







プロトコルの一覧はVersion 3.0.2 (v3.0.2-0-g621ed351d5c9)を元に作成しています。




名前 表示フィルタ 説明
Lua Dissection _ws.lua Lua Dissection
Expert _ws.expert Expert Info
104apci 104apci IEC 60870-5-104-Apci
104asdu 104asdu IEC 60870-5-104-Asdu
29West 29west 29West Protocol
2dparityfec 2dparityfec Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 release 2 FEC Protocol
3COMXNS 3comxns 3Com XNS Encapsulation
3GPP2 A11 a11 3GPP2 A11
6LoWPAN 6lowpan IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks
802.11 Radio wlan_radio 802.11 radio information
802.11 Radiotap radiotap IEEE 802.11 Radiotap Capture header
802.11 RSNA EAPOL wlan_rsna_eapol IEEE 802.11 RSNA EAPOL key
802.3 Slow protocols slow Slow Protocols
9P 9p Plan 9


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
A-bis OML gsm_abis_oml GSM A-bis OML
A21 a21 A21 Protocol
AAF aaf AVTP Audio Format
AAL1 aal1 ATM AAL1
AAL3/4 aal3_4 ATM AAL3/4
AARP aarp Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol
AASP aasp Aastra Signalling Protocol
ACAP acap Application Configuration Access Protocol
ACN acn Architecture for Control Networks
ACP133 acp133 ACP133 Attribute Syntaxes
ACR 122 acr122 Advanced Card Systems ACR122
ACSE acse ISO 8650-1 OSI Association Control Service
ACtrace actrace AudioCodes Trunk Trace
ADB adb Android Debug Bridge
ADB CS adb_cs Android Debug Bridge Client-Server
ADB Service adb_service Android Debug Bridge Service
ADP adp Aruba Discovery Protocol
ADwin adwin ADwin communication protocol
ADwin-Config adwin_config ADwin configuration protocol
Aeron aeron Aeron Protocol
AFP afp Apple Filing Protocol
AFS (RX) afs Andrew File System (AFS)
AgentX agentx AgentX
AH ah Authentication Header
AIM aim AOL Instant Messenger
AIM Administration aim_admin AIM Administrative
AIM Advertisements aim_adverts AIM Advertisements
AIM BOS aim_bos AIM Privacy Management Service
AIM Buddylist aim_buddylist AIM Buddylist Service
AIM Chat aim_chat AIM Chat Service
AIM ChatNav aim_chatnav AIM Chat Navigation
AIM Directory aim_dir AIM Directory Search
AIM Email aim_email AIM E-mail
AIM Generic aim_generic AIM Generic Service
AIM Invitation aim_invitation AIM Invitation Service
AIM Location aim_location AIM Location
AIM Messaging aim_messaging AIM Messaging
AIM Popup aim_popup AIM Popup
AIM Signon aim_signon AIM Signon
AIM SSI aim_ssi AIM Server Side Info
AIM SST aim_sst AIM Server Side Themes
AIM Stats aim_stats AIM Statistics
AIM Translate aim_translate AIM Translate
AIM User Lookup aim_lookup AIM User Lookup
AIN ain Advanced Intelligent Network
AJP13 ajp13 Apache JServ Protocol v1.3
ALC alc Asynchronous Layered Coding
ALCAP alcap AAL type 2 signalling protocol (Q.2630)
AllJoyn aj AllJoyn Message Protocol
AllJoyn ARDP ardp AllJoyn Reliable Datagram Protocol
AllJoyn NS ajns AllJoyn Name Service Protocol
AltBeacon alt_beacon AltBeacon
AMF amf Action Message Format
AMQP amqp Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
AMR amr Adaptive Multi-Rate
AMT amt Automatic Multicast Tunneling
ANCP ancp Access Node Control Protocol
ANS ans Intel ANS probe
ANSI IS-637-A Teleservice ansi_637_tele ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Teleservice Layer
ANSI IS-637-A Transport ansi_637_trans ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Transport Layer
ANSI IS-683 (OTA (Mobile)) ansi_683 ANSI IS-683 (OTA (Mobile))
ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) ansi_801 ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD))
ANSI MAP ansi_map ANSI Mobile Application Part
ANSI_TCAP ansi_tcap ANSI Transaction Capabilities Application Part
AODV aodv Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
AOE aoe ATAoverEthernet
AOL aol America Online
AppleMIDI applemidi Apple Network-MIDI Session Protocol
APRS aprs Automatic Position Reporting System
aptX aptx aptX Codec
AR Drone ar_drone AR Drone Packet
Armagetronad armagetronad The Armagetron Advanced OpenGL Tron clone
ARP/RARP arp Address Resolution Protocol
Artemis artemis Artemis Core Protocol
ARTNET artnet Art-Net
ARUBA_ERM aruba_erm Aruba Networks encapsulated remote mirroring
aruba_iap aruba_iap Aruba Instant AP Protocol
ASAP asap Aggregate Server Access Protocol
ASF asf Alert Standard Forum
ASP asp AppleTalk Session Protocol
ASTERIX asterix ASTERIX packet
AT at AT Command
ATH ath Apache Tribes Heartbeat Protocol
ATM atm Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM Cell mplspwatmcell ATM Cell
ATM LANE lane ATM LAN Emulation
ATMARP atmarp ATM Address Resolution Protocol
ATMTCP atmtcp ATM over TCP
ATN-CM atn-cm ICAO Doc9705 CM
ATN-CPDLC atn-cpdlc ICAO Doc9705 CPDLC
ATN-ULCS atn-ulcs ICAO Doc9705 ULCS
ATP atp AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet
ATSVC atsvc Microsoft AT-Scheduler Service
Auto-RP auto_rp Cisco Auto-RP
AUTOSAR NM autosar-nm AUTOSAR Network Management
AVS WLANCAP wlancap AVS WLAN Capture header
avsp avsp Arista Vendor Specific Protocol
AWDL awdl Apple Wireless Direct Link action frame
AWDL data awdl_data Apple Wireless Direct Link data frame
AX.25 ax25 Amateur Radio AX.25
AX.25 KISS ax25_kiss AX.25 KISS
AX.25 no L3 ax25_nol3 AX.25 no Layer 3
AX4000 ax4000 AX/4000 Test Block
AYIYA ayiya Anything in Anything Protocol
Babel babel Babel Routing Protocol
BACapp bacapp Building Automation and Control Network APDU
BACnet bacnet Building Automation and Control Network NPDU
BACnet MS/TP mstp BACnet MS/TP
Banana banana Twisted Banana
Basic Format XID basicxid Logical-Link Control Basic Format XID
BAT bat B.A.T.M.A.N. Layer 3 Protocol
BAT GW bat.gw B.A.T.M.A.N. GW
BAT VIS bat.vis B.A.T.M.A.N. Vis
BATADV batadv B.A.T.M.A.N. Advanced Protocol
Bazaar bzr Bazaar Smart Protocol
BCTP bctp BCTP Q.1990
BEEP beep Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
Bencode bencode Bencode
BER ber Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.690)
BFCP bfcp Binary Floor Control Protocol
BFD Control bfd Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Control Message
BGP bgp Border Gateway Protocol
BICC bicc Bearer Independent Call Control
Bitcoin bitcoin Bitcoin protocol
BitTorrent bittorrent BitTorrent
BJNP bjnp Canon BJNP
BLIP blip BLIP Couchbase Mobile
bluecom bluecom bluecom Protocol
Bluetooth bluetooth Bluetooth
BMC bmc Broadcast/Multicast Control
BMP bmp BGP Monitoring Protocol
Boardwalk brdwlk Boardwalk
BOFL bofl Wellfleet Breath of Life
BOOTPARAMS bootparams Boot Parameters
BOSSVR bossvr DCE DFS Basic Overseer Server
BPQ bpq Amateur Radio BPQ
Broadcom tag brcm-tag Broadcom tag protocol
BROWSER browser Microsoft Windows Browser Protocol
BRP brp BRP Protocol
BSSAP2 bssap_plus BSSAP2
BSSGP bssgp Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol
BSSLAP bsslap BSS LCS Assistance Protocol
BT 3DS bt3ds Bluetooth 3DS Profile
BT A2DP bta2dp Bluetooth A2DP Profile
BT A2DP Content Protection Header SCMS-T bta2dp_content_protection_header_scms_t Bluetooth A2DP Content Protection Header SCMS-T
BT AMP btamp Bluetooth AMP Packet
BT ATT btatt Bluetooth Attribute Protocol
BT AVCTP btavctp Bluetooth AVCTP Protocol
