_config | Network Monitor System Config |
NetMon System Trace | netmon_system_trace | Network Monitor System Trace |
NetPerfMeterProtocol | npmp | NetPerfMeter Protocol |
Netrix | netrix | Netrix Communication Protocol |
NetScaler HA | nstrace.ha | NetScaler HA Protocol |
NetScaler MEP | nstrace.mep | NetScaler Metric Exchange Protocol |
NetScaler RPC | nstrace.rpc | NetScaler RPC Protocol |
Netsync | netsync | Monotone Netsync |
nettl | nettl | HP-UX Network Tracing and Logging |
NEWMAIL | newmail | Microsoft Exchange New Mail Notification |
NFAPI | nfapi | Nfapi |
NFLOG | nflog | Linux Netfilter NFLOG |
NFS | nfs | Network File System |
NFSACL | nfsacl | NFSACL |
NFSAUTH | nfsauth | NFSAUTH |
NGAP | ngap | NG Application Protocol |
NGE | nge | Netgear Ensemble Protocol |
NHRP | nhrp | NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol |
NIS+ | nisplus | NIS+ |
NIS+ CB | nispluscb | NIS+ Callback |
NIST_CSOR | nist_csor | NIST_CSOR |
NJACK | njack | 3com Network Jack |
nl80211 | nl80211 | Linux 802.11 Netlink |
NLM | nlm | Network Lock Manager Protocol |
NLSP | nlsp | NetWare Link Services Protocol |
NMAS | nmas | Novell Modular Authentication Service |
NMPI | nmpi | Name Management Protocol over IPX |
NNTP | nntp | Network News Transfer Protocol |
NOE | noe | NOE Protocol |
NORDIC_BLE | nordic_ble | Nordic BLE Sniffer |
NORM | norm | Negative-acknowledgment Oriented Reliable Multicast |
novell_pkis | novell_pkis | Novell PKIS ASN.1 type |
NR | nr | QNX6 QNET Network Resolver protocol |
NR RRC | nr-rrc | NR Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol |
NS Trace | ns | NetScaler Trace |
NS_CERT_EXTS | ns_cert_exts | NetScape Certificate Extensions |
NSH | nsh | Network Service Header |
NSPI | nspi | Exchange 5.5 Name Service Provider |
NSRP | nsrp | Juniper Netscreen Redundant Protocol |
NTLMSSP | ntlmssp | NTLM Secure Service Provider |
NTP | ntp | Network Time Protocol |
Null | null | Null/Loopback |
Number-string decoding error | _ws.number_string.decoding_error | Number-String Decoding Error |
nvme | nvme | NVM Express |
NVMe Fabrics RDMA | nvme-rdma | NVM Express Fabrics RDMA |
NW_SERIAL | nw_serial | NetWare Serialization Protocol |
NWP | nwp | Neighborhood Watch Protocol |
NXP 802154 Sniffer | nxp_802154_sniffer | NXP 802.15.4 Sniffer Protocol |
OAM AAL | oamaal | ATM OAM AAL |
OBD-II | obd-ii | OBD-II PID |
OBEX | obex | OBEX Protocol |
OCFS2 | ocfs2 | OCFS2 Networking |
OCSP | ocsp | Online Certificate Status Protocol |
OER | oer | Octet Encoding Rules (ASN.1) |
OICQ | oicq | OICQ - IM software, popular in China |
OIPF CI+ | oipf.ciplus | Open IPTV Forum CSPG-CI+ |
OLSR | olsr | Optimized Link State Routing Protocol |
OMAPI | omapi | ISC Object Management API |
OMRON-FINS | omron | OMRON FINS Protocol |
OPA | opa | Intel Omni-Path |
OPA FE | opa.fe | Intel Omni-Path FE Header - Omni-Path Fabric Excutive Header |
OPA MAD | opa.mad | Intel Omni-Path MAD |
OPA SnC | opa.snc | Intel Omni-Path SnC - Omni-Path Snoop and Capture MetaData Header |
OpcUa | opcua | OpcUa Binary Protocol |
OpenFlow | openflow | OpenFlow |
openflow_v1 | openflow_v1 | OpenFlow 1.0 |
openflow_v4 | openflow_v4 | OpenFlow 1.3 |
openflow_v5 | openflow_v5 | OpenFlow 1.4 |
openflow_v6 | openflow_v6 | OpenFlow 1.5 |
openSAFETY | opensafety | openSAFETY |
openSAFETY ov. UDP | opensafety_udp | openSAFETY over UDP |
OpenThread | openthread | OpenThread |
OpenVPN | openvpn | OpenVPN Protocol |
OpenWire | openwire | OpenWire |
OPSI | opsi | Open Policy Service Interface |
OptoMMP | optommp | OptoMMP |
Organization Specific Slow Protocol | ossp | OSSP |
OSC | osc | Open Sound Control Encoding |
OSCORE | oscore | Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments |
OSI | osi | OSI |
OSPF | ospf | Open Shortest Path First |
OUCH | ouch | OUCH |
OWAMP-Test | owamp.test | One-way Active Measurement Protocol |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
P1 | p1 | X.411 Message Transfer Service |
P22 | p22 | X.420 Information Object |
P3 | p3 | X.411 Message Access Service |
P7 | p7 | X.413 Message Store Service |
P772 | p772 | STANAG 4406 Message |
P_MUL | p_mul | P_Mul (ACP142) |
PacketBB | packetbb | PacketBB Protocol |
PACKETCABLE | packetcable_avps | PacketCable AVPs |
PAGP | pagp | Port Aggregation Protocol |
Paltalk | paltalk | Paltalk Messenger Protocol |
PANA | pana | Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access |
PAPI | papi | Aruba PAPI |
PARLAY | giop-parlay | Parlay Dissector Using GIOP API |
Pathport | pathport | Pathport Protocol |
PCAP | pcap | UTRAN Iupc interface Positioning Calculation Application Part (PCAP) |
pcap_pktdata | pcap_pktdata | pcap/pcapng packet data |
PCAPNG | pcapng | Pcapng block |
PCEP | pcep | Path Computation Element communication Protocol |
PCLI | pcli | Packet Cable Lawful Intercept |
PCNFSD | pcnfsd | PC NFS |
PCOM ASCII | pcomascii | PCOM ASCII |
PCOM BINARY | pcombinary | PCOM BINARY |
PCOM/TCP | pcomtcp | PCOM/TCP |
PCP | pcp | Performance Co-Pilot |
PDC | pdc | PDC Protocol |
PDCP-LTE | pdcp-lte | PDCP-LTE |
PDCP-NR | pdcp-nr | PDCP-NR |
PEEKREMOTE | peekremote | AiroPeek/OmniPeek encapsulated IEEE 802.11 |
PER | per | Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.691) |
PFCP | pfcp | Packet Forwarding Control Protocol |
PFLOG | pflog | OpenBSD Packet Filter log file |
PFLOG-OLD | pflog-old | OpenBSD Packet Filter log file, pre 3.4 |
PGM | pgm | Pragmatic General Multicast |
PGSQL | pgsql | PostgreSQL |
PIM | pim | Protocol Independent Multicast |
PingPongProtocol | pingpongprotocol | Ping Pong Protocol |
PKCS-1 | pkcs-1 | PKCS#1 |
PKCS10 | pkcs10 | PKCS10 Certification Request |
PKCS12 | pkcs12 | PKCS#12: Personal Information Exchange |
PKInit | pkinit | PKINIT |
PKIX Certificate | pkix-cert | PKIX CERT File Format |
PKIX1EXPLICIT | pkix1explicit | PKIX1Explicit |
PKIX1IMPLICIT | pkix1implicit | PKIX1Implitit |
PKIXAC | pkixac | PKIX Attribute Certificate |
PKIXPROXY | pkixproxy | PKIXProxy (RFC3820) |
PKIXQUALIFIED | pkixqualified | PKIX Qualified |
PKIXTSP | pkixtsp | PKIX Time Stamp Protocol |
PKT CCC | pkt_ccc | PacketCable Call Content Connection |
PKTAP | pktap | PKTAP packet header |
PKTC | pktc | PacketCable |
PKTC MTA FQDN | pktc.mtafqdn | PacketCable MTA FQDN |
PKTGEN | pktgen | Linux Kernel Packet Generator |
PKTLOG | packetlogger | PacketLogger |
PMPROXY | pmproxy | Performance Co-Pilot Proxy |
PN-DCP | pn_dcp | PROFINET DCP |
PN-MRP | pn_mrp | PROFINET MRP |
PN-RT | pn_rt | PROFINET Real-Time Protocol |
PN532 | pn532 | NXP PN532 |
PN532_HCI | pn532_hci | NXP PN532 HCI |
PNG | png | Portable Network Graphics |
PNIO | pn_io | PROFINET IO |
PNP | pnp | Microsoft Plug and Play service |
PNRP | pnrp | Peer Name Resolution Protocol |
poc-settings | poc-settings | poc-settings XML doc (RFC 4354) |
POP | pop | Post Office Protocol |
Port Control | portcontrol | Port Control Protocol |
Portmap | portmap | Portmap |
PPCAP | ppcap | Proprietary PCAP |
PPI | ppi | PPI Packet Header |
PPI antenna Decoder | ppi_antenna | PPI antenna decoder |
PPI GPS Decoder | ppi_gps | PPI Geotagging GPS tag decoder |
PPI sensor Decoder | ppi_sensor | PPI sensor decoder |
PPI vector Decoder | ppi_vector | PPI vector decoder |
PPP | ppp | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PPP BACP | bacp | PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol |
PPP BAP | bap | PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol |
PPP BCP BPDU | bcp_bpdu | PPP Bridging Control Protocol Bridged PDU |
PPP BCP NCP | bcp_ncp | PPP Bridging Control Protocol Network Control Protocol |
PPP CBCP | cbcp | PPP Callback Control Protocol |
PPP CCP | ccp | PPP Compression Control Protocol |
PPP CDPCP | cdpcp | PPP CDP Control Protocol |
PPP CHAP | chap | PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
PPP Comp | comp_data | PPP Compressed Datagram |
PPP IPCP | ipcp | PPP IP Control Protocol |
PPP IPV6CP | ipv6cp | PPP IPv6 Control Protocol |
PPP LCP | lcp | PPP Link Control Protocol |
PPP MP | mp | PPP Multilink Protocol |
PPP MPLSCP | mplscp | PPP MPLS Control Protocol |
PPP OSINLCP | osinlcp | PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol |
PPP PAP | pap | PPP Password Authentication Protocol |
PPP PPPMux | pppmux | PPP Multiplexing |
PPP PPPMuxCP | pppmuxcp | PPPMux Control Protocol |
PPP VSNP | vsnp | Vendor Specific Network Protocol |
PPP-HDLC | ppp_hdlc | PPP In HDLC-Like Framing |
PPPoE | pppoe | PPP-over-Ethernet |
PPPoED | pppoed | PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery |
PPPoES | pppoes | PPP-over-Ethernet Session |
PPTP | pptp | Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol |
PrAP | prap | Printer Access Protocol |
PRES | pres | ISO 8823 OSI Presentation Protocol |
presence | presence | presence XML doc (RFC 3863) |
Prism | prism | Prism capture header |
ProtoBuf | protobuf | Protocol Buffers |
PROXY | proxy | PROXY Protocol |
PRP | prp | Parallel Redundancy Protocol (IEC62439 Part 3) |
PTP | ptp | Precision Time Protocol (IEEE1588) |
PTP/IP | ptpip | Picture Transfer Protocol Over IP |
PULSE | pulse | PULSE protocol for Linux Virtual Server redundancy |
PVFS | pvfs | Parallel Virtual File System |
PW Associated Channel | pwach | PW Associated Channel Header |
PW Associated Management Communication Channel | mcc | Management Communication Channel (MCC) |
PW Padding | pw.padding | Pseudowire Padding |
PW-OAM Pseudo-Wire OAM Protocol | pw_oam | Pseudo-Wire OAM |
Q.2931 | q2931 | Q.2931 |
Q.708 | q708 | ITU-T Q.708 ISPC Analysis |
Q.931 | q931 | Q.931 |
Q.933 | q933 | Q.933 |
Q932 | q932 | Q.932 |
Q932.ROS | q932.ros | Q.932 Operations Service Element |
QLLC | qllc | Qualified Logical Link Control |