BT AVDTP btavdtp Bluetooth AVDTP Protocol
BT AVRCP btavrcp Bluetooth AVRCP Profile
BT BIP Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.bip Bluetooth OBEX BIP Application Parameters
BT BNEP btbnep Bluetooth BNEP Protocol
BT BPP Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.bpp Bluetooth OBEX BPP Application Parameters
BT BR/EDR RF btbredr_rf Bluetooth Pseudoheader for BR/EDR
BT Common btcommon Bluetooth Common
BT CTN Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.ctn Bluetooth OBEX CTN Application Parameters
BT DUN btdun Bluetooth DUN Packet
BT GATT btgatt Bluetooth GATT Attribute Protocol
BT GATT Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a7e) btgatt.uuid0x2a7e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a7e)
BT GATT Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a84) btgatt.uuid0x2a84 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a84)
BT GATT Aerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a7f) btgatt.uuid0x2a7f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a7f)
BT GATT Age (UUID 0x2a80) btgatt.uuid0x2a80 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Age (UUID 0x2a80)
BT GATT Aggregate (UUID 0x2a5a) btgatt.uuid0x2a5a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Aggregate (UUID 0x2a5a)
BT GATT AirFuel Alliance - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Service (UUID 0xfffc) btgatt.uuid0xfffc Bluetooth GATT Attribute AirFuel Alliance - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Service (UUID 0xfffc)
BT GATT Alert Category ID (UUID 0x2a43) btgatt.uuid0x2a43 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Category ID (UUID 0x2a43)
BT GATT Alert Category ID Bit Mask (UUID 0x2a42) btgatt.uuid0x2a42 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Category ID Bit Mask (UUID 0x2a42)
BT GATT Alert Level (UUID 0x2a06) btgatt.uuid0x2a06 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Level (UUID 0x2a06)
BT GATT Alert Notification Control Point (UUID 0x2a44) btgatt.uuid0x2a44 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Notification Control Point (UUID 0x2a44)
BT GATT Alert Notification Service (UUID 0x1811) btgatt.uuid0x1811 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Notification Service (UUID 0x1811)
BT GATT Alert Status (UUID 0x2a3f) btgatt.uuid0x2a3f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alert Status (UUID 0x2a3f)
BT GATT Alliance for Wireless Power - Wireless Power Transfer Service (UUID 0xfffe) btgatt.uuid0xfffe Bluetooth GATT Attribute Alliance for Wireless Power - Wireless Power Transfer Service (UUID 0xfffe)
BT GATT Altitude (UUID 0x2ab3) btgatt.uuid0x2ab3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Altitude (UUID 0x2ab3)
BT GATT Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a81) btgatt.uuid0x2a81 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a81)
BT GATT Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a82) btgatt.uuid0x2a82 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a82)
BT GATT Anaerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a83) btgatt.uuid0x2a83 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Anaerobic Threshold (UUID 0x2a83)
BT GATT Analog (UUID 0x2a58) btgatt.uuid0x2a58 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Analog (UUID 0x2a58)
BT GATT Analog Output (UUID 0x2a59) btgatt.uuid0x2a59 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Analog Output (UUID 0x2a59)
BT GATT Apparent Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a73) btgatt.uuid0x2a73 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Apparent Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a73)
BT GATT Apparent Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a72) btgatt.uuid0x2a72 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Apparent Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a72)
BT GATT Appearance (UUID 0x2a01) btgatt.uuid0x2a01 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Appearance (UUID 0x2a01)
BT GATT Automation IO (UUID 0x1815) btgatt.uuid0x1815 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Automation IO (UUID 0x1815)
BT GATT Average Current (UUID 0x2ae0) btgatt.uuid0x2ae0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Average Current (UUID 0x2ae0)
BT GATT Average Voltage (UUID 0x2ae1) btgatt.uuid0x2ae1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Average Voltage (UUID 0x2ae1)
BT GATT Barometric Pressure Trend (UUID 0x2aa3) btgatt.uuid0x2aa3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Barometric Pressure Trend (UUID 0x2aa3)
BT GATT Battery Level (UUID 0x2a19) btgatt.uuid0x2a19 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Level (UUID 0x2a19)
BT GATT Battery Level State (UUID 0x2a1b) btgatt.uuid0x2a1b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Level State (UUID 0x2a1b)
BT GATT Battery Power State (UUID 0x2a1a) btgatt.uuid0x2a1a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Power State (UUID 0x2a1a)
BT GATT Battery Service (UUID 0x180f) btgatt.uuid0x180f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Battery Service (UUID 0x180f)
BT GATT Blood Pressure (UUID 0x1810) btgatt.uuid0x1810 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure (UUID 0x1810)
BT GATT Blood Pressure Feature (UUID 0x2a49) btgatt.uuid0x2a49 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure Feature (UUID 0x2a49)
BT GATT Blood Pressure Measurement (UUID 0x2a35) btgatt.uuid0x2a35 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Blood Pressure Measurement (UUID 0x2a35)
BT GATT Body Composition (UUID 0x181b) btgatt.uuid0x181b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition (UUID 0x181b)
BT GATT Body Composition Feature (UUID 0x2a9b) btgatt.uuid0x2a9b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition Feature (UUID 0x2a9b)
BT GATT Body Composition Measurement (UUID 0x2a9c) btgatt.uuid0x2a9c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Composition Measurement (UUID 0x2a9c)
BT GATT Body Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a38) btgatt.uuid0x2a38 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Body Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a38)
BT GATT Bond Management (UUID 0x181e) btgatt.uuid0x181e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management (UUID 0x181e)
BT GATT Bond Management Control Point (UUID 0x2aa4) btgatt.uuid0x2aa4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management Control Point (UUID 0x2aa4)
BT GATT Bond Management Feature (UUID 0x2aa5) btgatt.uuid0x2aa5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Bond Management Feature (UUID 0x2aa5)
BT GATT Boolean (UUID 0x2ae2) btgatt.uuid0x2ae2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boolean (UUID 0x2ae2)
BT GATT Boot Keyboard Input Report (UUID 0x2a22) btgatt.uuid0x2a22 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Keyboard Input Report (UUID 0x2a22)
BT GATT Boot Keyboard Output Report (UUID 0x2a32) btgatt.uuid0x2a32 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Keyboard Output Report (UUID 0x2a32)
BT GATT Boot Mouse Input Report (UUID 0x2a33) btgatt.uuid0x2a33 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Boot Mouse Input Report (UUID 0x2a33)
BT GATT Central Address Resolution (UUID 0x2aa6) btgatt.uuid0x2aa6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Central Address Resolution (UUID 0x2aa6)
BT GATT CGM Feature (UUID 0x2aa8) btgatt.uuid0x2aa8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Feature (UUID 0x2aa8)
BT GATT CGM Measurement (UUID 0x2aa7) btgatt.uuid0x2aa7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Measurement (UUID 0x2aa7)
BT GATT CGM Session Run Time (UUID 0x2aab) btgatt.uuid0x2aab Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Session Run Time (UUID 0x2aab)
BT GATT CGM Session Start Time (UUID 0x2aaa) btgatt.uuid0x2aaa Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Session Start Time (UUID 0x2aaa)
BT GATT CGM Specific Ops Control Point (UUID 0x2aac) btgatt.uuid0x2aac Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Specific Ops Control Point (UUID 0x2aac)
BT GATT CGM Status (UUID 0x2aa9) btgatt.uuid0x2aa9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute CGM Status (UUID 0x2aa9)
BT GATT Characteristic Aggregate Format (UUID 0x2905) btgatt.uuid0x2905 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Aggregate Format (UUID 0x2905)
BT GATT Characteristic Extended Properties (UUID 0x2900) btgatt.uuid0x2900 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Extended Properties (UUID 0x2900)
BT GATT Characteristic Presentation Format (UUID 0x2904) btgatt.uuid0x2904 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic Presentation Format (UUID 0x2904)
BT GATT Characteristic User Description (UUID 0x2901) btgatt.uuid0x2901 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Characteristic User Description (UUID 0x2901)
BT GATT Chromatic Distance From Planckian (UUID 0x2ae3) btgatt.uuid0x2ae3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromatic Distance From Planckian (UUID 0x2ae3)
BT GATT Chromaticity Coordinate (UUID 0x2b1c) btgatt.uuid0x2b1c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Coordinate (UUID 0x2b1c)
BT GATT Chromaticity Coordinates (UUID 0x2ae4) btgatt.uuid0x2ae4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Coordinates (UUID 0x2ae4)
BT GATT Chromaticity In CCT And Duv Values (UUID 0x2ae5) btgatt.uuid0x2ae5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity In CCT And Duv Values (UUID 0x2ae5)
BT GATT Chromaticity Tolerance (UUID 0x2ae6) btgatt.uuid0x2ae6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Chromaticity Tolerance (UUID 0x2ae6)
BT GATT CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index (UUID 0x2ae7) btgatt.uuid0x2ae7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute CIE 13.3-1995 Color Rendering Index (UUID 0x2ae7)
BT GATT Client Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2902) btgatt.uuid0x2902 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Client Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2902)
BT GATT Client Supported Features (UUID 0x2b29) btgatt.uuid0x2b29 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Client Supported Features (UUID 0x2b29)
BT GATT Coefficient (UUID 0x2ae8) btgatt.uuid0x2ae8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Coefficient (UUID 0x2ae8)
BT GATT Continuous Glucose Monitoring (UUID 0x181f) btgatt.uuid0x181f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Continuous Glucose Monitoring (UUID 0x181f)
BT GATT Correlated Color Temperature (UUID 0x2ae9) btgatt.uuid0x2ae9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Correlated Color Temperature (UUID 0x2ae9)
BT GATT Count 16 (UUID 0x2aea) btgatt.uuid0x2aea Bluetooth GATT Attribute Count 16 (UUID 0x2aea)
BT GATT Count 24 (UUID 0x2aeb) btgatt.uuid0x2aeb Bluetooth GATT Attribute Count 24 (UUID 0x2aeb)
BT GATT Country Code (UUID 0x2aec) btgatt.uuid0x2aec Bluetooth GATT Attribute Country Code (UUID 0x2aec)
BT GATT Cross Trainer Data (UUID 0x2ace) btgatt.uuid0x2ace Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cross Trainer Data (UUID 0x2ace)
BT GATT CSC Feature (UUID 0x2a5c) btgatt.uuid0x2a5c Bluetooth GATT Attribute CSC Feature (UUID 0x2a5c)
BT GATT CSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a5b) btgatt.uuid0x2a5b Bluetooth GATT Attribute CSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a5b)
BT GATT Current Time (UUID 0x2a2b) btgatt.uuid0x2a2b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Current Time (UUID 0x2a2b)
BT GATT Current Time Service (UUID 0x1805) btgatt.uuid0x1805 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Current Time Service (UUID 0x1805)
BT GATT Cycling Power (UUID 0x1818) btgatt.uuid0x1818 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power (UUID 0x1818)
BT GATT Cycling Power Control Point (UUID 0x2a66) btgatt.uuid0x2a66 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Control Point (UUID 0x2a66)
BT GATT Cycling Power Feature (UUID 0x2a65) btgatt.uuid0x2a65 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Feature (UUID 0x2a65)
BT GATT Cycling Power Measurement (UUID 0x2a63) btgatt.uuid0x2a63 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Measurement (UUID 0x2a63)
BT GATT Cycling Power Vector (UUID 0x2a64) btgatt.uuid0x2a64 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Power Vector (UUID 0x2a64)
BT GATT Cycling Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1816) btgatt.uuid0x1816 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Cycling Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1816)
BT GATT Database Change Increment (UUID 0x2a99) btgatt.uuid0x2a99 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Database Change Increment (UUID 0x2a99)
BT GATT Database Hash (UUID 0x2b2a) btgatt.uuid0x2b2a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Database Hash (UUID 0x2b2a)
BT GATT Date of Birth (UUID 0x2a85) btgatt.uuid0x2a85 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date of Birth (UUID 0x2a85)
BT GATT Date of Threshold Assessment (UUID 0x2a86) btgatt.uuid0x2a86 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date of Threshold Assessment (UUID 0x2a86)
BT GATT Date Time (UUID 0x2a08) btgatt.uuid0x2a08 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date Time (UUID 0x2a08)
BT GATT Date UTC (UUID 0x2aed) btgatt.uuid0x2aed Bluetooth GATT Attribute Date UTC (UUID 0x2aed)
BT GATT Day Date Time (UUID 0x2a0a) btgatt.uuid0x2a0a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Day Date Time (UUID 0x2a0a)
BT GATT Day of Week (UUID 0x2a09) btgatt.uuid0x2a09 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Day of Week (UUID 0x2a09)
BT GATT Descriptor Value Changed (UUID 0x2a7d) btgatt.uuid0x2a7d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Descriptor Value Changed (UUID 0x2a7d)
BT GATT Device Information (UUID 0x180a) btgatt.uuid0x180a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Device Information (UUID 0x180a)