QOS | qos | QNX6 QNET QOS protocol |
QSIG | qsig | QSIG |
QUAKE | quake | Quake Network Protocol |
QUAKE2 | quake2 | Quake II Network Protocol |
QUAKE3 | quake3 | Quake III Arena Network Protocol |
QUAKEWORLD | quakeworld | QuakeWorld Network Protocol |
QUIC | quic | QUIC IETF |
R-STP | r-stp | Retix Spanning Tree Protocol |
R3 | r3 | Assa Abloy R3 |
RADIUS | radius | RADIUS Protocol |
RakNet | raknet | RakNet game networking protocol |
RANAP | ranap | Radio Access Network Application Part |
Raw | raw | Raw packet data |
Raw Application Parameters | obex.parameter.raw | OBEX Raw Application Parameters |
Raw_SigComp | raw_sigcomp | Decompressed SigComp message as raw text |
Raw_SIP | raw_sip | Session Initiation Protocol (SIP as raw text) |
Rbm | rbm | Ruby Marshal Object |
rdaclif | rdaclif | DCE/RPC Directory Acl Interface |
RDC | rdc | H.282 Remote Device Control |
RDM | rdm | Remote Device Management |
RDP | rdp | Remote Desktop Protocol |
RDT | rdt | Real Data Transport |
Redback | redback | Redback |
RedbackLI | redbackli | Redback Lawful Intercept |
reginfo | reginfo | Reginfo XML doc (RFC 3680) |
RELOAD | reload | REsource LOcation And Discovery |
RELOAD FRAMING | reload-framing | REsource LOcation And Discovery Framing |
REMACT | remact | DCOM IRemoteActivation |
REP_PROC | rep_proc | DCE DFS Replication Server |
RFC2190 | rfc2190 | H.263 RTP Payload header (RFC2190) |
rfc7468 | rfc7468 | RFC 7468 file format |
RFR | rfr | Exchange 2003 Directory Request For Response |
RFtap | rftap | RFtap Protocol |
RGMP | rgmp | Router-port Group Management Protocol |
Riemann | riemann | Riemann |
RIP | rip | Routing Information Protocol |
RIPng | ripng | RIPng |
RLC | rlc | Radio Link Control |
RLC-LTE | rlc-lte | RLC-LTE |
RLC-NR | rlc-nr | RLC-NR |
RLM | rlm | Redundant Link Management Protocol |
Rlogin | rlogin | Rlogin Protocol |
RMCP | rmcp | Remote Management Control Protocol |
RMI | rmi | Java RMI |
RMP | rmp | HP Remote Maintenance Protocol |
RMT-FEC | rmt-fec | Forward Error Correction (FEC) |
RMT-LCT | rmt-lct | Layered Coding Transport |
RNSAP | rnsap | UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Application Part |
ROHC | rohc | RObust Header Compression (ROHC) |
Roofnet | roofnet | Roofnet Protocol |
ROS | ros | X.880 OSI Remote Operations Service |
roverride | roverride | Remote Override interface |
RPC | rpc | Remote Procedure Call |
RPC_BROWSER | rpc_browser | RPC Browser |
RPC_NETLOGON | rpc_netlogon | Microsoft Network Logon |
RPCAP | rpcap | Remote Packet Capture |
RPCoRDMA | rpcordma | RPC over RDMA |
RPKI-Router Protocol | rpkirtr | RPKI-Router Protocol |
RPL | rpl | Remote Program Load |
rpriv | rpriv | Privilege Server operations |
RQUOTA | rquota | Remote Quota |
RRAS | rras | Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service |
RRC | rrc | Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol |
RRLP | rrlp | Radio Resource LCS Protocol (RRLP) |
RS_ACCT | rs_acct | DCE/RPC RS_ACCT |
RS_ATTR | rs_attr | Registry Server Attributes Manipulation Interface |
rs_attr_schema | rs_attr_schema | DCE/RPC Registry Server Attributes Schema |
RS_BIND | rs_bind | DCE/RPC RS_BIND |
rs_misc | rs_misc | DCE/RPC RS_MISC |
RS_PGO | rs_pgo | DCE Name Service |
RS_PLCY | rs_plcy | RS Interface properties |
rs_prop_acct | rs_prop_acct | DCE/RPC RS_PROP_ACCT |
rs_prop_acl | rs_prop_acl | DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - ACLs |
rs_prop_attr | rs_prop_attr | DCE/RPC Prop Attr |
rs_prop_pgo | rs_prop_pgo | DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - PGO items |
rs_prop_plcy | rs_prop_plcy | DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - properties and policies |
rs_pwd_mgmt | rs_pwd_mgmt | DCE/RPC Registry Password Management |
RS_REPADM | rs_repadm | Registry server administration operations. |
RS_REPLIST | rs_replist | DCE/RPC Repserver Calls |
rs_repmgr | rs_repmgr | DCE/RPC Operations between registry server replicas |
RS_UNIX | rs_unix | DCE/RPC RS_UNIX |
rsec_login | rsec_login | Remote sec_login preauth interface. |
RSH | rsh | Remote Shell |
RSIP | rsip | Realm Specific IP Protocol |
RSL | gsm_abis_rsl | Radio Signalling Link (RSL) |
RSP | rsp | RMCP Security-extensions Protocol |
rss | rss | rss |
RSTAT | rstat | RSTAT |
RSVD | rsvd | Remote Shared Virtual Disk |
RSVP | rsvp | Resource ReserVation Protocol (RSVP) |
RSYNC | rsync | RSYNC File Synchroniser |
RTAC Serial | rtacser | RTAC Serial |
RTCDC | rtcdc | WebRTC Datachannel Protocol |
RTcfg | rtcfg | RTcfg |
RTCP | rtcp | Real-time Transport Control Protocol |
RTITCP | rtitcp | RTI TCP Transport Protocol |
RTLS | rtls | Real Time Location System |
RTmac | rtmac | Real-Time Media Access Control |
RTMP | rtmp | Routing Table Maintenance Protocol |
RTMPT | rtmpt | Real Time Messaging Protocol |
rtnetlink | netlink-route | Linux rtnetlink (route netlink) protocol |
RTP | rtp | Real-Time Transport Protocol |
RTP Event | rtpevent | RFC 2833 RTP Event |
RTP-ED137 | rtp.ext.ed137 | Real-Time Transport Protocol ED137 Extensions |
RTP-MIDI | rtpmidi | RFC 4695/6295 RTP-MIDI |
RTPproxy | rtpproxy | Sippy RTPproxy Protocol |
RTPS | rtps | Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol |
RTSE | rtse | X.228 OSI Reliable Transfer Service |
RTSP | rtsp | Real Time Streaming Protocol |
RUA | rua | UTRAN Iuh interface RUA signalling |
RUDP | rudp | Reliable UDP |
RWALL | rwall | Remote Wall protocol |
RX | rx | RX Protocol |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
S101 | s101 | S101 |
S1AP | s1ap | S1 Application Protocol |
S7COMM | s7comm | S7 Communication |
SABP | sabp | UTRAN IuBC interface SABP signaling |
SADMIND | sadmind | SADMIND |
SAMETIME | sametime | Sametime Protocol |
SAMR | samr | SAMR (pidl) |
SAP | sap | Session Announcement Protocol |
SASP | sasp | Server/Application State Protocol |
SAToP (no RTP) | pwsatopcw | SAToP (no RTP support) |
SBC | sbc | Bluetooth SBC Codec |
SBCAP | sbcap | SBc Application Part |
SBUS | sbus | SAIA S-Bus |
SCCP | sccp | Signalling Connection Control Part |
SCCPMG | sccpmg | Signalling Connection Control Part Management |
SCoP | scop | ZigBee SCoP |
SCSI | scsi | SCSI |
SCSI_MMC | scsi_mmc | SCSI_MMC |
SCSI_OSD | scsi_osd | SCSI_OSD |
SCSI_SBC | scsi_sbc | SCSI_SBC |
SCSI_SMC | scsi_smc | SCSI_SMC |
SCSI_SSC | scsi_ssc | SCSI_SSC |
SCTE 35 | scte35 | SCTE-35 Splice Information |
SCTE35 PC | scte35_private_command | SCTE-35 Private Command |
SCTE35 SI | scte35_si | SCTE-35 Splice Insert |
SCTE35 SS | scte35_splice_schedule | SCTE-35 Splice Schedule |
SCTE35 TS | scte35_time | SCTE-35 Time Signal |
SCTP | sctp | Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
SDAP | sdap | SDAP |
SDH | sdh | SDH/SONET Protocol |
SDLC | sdlc | Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) |
SDP | sdp | Session Description Protocol |
SEBEK | sebek | SEBEK - Kernel Data Capture |
SECIDMAP | secidmap | DCE Security ID Mapper |
SEL Protocol | selfm | SEL Protocol |
SERCOS III V1.1 | siii | SERCOS III V1.1 |
SES | ses | ISO 8327-1 OSI Session Protocol |
sFlow | sflow | InMon sFlow |
SGI MOUNT | sgimount | SGI Mount Service |
SGSAP | sgsap | SGs Application Part (SGsAP) |
Shim6 | shim6 | Shim6 Protocol |
Short frame | _ws.short | Short Frame |
SIGCOMP | sigcomp | Signaling Compression |
SIMPLE | simple | Standard Interface for Multiple Platform Link Evaluation |
SIMULCRYPT | simulcrypt | SIMULCRYPT Protocol |
SIP | sip | Session Initiation Protocol |
SIPFRAG | sipfrag | Sipfrag |
SIR | sir | Serial Infrared |
SITA | sita | Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques |
SKINNY | skinny | Skinny Client Control Protocol |
SKYPE | skype | SKYPE |
SLARP | slarp | Cisco SLARP |
SliMP3 | slimp3 | SliMP3 Communication Protocol |
SLL | sll | Linux cooked-mode capture |
SM | sm | Cisco Session Management |
SMB | smb | SMB (Server Message Block Protocol) |
SMB Mailslot | mailslot | SMB MailSlot Protocol |
SMB Pipe | smb_pipe | SMB Pipe Protocol |
SMB2 | smb2 | SMB2 (Server Message Block Protocol version 2) |
SMB_NETLOGON | smb_netlogon | Microsoft Windows Logon Protocol (Old) |
SMBDirect | smb_direct | SMB-Direct (SMB RDMA Transport) |
SMCR | smcr | Shared Memory Communications - RDMA |
smil | smil | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language |
SML | sml | Smart Message Language |
SMP | smp | Session Multiplex Protocol |
SMPP | smpp | Short Message Peer to Peer |
SMRSE | smrse | Short Message Relaying Service |
SMTP | smtp | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SMUX | smux | SNMP Multiplex Protocol |
SNA | sna | Systems Network Architecture |
SNA XID | sna_xid | Systems Network Architecture XID |
SNAETH | snaeth | SNA-over-Ethernet |
SNDCP | sndcp | Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol |
SNDCP XID | sndcpxid | Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol XID |
SNMP | snmp | Simple Network Management Protocol |
Snort | snort | Snort Alerts |
sock_diag | netlink-sock_diag | Linux netlink sock diag protocol |
Socks | socks | Socks Protocol |
SolarEdge | solaredge | SolarEdge monitoring protocol |
SoulSeek | slsk | SoulSeek Protocol |
SoupBinTCP | soupbintcp | SoupBinTCP |
SPDY | spdy | SPDY |
Spice | spice | Spice protocol |
SPNEGO | spnego | Simple Protected Negotiation |
SPNEGO-KRB5 | spnego-krb5 | SPNEGO-KRB5 |
SPOOLSS | spoolss | Microsoft Spool Subsystem |
SPP | spp | Sequenced Packet Protocol |
SPRAY | spray | SPRAY |
SPRT | sprt | Simple Packet Relay Transport |
SPX | spx | Sequenced Packet eXchange |
SRP | srp | H.324/SRP |
SRT | srt | SRT Protocol |
SRVLOC | srvloc | Service Location Protocol |
SRVSVC | srvsvc | Server Service |