BT GATT Device Name (UUID 0x2a00) btgatt.uuid0x2a00 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Device Name (UUID 0x2a00)
BT GATT Dew Point (UUID 0x2a7b) btgatt.uuid0x2a7b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Dew Point (UUID 0x2a7b)
BT GATT Digital (UUID 0x2a56) btgatt.uuid0x2a56 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Digital (UUID 0x2a56)
BT GATT Digital Output (UUID 0x2a57) btgatt.uuid0x2a57 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Digital Output (UUID 0x2a57)
BT GATT DST Offset (UUID 0x2a0d) btgatt.uuid0x2a0d Bluetooth GATT Attribute DST Offset (UUID 0x2a0d)
BT GATT Electric Current (UUID 0x2aee) btgatt.uuid0x2aee Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current (UUID 0x2aee)
BT GATT Electric Current Range (UUID 0x2aef) btgatt.uuid0x2aef Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Range (UUID 0x2aef)
BT GATT Electric Current Specification (UUID 0x2af0) btgatt.uuid0x2af0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Specification (UUID 0x2af0)
BT GATT Electric Current Statistics (UUID 0x2af1) btgatt.uuid0x2af1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Electric Current Statistics (UUID 0x2af1)
BT GATT Elevation (UUID 0x2a6c) btgatt.uuid0x2a6c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Elevation (UUID 0x2a6c)
BT GATT Email Address (UUID 0x2a87) btgatt.uuid0x2a87 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Email Address (UUID 0x2a87)
BT GATT Energy (UUID 0x2af2) btgatt.uuid0x2af2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Energy (UUID 0x2af2)
BT GATT Energy In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2af3) btgatt.uuid0x2af3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Energy In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2af3)
BT GATT Environmental Sensing (UUID 0x181a) btgatt.uuid0x181a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing (UUID 0x181a)
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Configuration (UUID 0x290b) btgatt.uuid0x290b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Configuration (UUID 0x290b)
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Measurement (UUID 0x290c) btgatt.uuid0x290c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Measurement (UUID 0x290c)
BT GATT Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290d) btgatt.uuid0x290d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Environmental Sensing Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290d)
BT GATT Event Statistics (UUID 0x2af4) btgatt.uuid0x2af4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Event Statistics (UUID 0x2af4)
BT GATT Exact Time 100 (UUID 0x2a0b) btgatt.uuid0x2a0b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Exact Time 100 (UUID 0x2a0b)
BT GATT Exact Time 256 (UUID 0x2a0c) btgatt.uuid0x2a0c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Exact Time 256 (UUID 0x2a0c)
BT GATT External Report Reference (UUID 0x2907) btgatt.uuid0x2907 Bluetooth GATT Attribute External Report Reference (UUID 0x2907)
BT GATT Fast IDentity Online Alliance - Universal Second Factor Authenticator Service (UUID 0xfffd) btgatt.uuid0xfffd Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fast IDentity Online Alliance - Universal Second Factor Authenticator Service (UUID 0xfffd)
BT GATT Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a88) btgatt.uuid0x2a88 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fat Burn Heart Rate Lower Limit (UUID 0x2a88)
BT GATT Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a89) btgatt.uuid0x2a89 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fat Burn Heart Rate Upper Limit (UUID 0x2a89)
BT GATT Firmware Revision String (UUID 0x2a26) btgatt.uuid0x2a26 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Firmware Revision String (UUID 0x2a26)
BT GATT First Name (UUID 0x2a8a) btgatt.uuid0x2a8a Bluetooth GATT Attribute First Name (UUID 0x2a8a)
BT GATT Fitness Machine (UUID 0x1826) btgatt.uuid0x1826 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine (UUID 0x1826)
BT GATT Fitness Machine Control Point (UUID 0x2ad9) btgatt.uuid0x2ad9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Control Point (UUID 0x2ad9)
BT GATT Fitness Machine Feature (UUID 0x2acc) btgatt.uuid0x2acc Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Feature (UUID 0x2acc)
BT GATT Fitness Machine Status (UUID 0x2ada) btgatt.uuid0x2ada Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fitness Machine Status (UUID 0x2ada)
BT GATT Five Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a8b) btgatt.uuid0x2a8b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Five Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a8b)
BT GATT Fixed String 16 (UUID 0x2af5) btgatt.uuid0x2af5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 16 (UUID 0x2af5)
BT GATT Fixed String 24 (UUID 0x2af6) btgatt.uuid0x2af6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 24 (UUID 0x2af6)
BT GATT Fixed String 36 (UUID 0x2af7) btgatt.uuid0x2af7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 36 (UUID 0x2af7)
BT GATT Fixed String 8 (UUID 0x2af8) btgatt.uuid0x2af8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Fixed String 8 (UUID 0x2af8)
BT GATT Floor Number (UUID 0x2ab2) btgatt.uuid0x2ab2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Floor Number (UUID 0x2ab2)
BT GATT GATT Characteristic Declaration (UUID 0x2803) btgatt.uuid0x2803 Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Characteristic Declaration (UUID 0x2803)
BT GATT GATT Include Declaration (UUID 0x2802) btgatt.uuid0x2802 Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Include Declaration (UUID 0x2802)
BT GATT GATT Primary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2800) btgatt.uuid0x2800 Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Primary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2800)
BT GATT GATT Secondary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2801) btgatt.uuid0x2801 Bluetooth GATT Attribute GATT Secondary Service Declaration (UUID 0x2801)
BT GATT Gender (UUID 0x2a8c) btgatt.uuid0x2a8c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Gender (UUID 0x2a8c)
BT GATT Generic Access Profile (UUID 0x1800) btgatt.uuid0x1800 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Access Profile (UUID 0x1800)
BT GATT Generic Attribute Profile (UUID 0x1801) btgatt.uuid0x1801 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Attribute Profile (UUID 0x1801)
BT GATT Generic Level (UUID 0x2af9) btgatt.uuid0x2af9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Generic Level (UUID 0x2af9)
BT GATT Global Trade Item Number (UUID 0x2afa) btgatt.uuid0x2afa Bluetooth GATT Attribute Global Trade Item Number (UUID 0x2afa)
BT GATT Glucose (UUID 0x1808) btgatt.uuid0x1808 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose (UUID 0x1808)
BT GATT Glucose Feature (UUID 0x2a51) btgatt.uuid0x2a51 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Feature (UUID 0x2a51)