SSCF-NNI | sscf-nni | SSCF-NNI |
SSCOP | sscop | SSCOP |
SSDP | ssdp | Simple Service Discovery Protocol |
SSH | ssh | SSH Protocol |
SSP | ssp | Scripting Service Protocol |
SSS | sss | Novell SecretStore Services |
SSTP | sstp | Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol |
STANAG 4607 | s4607 | STANAG 4607 (GMTI Format) |
STANAG 5066 DTS | s5066dts | STANAG 5066(DTS layer) |
STANAG 5066 SIS | s5066sis | STANAG 5066 (SIS layer) |
StarTeam | starteam | StarTeam |
STAT | stat | Network Status Monitor Protocol |
STAT-CB | statnotify | Network Status Monitor CallBack Protocol |
STCSIG | stcsig | Spirent Test Center Signature |
Steam IHS Discovery | steam_ihs_discovery | Steam In-Home Streaming Discovery Protocol |
STP | stp | Spanning Tree Protocol |
String errors | _ws.string | String Errors |
STT | stt | Stateless Transport Tunneling |
STUN | stun | Session Traversal Utilities for NAT |
SUA | sua | SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer |
SV | sv | IEC61850 Sampled Values |
SVCCTL | svcctl | Microsoft Service Control |
swIPe | swipe | swIPe IP Security Protocol |
Symantec | symantec | Symantec Enterprise Firewall |
SYNC | sync | MBMS synchronisation protocol |
SYNCHROPHASOR | synphasor | IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasor Protocol |
Synergy | synergy | Synergy |
Syscall | syscall | System Call |
Sysdig Event | sysdig | Sysdig System Call |
SYSEX | sysex | MIDI System Exclusive |
Syslog | syslog | Syslog message |
systemd Journal | systemd_journal | systemd Journal Entry |
T.30 | t30 | T.30 |
T.38 | t38 | T.38 |
TACACS | tacacs | TACACS |
TACACS+ | tacplus | TACACS+ |
TALI | tali | Transport Adapter Layer Interface v1.0, RFC 3094 |
TANGO | giop-tango | Tango Dissector Using GIOP API |
TAPA | tapa | Trapeze Access Point Access Protocol |
TAPI | tapi | Microsoft Telephony API Service |
TC-NV | tc_nv | TwinCAT NV |
TCAP | tcap | Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
TCG_CP_OIDS | tcg_cp_oids | TCG_CP_OIDS |
TCP | tcp | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCPCL | tcpcl | DTN TCP Convergence Layer Protocol |
TCPENCAP | tcpencap | TCP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets |
TCPROS | tcpros | TCP based Robot Operating System protocol (TCPROS) |
TDMA | tdma | TDMA RTmac Discipline |
TDMoE | tdmoe | Digium TDMoE Protocol |
TDMoP | tdmop | TDMoP protocol |
TDS | tds | Tabular Data Stream |
TeamSpeak2 | ts2 | Teamspeak2 Protocol |
TEI_MANAGEMENT | tei_management | TEI Management Procedure, Channel D (LAPD) |
TEKLINK | teklink | TEKLINK |
TELKONET | telkonet | Telkonet powerline |
TELNET | telnet | Telnet |
Teredo | teredo | Teredo IPv6 over UDP tunneling |
TETRA | tetra | TETRA Protocol |
TFP | tfp | Tinkerforge Protocol |
TFTP | tftp | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
Thread | thread | Thread |
Thread Address | thread_address | Thread Address |
Thread Beacon | thread_bcn | Thread Beacon |
Thread CoAP | thread_coap | Thread CoAP |
Thread Diagnostics | thread_diagnostic | Thread Diagnostics |
Thread MeshCoP | thread_meshcop | Thread MeshCoP |
Thread NWD | thread_nwd | Thread Network Data |
Thrift | thrift | Thrift Protocol |
Tibia | tibia | Tibia Protocol |
TIME | time | Time Protocol |
TIPC | tipc | Transparent Inter Process Communication(TIPC) |
TiVoConnect | tivoconnect | TiVoConnect Discovery Protocol |
TKN4Int | tkn4int | DCE DFS Token Server |
TLS | tls | Transport Layer Security |
TMode | tmode | Serial Terminal Mode Interface |
TN3270 | tn3270 | TN3270 Protocol |
TN5250 | tn5250 | TN5250 Protocol |
TNEF | tnef | Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format |
TNS | tns | Transparent Network Substrate Protocol |
Token-Ring | tr | Token-Ring |
TPCP | tpcp | Alteon - Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol |
TPKT | tpkt | TPKT - ISO on TCP - RFC1006 |
TPM2.0 | tpm | TPM2.0 Protocol |
TPNCP | tpncp | AudioCodes TPNCP (TrunkPack Network Control Protocol) |
TR MAC | trmac | Token-Ring Media Access Control |
TRANSUM | transum | TRANSUM RTE Data |
TRILL | trill | TRILL |
TRKSVR | trksvr | Microsoft Distributed Link Tracking Server Service |
TSDNS | tsdns | TeamSpeak3 DNS |
TSP | tsp | Time Synchronization Protocol |
TTE | tte | TTEthernet |
TTE PCF | tte_pcf | TTEthernet Protocol Control Frame |
TTP | ttp | Tiny Transport Protocol |
Turbocell | turbocell | Turbocell Header |
Turbocell Aggregate Data | turbocell_aggregate | Turbocell Aggregate Data |
TURNCHANNEL | turnchannel | TURN Channel |
TUXEDO | tuxedo | BEA Tuxedo |
TWAMP-Control | twamp.control | TwoWay Active Measurement Control Protocol |
TWAMP-Test | twamp.test | TwoWay Active Measurement Test Protocol |
Type length mismatch | _ws.type_length | Type Length Mismatch |
TZSP | tzsp | Tazmen Sniffer Protocol |
U3V | u3v | USB 3 Vision |
UA | ua | Universal Alcatel Protocol |