BT GATT Glucose Measurement (UUID 0x2a18) btgatt.uuid0x2a18 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Measurement (UUID 0x2a18)
BT GATT Glucose Measurement Context (UUID 0x2a34) btgatt.uuid0x2a34 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Glucose Measurement Context (UUID 0x2a34)
BT GATT Gust Factor (UUID 0x2a74) btgatt.uuid0x2a74 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Gust Factor (UUID 0x2a74)
BT GATT Hardware Revision String (UUID 0x2a27) btgatt.uuid0x2a27 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Hardware Revision String (UUID 0x2a27)
BT GATT Health Thermometer (UUID 0x1809) btgatt.uuid0x1809 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Health Thermometer (UUID 0x1809)
BT GATT Heart Rate (UUID 0x180d) btgatt.uuid0x180d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate (UUID 0x180d)
BT GATT Heart Rate Control Point (UUID 0x2a39) btgatt.uuid0x2a39 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Control Point (UUID 0x2a39)
BT GATT Heart Rate Max (UUID 0x2a8d) btgatt.uuid0x2a8d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Max (UUID 0x2a8d)
BT GATT Heart Rate Measurement (UUID 0x2a37) btgatt.uuid0x2a37 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heart Rate Measurement (UUID 0x2a37)
BT GATT Heat Index (UUID 0x2a7a) btgatt.uuid0x2a7a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Heat Index (UUID 0x2a7a)
BT GATT Height (UUID 0x2a8e) btgatt.uuid0x2a8e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Height (UUID 0x2a8e)
BT GATT HID Control Point (UUID 0x2a4c) btgatt.uuid0x2a4c Bluetooth GATT Attribute HID Control Point (UUID 0x2a4c)
BT GATT HID Information (UUID 0x2a4a) btgatt.uuid0x2a4a Bluetooth GATT Attribute HID Information (UUID 0x2a4a)
BT GATT Hip Circumference (UUID 0x2a8f) btgatt.uuid0x2a8f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Hip Circumference (UUID 0x2a8f)
BT GATT HTTP Control Point (UUID 0x2aba) btgatt.uuid0x2aba Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Control Point (UUID 0x2aba)
BT GATT HTTP Entity Body (UUID 0x2ab9) btgatt.uuid0x2ab9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Entity Body (UUID 0x2ab9)
BT GATT HTTP Headers (UUID 0x2ab7) btgatt.uuid0x2ab7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Headers (UUID 0x2ab7)
BT GATT HTTP Proxy (UUID 0x1823) btgatt.uuid0x1823 Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Proxy (UUID 0x1823)
BT GATT HTTP Status Code (UUID 0x2ab8) btgatt.uuid0x2ab8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTP Status Code (UUID 0x2ab8)
BT GATT HTTPS Security (UUID 0x2abb) btgatt.uuid0x2abb Bluetooth GATT Attribute HTTPS Security (UUID 0x2abb)
BT GATT Human Interface Device (UUID 0x1812) btgatt.uuid0x1812 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Human Interface Device (UUID 0x1812)
BT GATT Humidity (UUID 0x2a6f) btgatt.uuid0x2a6f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Humidity (UUID 0x2a6f)
BT GATT IDD Annunciation Status (UUID 0x2b22) btgatt.uuid0x2b22 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Annunciation Status (UUID 0x2b22)
BT GATT IDD Command Control Point (UUID 0x2b25) btgatt.uuid0x2b25 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Command Control Point (UUID 0x2b25)
BT GATT IDD Command Data (UUID 0x2b26) btgatt.uuid0x2b26 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Command Data (UUID 0x2b26)
BT GATT IDD Features (UUID 0x2b23) btgatt.uuid0x2b23 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Features (UUID 0x2b23)
BT GATT IDD History Data (UUID 0x2b28) btgatt.uuid0x2b28 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD History Data (UUID 0x2b28)
BT GATT IDD Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2b27) btgatt.uuid0x2b27 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2b27)
BT GATT IDD Status (UUID 0x2b21) btgatt.uuid0x2b21 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status (UUID 0x2b21)
BT GATT IDD Status Changed (UUID 0x2b20) btgatt.uuid0x2b20 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status Changed (UUID 0x2b20)
BT GATT IDD Status Reader Control Point (UUID 0x2b24) btgatt.uuid0x2b24 Bluetooth GATT Attribute IDD Status Reader Control Point (UUID 0x2b24)
BT GATT IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List (UUID 0x2a2a) btgatt.uuid0x2a2a Bluetooth GATT Attribute IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List (UUID 0x2a2a)
BT GATT Illuminance (UUID 0x2afb) btgatt.uuid0x2afb Bluetooth GATT Attribute Illuminance (UUID 0x2afb)
BT GATT Immediate Alert (UUID 0x1802) btgatt.uuid0x1802 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Immediate Alert (UUID 0x1802)
BT GATT Indoor Bike Data (UUID 0x2ad2) btgatt.uuid0x2ad2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Bike Data (UUID 0x2ad2)
BT GATT Indoor Positioning (UUID 0x1821) btgatt.uuid0x1821 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Positioning (UUID 0x1821)
BT GATT Indoor Positioning Configuration (UUID 0x2aad) btgatt.uuid0x2aad Bluetooth GATT Attribute Indoor Positioning Configuration (UUID 0x2aad)
BT GATT Insulin Delivery (UUID 0x183a) btgatt.uuid0x183a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Insulin Delivery (UUID 0x183a)
BT GATT Intermediate Cuff Pressure (UUID 0x2a36) btgatt.uuid0x2a36 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Intermediate Cuff Pressure (UUID 0x2a36)
BT GATT Intermediate Temperature (UUID 0x2a1e) btgatt.uuid0x2a1e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Intermediate Temperature (UUID 0x2a1e)
BT GATT Internet Protocol Support (UUID 0x1820) btgatt.uuid0x1820 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Internet Protocol Support (UUID 0x1820)
BT GATT Irradiance (UUID 0x2a77) btgatt.uuid0x2a77 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Irradiance (UUID 0x2a77)
BT GATT Language (UUID 0x2aa2) btgatt.uuid0x2aa2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Language (UUID 0x2aa2)
BT GATT Last Name (UUID 0x2a90) btgatt.uuid0x2a90 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Last Name (UUID 0x2a90)
BT GATT Latitude (UUID 0x2aae) btgatt.uuid0x2aae Bluetooth GATT Attribute Latitude (UUID 0x2aae)
BT GATT Link Loss (UUID 0x1803) btgatt.uuid0x1803 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Link Loss (UUID 0x1803)
BT GATT LN Control Point (UUID 0x2a6b) btgatt.uuid0x2a6b Bluetooth GATT Attribute LN Control Point (UUID 0x2a6b)
BT GATT LN Feature (UUID 0x2a6a) btgatt.uuid0x2a6a Bluetooth GATT Attribute LN Feature (UUID 0x2a6a)
BT GATT Local East Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab1) btgatt.uuid0x2ab1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local East Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab1)
BT GATT Local North Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab0) btgatt.uuid0x2ab0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local North Coordinate (UUID 0x2ab0)
BT GATT Local Time Information (UUID 0x2a0f) btgatt.uuid0x2a0f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Local Time Information (UUID 0x2a0f)
BT GATT Location and Navigation (UUID 0x1819) btgatt.uuid0x1819 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location and Navigation (UUID 0x1819)
BT GATT Location and Speed (UUID 0x2a67) btgatt.uuid0x2a67 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location and Speed (UUID 0x2a67)
BT GATT Location Name (UUID 0x2ab5) btgatt.uuid0x2ab5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Location Name (UUID 0x2ab5)
BT GATT Longitude (UUID 0x2aaf) btgatt.uuid0x2aaf Bluetooth GATT Attribute Longitude (UUID 0x2aaf)
BT GATT Luminous Efficacy (UUID 0x2afc) btgatt.uuid0x2afc Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Efficacy (UUID 0x2afc)
BT GATT Luminous Energy (UUID 0x2afd) btgatt.uuid0x2afd Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Energy (UUID 0x2afd)
BT GATT Luminous Exposure (UUID 0x2afe) btgatt.uuid0x2afe Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Exposure (UUID 0x2afe)
BT GATT Luminous Flux (UUID 0x2aff) btgatt.uuid0x2aff Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Flux (UUID 0x2aff)
BT GATT Luminous Flux Range (UUID 0x2b00) btgatt.uuid0x2b00 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Flux Range (UUID 0x2b00)
BT GATT Luminous Intensity (UUID 0x2b01) btgatt.uuid0x2b01 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Luminous Intensity (UUID 0x2b01)
BT GATT Magnetic Declination (UUID 0x2a2c) btgatt.uuid0x2a2c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Declination (UUID 0x2a2c)
BT GATT Magnetic Flux Density - 2D (UUID 0x2aa0) btgatt.uuid0x2aa0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Flux Density - 2D (UUID 0x2aa0)
BT GATT Magnetic Flux Density - 3D (UUID 0x2aa1) btgatt.uuid0x2aa1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Magnetic Flux Density - 3D (UUID 0x2aa1)
BT GATT Manufacturer Name String (UUID 0x2a29) btgatt.uuid0x2a29 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Manufacturer Name String (UUID 0x2a29)
BT GATT Mass Flow (UUID 0x2b02) btgatt.uuid0x2b02 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mass Flow (UUID 0x2b02)
BT GATT Maximum Recommended Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a91) btgatt.uuid0x2a91 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Maximum Recommended Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a91)
BT GATT Measurement Interval (UUID 0x2a21) btgatt.uuid0x2a21 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Measurement Interval (UUID 0x2a21)
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Data In (UUID 0x2adb) btgatt.uuid0x2adb Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Data In (UUID 0x2adb)
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Data Out (UUID 0x2adc) btgatt.uuid0x2adc Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Data Out (UUID 0x2adc)
BT GATT Mesh Provisioning Service (UUID 0x1827) btgatt.uuid0x1827 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Provisioning Service (UUID 0x1827)
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Data In (UUID 0x2add) btgatt.uuid0x2add Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Data In (UUID 0x2add)
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Data Out (UUID 0x2ade) btgatt.uuid0x2ade Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Data Out (UUID 0x2ade)
BT GATT Mesh Proxy Service (UUID 0x1828) btgatt.uuid0x1828 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Mesh Proxy Service (UUID 0x1828)
BT GATT Model Number String (UUID 0x2a24) btgatt.uuid0x2a24 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Model Number String (UUID 0x2a24)
BT GATT Navigation (UUID 0x2a68) btgatt.uuid0x2a68 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Navigation (UUID 0x2a68)
BT GATT Network Availability (UUID 0x2a3e) btgatt.uuid0x2a3e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Network Availability (UUID 0x2a3e)
BT GATT New Alert (UUID 0x2a46) btgatt.uuid0x2a46 Bluetooth GATT Attribute New Alert (UUID 0x2a46)
BT GATT Next DST Change Service (UUID 0x1807) btgatt.uuid0x1807 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Next DST Change Service (UUID 0x1807)
BT GATT Number of Digitals (UUID 0x2909) btgatt.uuid0x2909 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Number of Digitals (UUID 0x2909)
BT GATT Object Action Control Point (UUID 0x2ac5) btgatt.uuid0x2ac5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Action Control Point (UUID 0x2ac5)
BT GATT Object Changed (UUID 0x2ac8) btgatt.uuid0x2ac8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Changed (UUID 0x2ac8)
BT GATT Object First-Created (UUID 0x2ac1) btgatt.uuid0x2ac1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object First-Created (UUID 0x2ac1)
BT GATT Object ID (UUID 0x2ac3) btgatt.uuid0x2ac3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object ID (UUID 0x2ac3)
BT GATT Object Last-Modified (UUID 0x2ac2) btgatt.uuid0x2ac2 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Last-Modified (UUID 0x2ac2)
BT GATT Object List Control Point (UUID 0x2ac6) btgatt.uuid0x2ac6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object List Control Point (UUID 0x2ac6)
BT GATT Object List Filter (UUID 0x2ac7) btgatt.uuid0x2ac7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object List Filter (UUID 0x2ac7)
BT GATT Object Name (UUID 0x2abe) btgatt.uuid0x2abe Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Name (UUID 0x2abe)
BT GATT Object Properties (UUID 0x2ac4) btgatt.uuid0x2ac4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Properties (UUID 0x2ac4)
BT GATT Object Size (UUID 0x2ac0) btgatt.uuid0x2ac0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Size (UUID 0x2ac0)
BT GATT Object Transfer (UUID 0x1825) btgatt.uuid0x1825 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Transfer (UUID 0x1825)
BT GATT Object Type (UUID 0x2abf) btgatt.uuid0x2abf Bluetooth GATT Attribute Object Type (UUID 0x2abf)
BT GATT OTS Feature (UUID 0x2abd) btgatt.uuid0x2abd Bluetooth GATT Attribute OTS Feature (UUID 0x2abd)
BT GATT Perceived Lightness (UUID 0x2b03) btgatt.uuid0x2b03 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Perceived Lightness (UUID 0x2b03)
BT GATT Percentage 8 (UUID 0x2b04) btgatt.uuid0x2b04 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Percentage 8 (UUID 0x2b04)
BT GATT Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (UUID 0x2a04) btgatt.uuid0x2a04 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (UUID 0x2a04)
BT GATT Peripheral Privacy Flag (UUID 0x2a02) btgatt.uuid0x2a02 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Peripheral Privacy Flag (UUID 0x2a02)
BT GATT Phone Alert Status Service (UUID 0x180e) btgatt.uuid0x180e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Phone Alert Status Service (UUID 0x180e)
BT GATT PLX Continuous Measurement (UUID 0x2a5f) btgatt.uuid0x2a5f Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Continuous Measurement (UUID 0x2a5f)