UA3G | ua3g | UA3G Message |
UASIP | uasip | UA/SIP Protocol |
UAUDP | uaudp | UA/UDP Encapsulation Protocol |
UBDP | ubdp | Ubiquiti Discovery Protocol |
UBERTOOTH | ubertooth | Ubertooth |
UCP | ucp | Universal Computer Protocol |
UDLD | udld | Unidirectional Link Detection |
UDP | udp | User Datagram Protocol |
UDP-Lite | udplite | Lightweight User Datagram Protocol |
UDPENCAP | udpencap | UDP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets |
UDS | uds | Unified Diagnostic Services |
UDT | udt | UDT Protocol |
UFTP | uftp | UDP based FTP w/ multicast |
UFTP4 | uftp4 | UDP based FTP w/ multicast V4 |
UHD | uhd | UHD |
ULP | ulp | OMA UserPlane Location Protocol |
UMA | uma | Unlicensed Mobile Access |
UNISTIM | unistim | UNISTIM Protocol |
Unreassembled fragmented packet | _ws.unreassembled | Unreassembled Fragmented Packet |
URL Encoded Form Data | urlencoded-form | HTML Form URL Encoded |
USB | usb | USB |
USB DFU | usbdfu | USB Device Firmware Upgrade |
USBAUDIO | usbaudio | USB Audio |
USBCCID | usbccid | USB CCID |
USBCOM | usbcom | USB Communications and CDC Control |
USBHID | usbhid | USB HID |
USBHUB | usbhub | USB HUB |
USBIP | usbip | USBIP Protocol |
USBMS | usbms | USB Mass Storage |
USBPort | usbport | USBPort |
USBVIDEO | usbvideo | USB Video |
UserLog | userlog | UserLog Protocol |
UTS | uts | Unisys Transmittal System |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
V.120 | v120 | Async data over ISDN (V.120) |
v150fw | v150fw | v150fw State Signaling Event |
V5.2 | v52 | V5.2 |
V5DL | v5dl | V5 Data Link Layer |
v5ef | v5ef | V5 Envelope Function (v5ef) |
V5UA | v5ua | V5.2-User Adaptation Layer |
VCDU | vcdu | VCDU |
VDP21 | vdp21 | VSI protocol |
VICP | vicp | LeCroy VICP |
VINES | vines | VINES |
Vines ARP | vines_arp | Banyan Vines ARP |
Vines Echo | vines_echo | Banyan Vines Echo |
Vines FRP | vines_frp | Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol |
Vines ICP | vines_icp | Banyan Vines ICP |
Vines IP | vines_ip | Banyan Vines IP |
Vines IPC | vines_ipc | Banyan Vines IPC |
Vines LLC | vines_llc | Banyan Vines LLC |
Vines RTP | vines_rtp | Banyan Vines RTP |
Vines SPP | vines_spp | Banyan Vines SPP |
VITA 49 | vrt | VITA 49 radio transport protocol |
VLAN | vlan | 802.1Q Virtual LAN |
VMLAB | vmlab | VMware Lab Manager |
VNC | vnc | Virtual Network Computing |
VNTAG | vntag | VN-Tag |
VP8 | vp8 | VP8 |
VPP | vpp | VPP Dispatch Trace |
VPP-Metadata | vpp-metadata | VPP Buffer Metadata |
VPP-Opaque | vpp-opaque | VPP Buffer Opaque |
VPP-Opaque2 | vpp-opaque2 | VPP Buffer Opaque2 |
VPP-Trace | vpp-trace | VPP Buffer Trace |
VRRP | vrrp | Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol |
VSIP | vsip | Video Services over IP |
VSNCP | vsncp | Vendor Specific Control Protocol |
vsock | vsock | vSocket |
VSS-Monitoring | vssmonitoring | VSS-Monitoring ethernet trailer |
VTP | vtp | VLAN Trunking Protocol |
Vuze-DHT | vuze-dht | Vuze DHT Protocol |
VXI-11 Async | vxi11_async | VXI-11 Asynchronous Abort |
VXI-11 Core | vxi11_core | VXI-11 Core Protocol |
VXI-11 Intr | vxi11_intr | VXI-11 Interrupt |
VXLAN | vxlan | Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network |
WAI | wai | WAI Protocol |
WAP SIR | wap-sir | WAP Session Initiation Request |
WASSP | wassp | Wireless Access Station Session Protocol |
watcherinfo | watcherinfo | watcherinfo XML doc (RFC 3858) |
waveagent | waveagent | WaveAgent |
WBXML | wbxml | WAP Binary XML |
WCCP | wccp | Web Cache Communication Protocol |
WCP | wcp | Wellfleet Compression |
WebSocket | websocket | WebSocket |
WFD | wifi_display | Wi-Fi Display |
WHDLC | whdlc | Wellfleet HDLC |
WHO | who | Who |
WHOIS | whois | whois |
Wi-Fi DPP | dpp | Wi-Fi Device Provisioning Protocol |
Wi-Fi P2P | wifi_p2p | Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer |
Wi-SUN | wisun | Wi-SUN Field Area Network |
Wi-SUN EAPOL Relay | wisun.eapol_relay | Wi-SUN FAN EAPOL Relay |
Wi-SUN Netricity Segment | wisun.netricity.sc | Wi-SUN Netricity Segment |
Wi-SUN WM-SEC | wisun.sec | Wi-SUN FAN Security Extension |
WiMax (wmx) | wmx | WiMax Protocol |
WiMax AAS-BEAM | wmx.aas_beam | WiMax AAS-BEAM Messages |
WiMax AAS-FEEDBACK (aas) | wmx.aas | WiMax AAS-FEEDBACK Messages |
WiMax ARQ Feedback/Discard/Reset (arq) | wmx.arq | WiMax ARQ Feedback/Discard/Reset Messages |
WiMAX ASN CP | wimaxasncp | WiMAX ASN Control Plane Protocol |
WiMax CLK-CMP (clk) | wmx.clk | WiMax CLK-CMP Message |
WiMax DCD | wmx.dcd | WiMax DCD Messages |
WiMax DLMAP | wmx.dlmap | WiMax DLMAP Messages |
WiMax DREG-CMD | wmx.dreg_cmd | WiMax DREG-CMD Messages |
WiMax DREG-REQ | wmx.dreg_req | WiMax DREG-REQ Messages |
WiMax DSA | wmx.dsa | WiMax DSA Messages |
WiMax DSC | wmx.dsc | WiMax DSC Messages |
WiMax DSD | wmx.dsd | WiMax DSD Messages |
WiMax DSX-RVD (dsx_rvd) | wmx.dsx_rvd | WiMax DSX-RVD Message |