BT GATT PLX Features (UUID 0x2a60) btgatt.uuid0x2a60 Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Features (UUID 0x2a60)
BT GATT PLX Spot-Check Measurement (UUID 0x2a5e) btgatt.uuid0x2a5e Bluetooth GATT Attribute PLX Spot-Check Measurement (UUID 0x2a5e)
BT GATT PnP ID (UUID 0x2a50) btgatt.uuid0x2a50 Bluetooth GATT Attribute PnP ID (UUID 0x2a50)
BT GATT Pollen Concentration (UUID 0x2a75) btgatt.uuid0x2a75 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pollen Concentration (UUID 0x2a75)
BT GATT Position 2D (UUID 0x2a2f) btgatt.uuid0x2a2f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position 2D (UUID 0x2a2f)
BT GATT Position 3D (UUID 0x2a30) btgatt.uuid0x2a30 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position 3D (UUID 0x2a30)
BT GATT Position Quality (UUID 0x2a69) btgatt.uuid0x2a69 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Position Quality (UUID 0x2a69)
BT GATT Power (UUID 0x2b05) btgatt.uuid0x2b05 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Power (UUID 0x2b05)
BT GATT Power Specification (UUID 0x2b06) btgatt.uuid0x2b06 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Power Specification (UUID 0x2b06)
BT GATT Pressure (UUID 0x2a6d) btgatt.uuid0x2a6d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pressure (UUID 0x2a6d)
BT GATT Protocol Mode (UUID 0x2a4e) btgatt.uuid0x2a4e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Protocol Mode (UUID 0x2a4e)
BT GATT Pulse Oximeter (UUID 0x1822) btgatt.uuid0x1822 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pulse Oximeter (UUID 0x1822)
BT GATT Pulse Oximetry Control Point (UUID 0x2a62) btgatt.uuid0x2a62 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Pulse Oximetry Control Point (UUID 0x2a62)
BT GATT Rainfall (UUID 0x2a78) btgatt.uuid0x2a78 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Rainfall (UUID 0x2a78)
BT GATT Reconnection Address (UUID 0x2a03) btgatt.uuid0x2a03 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Address (UUID 0x2a03)
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration (UUID 0x1829) btgatt.uuid0x1829 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration (UUID 0x1829)
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Control Point (UUID 0x2b1f) btgatt.uuid0x2b1f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Control Point (UUID 0x2b1f)
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Feature (UUID 0x2b1d) btgatt.uuid0x2b1d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Feature (UUID 0x2b1d)
BT GATT Reconnection Configuration Settings (UUID 0x2b1e) btgatt.uuid0x2b1e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reconnection Configuration Settings (UUID 0x2b1e)
BT GATT Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2a52) btgatt.uuid0x2a52 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Record Access Control Point (UUID 0x2a52)
BT GATT Reference Time Information (UUID 0x2a14) btgatt.uuid0x2a14 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reference Time Information (UUID 0x2a14)
BT GATT Reference Time Update Service (UUID 0x1806) btgatt.uuid0x1806 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Reference Time Update Service (UUID 0x1806)
BT GATT Relative Runtime In A Current Range (UUID 0x2b07) btgatt.uuid0x2b07 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Runtime In A Current Range (UUID 0x2b07)
BT GATT Relative Runtime In A Generic Level Range (UUID 0x2b08) btgatt.uuid0x2b08 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Runtime In A Generic Level Range (UUID 0x2b08)
BT GATT Relative Value In A Period of Day (UUID 0x2b0b) btgatt.uuid0x2b0b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Period of Day (UUID 0x2b0b)
BT GATT Relative Value In A Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b0c) btgatt.uuid0x2b0c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b0c)
BT GATT Relative Value In A Voltage Range (UUID 0x2b09) btgatt.uuid0x2b09 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In A Voltage Range (UUID 0x2b09)
BT GATT Relative Value In An Illuminance Range (UUID 0x2b0a) btgatt.uuid0x2b0a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Relative Value In An Illuminance Range (UUID 0x2b0a)
BT GATT Removable (UUID 0x2a3a) btgatt.uuid0x2a3a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Removable (UUID 0x2a3a)
BT GATT Report (UUID 0x2a4d) btgatt.uuid0x2a4d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report (UUID 0x2a4d)
BT GATT Report Map (UUID 0x2a4b) btgatt.uuid0x2a4b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report Map (UUID 0x2a4b)
BT GATT Report Reference (UUID 0x2908) btgatt.uuid0x2908 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Report Reference (UUID 0x2908)
BT GATT Resolvable Private Address Only (UUID 0x2ac9) btgatt.uuid0x2ac9 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Resolvable Private Address Only (UUID 0x2ac9)
BT GATT Resting Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a92) btgatt.uuid0x2a92 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Resting Heart Rate (UUID 0x2a92)
BT GATT Ringer Control Point (UUID 0x2a40) btgatt.uuid0x2a40 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Ringer Control Point (UUID 0x2a40)
BT GATT Ringer Setting (UUID 0x2a41) btgatt.uuid0x2a41 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Ringer Setting (UUID 0x2a41)
BT GATT Rower Data (UUID 0x2ad1) btgatt.uuid0x2ad1 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Rower Data (UUID 0x2ad1)
BT GATT RSC Feature (UUID 0x2a54) btgatt.uuid0x2a54 Bluetooth GATT Attribute RSC Feature (UUID 0x2a54)
BT GATT RSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a53) btgatt.uuid0x2a53 Bluetooth GATT Attribute RSC Measurement (UUID 0x2a53)
BT GATT Running Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1814) btgatt.uuid0x1814 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Running Speed and Cadence (UUID 0x1814)
BT GATT SC Control Point (UUID 0x2a55) btgatt.uuid0x2a55 Bluetooth GATT Attribute SC Control Point (UUID 0x2a55)
BT GATT Scan Interval Window (UUID 0x2a4f) btgatt.uuid0x2a4f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Interval Window (UUID 0x2a4f)
BT GATT Scan Parameters (UUID 0x1813) btgatt.uuid0x1813 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Parameters (UUID 0x1813)
BT GATT Scan Refresh (UUID 0x2a31) btgatt.uuid0x2a31 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scan Refresh (UUID 0x2a31)
BT GATT Scientific Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a3c) btgatt.uuid0x2a3c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Scientific Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a3c)
BT GATT Secondary Time Zone (UUID 0x2a10) btgatt.uuid0x2a10 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Secondary Time Zone (UUID 0x2a10)
BT GATT Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a5d) btgatt.uuid0x2a5d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Sensor Location (UUID 0x2a5d)
BT GATT Serial Number String (UUID 0x2a25) btgatt.uuid0x2a25 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Serial Number String (UUID 0x2a25)