WiMax FPC (fpc) | wmx.fpc | WiMax FPC Message |
WiMax Generic/Type1/Type2 MAC Header (hdr) | wmx.hdr | WiMax Generic/Type1/Type2 MAC Header Messages |
WiMAX MAC-PHY | wimaxmacphy | WiMAX MAC-PHY over Ethernet |
WiMax PKM-REQ/RSP (pkm) | wmx.pkm | WiMax PKM-REQ/RSP Messages |
WiMax PMC-REQ | wmx.pmc_req | WiMax PMC-REQ Messages |
WiMax PMC-RSP | wmx.pmc_rsp | WiMax PMC-RSP Messages |
WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL (prc) | wmx.prc | WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL Message |
WiMax REG-REQ | wmx.reg_req | WiMax REG-REQ Messages |
WiMax REG-RSP | wmx.reg_rsp | WiMax REG-RSP Messages |
WiMax REP-REQ/RSP (rep) | wmx.rep | WiMax REP-REQ/RSP Messages |
WiMax RES-CMD (res) | wmx.res | WiMax RES-CMD Message |
WiMax RNG-REQ | wmx.rng_req | WiMax RNG-REQ Messages |
WiMax RNG-RSP | wmx.rng_rsp | WiMax RNG-RSP Messages |
WiMax SBC-REQ/RSP (sbc) | wmx.sbc | WiMax SBC-REQ/RSP Messages |
WiMax Sub-TLV (sub) | wmx.sub | WiMax Sub-TLV Messages |
WiMax UCD | wmx.ucd | WiMax UCD Messages |
WiMax ULMAP | wmx.ulmap | WiMax ULMAP Messages |
WINREG | winreg | Remote Registry Service |
WINS-Replication | winsrepl | WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) Replication |
WireGuard | wg | WireGuard Protocol |
WITNESS | witness | SMB Witness Service |
WKSSVC | wkssvc | Workstation Service |
WLANCERTEXTN | wlancertextn | Wlan Certificate Extension |
WLCCP | wlccp | Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol |
WOL | wol | Wake On LAN |
WOW | wow | World of Warcraft |
WPS | wps | Wifi Protected Setup |
WRETH | wreth | WSE remote ethernet |
WSMP | wsmp | Wave Short Message Protocol(IEEE P1609.3) |
WSP | wsp | Wireless Session Protocol |
WTLS | wtls | Wireless Transport Layer Security |
WTP | wtp | Wireless Transaction Protocol |
WZCSVC | wzcsvc | Wireless Configuration Service |
X-Rite i1 Display Pro | i1d3 | X-Rite i1 Display Pro (and derivatives) USB protocol |
X.25 | x25 | X.25 |
X.29 | x29 | X.29 |
X11 | x11 | X11 |
X2AP | x2ap | EUTRAN X2 Application Protocol (X2AP) |
X509AF | x509af | X.509 Authentication Framework |
X509CE | x509ce | X.509 Certificate Extensions |
X509IF | x509if | X.509 Information Framework |
X509SAT | x509sat | X.509 Selected Attribute Types |
xcap-caps | xcap-caps | XML Configuration Access Protocol Server Capabilities |
xcap-error | xcap-error | XCAP Error XML doc (RFC 4825) |
XCSL | xcsl | Call Specification Language (Xcsl) |
XDMCP | xdmcp | X Display Manager Control Protocol |
XIP | xip | eXpressive Internet Protocol |
XIP Serval | xipserval | XIP Serval |
XMCP | xmcp | eXtensible Messaging Client Protocol |
XML | xml | eXtensible Markup Language |
XMPP | xmpp | XMPP Protocol |
XnAP | xnap | NG-RAN Xn Application Protocol (XnAP) |
XOT | xot | X.25 over TCP |
XRA | xra | Excentis XRA header |
XTP | xtp | Xpress Transport Protocol |
XYPLEX | xyplex | Xyplex |
名前 | 表示フィルタ | 説明 |
YAMI | yami | YAMI Protocol |
YHOO | yhoo | Yahoo Messenger Protocol |
YMSG | ymsg | Yahoo YMSG Messenger Protocol |
YPBIND | ypbind | Yellow Pages Bind |
YPPASSWD | yppasswd | Yellow Pages Passwd |
YPSERV | ypserv | Yellow Pages Service |
YPXFR | ypxfr | Yellow Pages Transfer |
Z39.50 | z3950 | Z39.50 Protocol |
ZBOSS dump | wpan-zboss | ZBOSS IEEE 802.15.4 dump |
ZCL Alarms | zbee_zcl_general.alarms | ZigBee ZCL Alarms |
ZCL Analog Input Basic | zbee_zcl_general.analog.input.basic | ZigBee ZCL Analog Input Basic |
ZCL Analog Output Basic | zbee_zcl_general.analog.output.basic | ZigBee ZCL Analog Output Basic |
ZCL Analog Value Basic | zbee_zcl_general.analog.value.basic | ZigBee ZCL Analog Value Basic |
ZCL Appliance Control | zbee_zcl_general.applctrl | ZigBee ZCL Appliance Control |
ZCL Appliance Events & Alert | zbee_zcl_ha.applevtalt | ZigBee ZCL Appliance Events & Alert |
ZCL Appliance Identification | zbee_zcl_ha.applident | ZigBee ZCL Appliance Identification |
ZCL Appliance Statistics | zbee_zcl_ha.applstats | ZigBee ZCL Appliance Statistics |
ZCL Ballast Configuration | zbee_zcl_lighting.ballast_ctrl | ZigBee ZCL Ballast Configuration |
ZCL Basic | zbee_zcl_general.basic | ZigBee ZCL Basic |
ZCL Binary Input Basic | zbee_zcl_general.binary_input_basic | ZigBee ZCL Binary Input Basic |
ZCL Binary Output Basic | zbee_zcl_general.binary_output_basic | ZigBee ZCL Binary Output Basic |
ZCL Binary Value Basic | zbee_zcl_general.binary_value_basic | ZigBee ZCL Binary Value Basic |
ZCL Calendar | zbee_zcl_se.calendar | ZigBee ZCL Calendar |
ZCL Color Control | zbee_zcl_lighting.color_ctrl | ZigBee ZCL Color Control |
ZCL Commissioning | zbee_zcl_general.commissioning | ZigBee ZCL Commissioning |
ZCL Daily Schedule | zbee_zcl_se.daily_schedule | ZigBee ZCL Daily Schedule |
ZCL Dehumidification Control | zbee_zcl_hvac.dehum_ctrl | ZigBee ZCL Dehumidification Control |
ZCL Device Management | zbee_zcl_se.dm | ZigBee ZCL Device Management |
ZCL Device Temperature Configuration | zbee_zcl_general.device_temperature_config | ZigBee ZCL Device Temperature Configuration |
ZCL DLRC | zbee_zcl_se.drlc | ZigBee ZCL DLRC |
ZCL Door Lock | zbee_zcl_closures.door_lock | ZigBee ZCL Door Lock |
ZCL Energy Management | zbee_zcl_se.em | ZigBee ZCL Energy Management |
ZCL Events | zbee_zcl_se.events | ZigBee ZCL Events |
ZCL Fan Control | zbee_zcl_hvac.fan_ctrl | ZigBee ZCL Fan Control |
ZCL Flow Meas. | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.flowmeas | ZigBee ZCL Flow Meas. |
ZCL Green Power | zbee_zcl_general.gp | ZigBee ZCL Green Power |
ZCL Groups | zbee_zcl_general.groups | ZigBee ZCL Groups |
ZCL IAS ACE | zbee_zcl_ias.ace | ZigBee ZCL IAS ACE |
ZCL IAS WD | zbee_zcl_ias.wd | ZigBee ZCL IAS WD |
ZCL IAS Zone | zbee_zcl_ias.zone | ZigBee ZCL IAS Zone |
ZCL Identify | zbee_zcl_general.identify | ZigBee ZCL Identify |
ZCL Illuminance Level Sensing | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.illumlevelsen | ZigBee ZCL Illuminance Level Sensing |
ZCL Illuminance Meas. | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.illummeas | ZigBee ZCL Illuminance Meas. |
ZCL Keep-Alive | zbee_zcl_se.keep_alive | ZigBee ZCL Keep-Alive |
ZCL Key Establishment | zbee_zcl_se.ke | ZigBee ZCL Key Establishment |
ZCL Level Control | zbee_zcl_general.level_control | ZigBee ZCL Level Control |
ZCL MDU Pairing | zbee_zcl_se.mdu_pairing | ZigBee ZCL MDU Pairing |
ZCL Messaging | zbee_zcl_se.msg | ZigBee ZCL Messaging |
ZCL Meter Identification | zbee_zcl_ha.metidt | ZigBee ZCL Meter Identification |
ZCL Metering | zbee_zcl_se.met | ZigBee ZCL Metering |
ZCL Multistate Input Basic | zbee_zcl_general.multistate.input.basic | ZigBee ZCL Multistate Input Basic |
ZCL Multistate Output Basic | zbee_zcl_general.multistate.output.basic | ZigBee ZCL Multistate Output Basic |
ZCL Multistate Value Basic | zbee_zcl_general.multistate.value.basic | ZigBee ZCL Multistate Value Basic |
ZCL Occupancy Sensing | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.occsen | ZigBee ZCL Occupancy Sensing |
ZCL OnOff | zbee_zcl_general.onoff | ZigBee ZCL OnOff |
ZCL OnOff Switch Configuration | zbee_zcl_general.onoff.switch.configuration | ZigBee ZCL OnOff Switch Configuration |
ZCL OTA | zbee_zcl_general.ota | ZigBee ZCL OTA |
ZCL Partition | zbee_zcl_general.part | ZigBee ZCL Partition |
ZCL Poll Control | zbee_zcl_general.poll | ZigBee ZCL Poll Control |
ZCL Power Configuration | zbee_zcl_general.power_config | ZigBee ZCL Power Configuration |
ZCL Power Profile | zbee_zcl_general.pwrprof | ZigBee ZCL Power Profile |
ZCL Prepayment | zbee_zcl_se.pp | ZigBee ZCL Prepayment |
ZCL Pressure Meas. | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.pressmeas | ZigBee ZCL Pressure Meas. |
ZCL Price | zbee_zcl_se.price | ZigBee ZCL Price |
ZCL Pump Configuration and Control | zbee_zcl_hvac.pump_config_ctrl | ZigBee ZCL Pump Configuration and Control |
ZCL Relative Humidity Meas. | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.relhummeas | ZigBee ZCL Rel. Humidity Meas. |
ZCL RSSI Location | zbee_zcl_general.rssi_location | ZigBee ZCL RSSI Location |
ZCL Scenes | zbee_zcl_general.scenes | ZigBee ZCL Scenes |
ZCL Shade Configuration | zbee_zcl_closures.shade_config | ZigBee ZCL Shade Configuration |
ZCL Sub-Ghz | zbee_zcl_se.sub_ghz | ZigBee ZCL Sub-Ghz |
ZCL Temperature Meas. | zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.tempmeas | ZigBee ZCL Temperature Meas. |
ZCL Thermostat | zbee_zcl_hvac.thermostat | ZigBee ZCL Thermostat |
ZCL Thermostat User Interface Configuration | zbee_zcl_hvac.thermo_ui_config | ZigBee ZCL Thermostat User Interface Configuration |
ZCL Time | zbee_zcl_general.time | ZigBee ZCL Time |
ZCL Touchlink | zbee_zcl_general.touchlink | ZigBee ZCL Touchlink |
ZCL Tunneling | zbee_zcl_se.tun | ZigBee ZCL Tunneling |
ZEBRA | zebra | Zebra Protocol |
ZEP | zep | ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol |
ZigBee | zbee_nwk | ZigBee Network Layer |
ZigBee APF | zbee_apf | ZigBee Application Framework |
ZigBee APS | zbee_aps | ZigBee Application Support Layer |
ZigBee Beacon | zbee_beacon | ZigBee Beacon |
ZigBee Green Power | zbee_nwk_gp | ZigBee Green Power Profile |
ZigBee IE | zbee_ie | ZigBee IE |
ZigBee IP Beacon | zbip_beacon | ZigBee IP Beacon |
ZigBee ZCL | zbee_zcl | ZigBee Cluster Library |
ZigBee ZDP | zbee_zdp | ZigBee Device Profile |
ZIOP | ziop | Zipped Inter-ORB Protocol |
ZIP | zip | Zone Information Protocol |
ZRTP | zrtp | ZRTP |
ZVT | zvt | ZVT Kassenschnittstelle |
Wireshark Display Filter Reference
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013) macOS Mojave システムのバージョン: macOS 10.14.5 (18F132) カーネルのバージョン: Darwin 18.6.0
Wireshark Version 3.0.2 (v3.0.2-0-g621ed351d5c9)