BT GATT Server Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2903) btgatt.uuid0x2903 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Server Characteristic Configuration (UUID 0x2903)
BT GATT Service Changed (UUID 0x2a05) btgatt.uuid0x2a05 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Service Changed (UUID 0x2a05)
BT GATT Service Required (UUID 0x2a3b) btgatt.uuid0x2a3b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Service Required (UUID 0x2a3b)
BT GATT Software Revision String (UUID 0x2a28) btgatt.uuid0x2a28 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Software Revision String (UUID 0x2a28)
BT GATT Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds (UUID 0x2a93) btgatt.uuid0x2a93 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Sport Type for Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds (UUID 0x2a93)
BT GATT Stair Climber Data (UUID 0x2ad0) btgatt.uuid0x2ad0 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Stair Climber Data (UUID 0x2ad0)
BT GATT Step Climber Data (UUID 0x2acf) btgatt.uuid0x2acf Bluetooth GATT Attribute Step Climber Data (UUID 0x2acf)
BT GATT String (UUID 0x2a3d) btgatt.uuid0x2a3d Bluetooth GATT Attribute String (UUID 0x2a3d)
BT GATT Supported Heart Rate Range (UUID 0x2ad7) btgatt.uuid0x2ad7 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Heart Rate Range (UUID 0x2ad7)
BT GATT Supported Inclination Range (UUID 0x2ad5) btgatt.uuid0x2ad5 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Inclination Range (UUID 0x2ad5)
BT GATT Supported New Alert Category (UUID 0x2a47) btgatt.uuid0x2a47 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported New Alert Category (UUID 0x2a47)
BT GATT Supported Power Range (UUID 0x2ad8) btgatt.uuid0x2ad8 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Power Range (UUID 0x2ad8)
BT GATT Supported Resistance Level Range (UUID 0x2ad6) btgatt.uuid0x2ad6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Resistance Level Range (UUID 0x2ad6)
BT GATT Supported Speed Range (UUID 0x2ad4) btgatt.uuid0x2ad4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Speed Range (UUID 0x2ad4)
BT GATT Supported Unread Alert Category (UUID 0x2a48) btgatt.uuid0x2a48 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Supported Unread Alert Category (UUID 0x2a48)
BT GATT System ID (UUID 0x2a23) btgatt.uuid0x2a23 Bluetooth GATT Attribute System ID (UUID 0x2a23)
BT GATT TDS Control Point (UUID 0x2abc) btgatt.uuid0x2abc Bluetooth GATT Attribute TDS Control Point (UUID 0x2abc)
BT GATT Temperature (UUID 0x2a6e) btgatt.uuid0x2a6e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature (UUID 0x2a6e)
BT GATT Temperature 8 (UUID 0x2b0d) btgatt.uuid0x2b0d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 (UUID 0x2b0d)
BT GATT Temperature 8 In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2b0e) btgatt.uuid0x2b0e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 In A Period Of Day (UUID 0x2b0e)
BT GATT Temperature 8 Statistics (UUID 0x2b0f) btgatt.uuid0x2b0f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature 8 Statistics (UUID 0x2b0f)
BT GATT Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a1f) btgatt.uuid0x2a1f Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Celsius (UUID 0x2a1f)
BT GATT Temperature Fahrenheit (UUID 0x2a20) btgatt.uuid0x2a20 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Fahrenheit (UUID 0x2a20)
BT GATT Temperature Measurement (UUID 0x2a1c) btgatt.uuid0x2a1c Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Measurement (UUID 0x2a1c)
BT GATT Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b10) btgatt.uuid0x2b10 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Range (UUID 0x2b10)
BT GATT Temperature Statistics (UUID 0x2b11) btgatt.uuid0x2b11 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Statistics (UUID 0x2b11)
BT GATT Temperature Type (UUID 0x2a1d) btgatt.uuid0x2a1d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Temperature Type (UUID 0x2a1d)
BT GATT Three Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a94) btgatt.uuid0x2a94 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Three Zone Heart Rate Limits (UUID 0x2a94)
BT GATT Time Accuracy (UUID 0x2a12) btgatt.uuid0x2a12 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Accuracy (UUID 0x2a12)
BT GATT Time Broadcast (UUID 0x2a15) btgatt.uuid0x2a15 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Broadcast (UUID 0x2a15)
BT GATT Time Decihour 8 (UUID 0x2b12) btgatt.uuid0x2b12 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Decihour 8 (UUID 0x2b12)
BT GATT Time Exponential 8 (UUID 0x2b13) btgatt.uuid0x2b13 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Exponential 8 (UUID 0x2b13)
BT GATT Time Hour 24 (UUID 0x2b14) btgatt.uuid0x2b14 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Hour 24 (UUID 0x2b14)
BT GATT Time Millisecond 24 (UUID 0x2b15) btgatt.uuid0x2b15 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Millisecond 24 (UUID 0x2b15)
BT GATT Time Second 16 (UUID 0x2b16) btgatt.uuid0x2b16 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Second 16 (UUID 0x2b16)
BT GATT Time Second 8 (UUID 0x2b17) btgatt.uuid0x2b17 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Second 8 (UUID 0x2b17)
BT GATT Time Source (UUID 0x2a13) btgatt.uuid0x2a13 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Source (UUID 0x2a13)
BT GATT Time Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290e) btgatt.uuid0x290e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290e)
BT GATT Time Update Control Point (UUID 0x2a16) btgatt.uuid0x2a16 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Update Control Point (UUID 0x2a16)
BT GATT Time Update State (UUID 0x2a17) btgatt.uuid0x2a17 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Update State (UUID 0x2a17)
BT GATT Time with DST (UUID 0x2a11) btgatt.uuid0x2a11 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time with DST (UUID 0x2a11)
BT GATT Time Zone (UUID 0x2a0e) btgatt.uuid0x2a0e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Time Zone (UUID 0x2a0e)
BT GATT Training Status (UUID 0x2ad3) btgatt.uuid0x2ad3 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Training Status (UUID 0x2ad3)
BT GATT Transport Discovery (UUID 0x1824) btgatt.uuid0x1824 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Transport Discovery (UUID 0x1824)
BT GATT Treadmill Data (UUID 0x2acd) btgatt.uuid0x2acd Bluetooth GATT Attribute Treadmill Data (UUID 0x2acd)
BT GATT True Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a71) btgatt.uuid0x2a71 Bluetooth GATT Attribute True Wind Direction (UUID 0x2a71)
BT GATT True Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a70) btgatt.uuid0x2a70 Bluetooth GATT Attribute True Wind Speed (UUID 0x2a70)
BT GATT Two Zone Heart Rate Limit (UUID 0x2a95) btgatt.uuid0x2a95 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Two Zone Heart Rate Limit (UUID 0x2a95)
BT GATT Tx Power (UUID 0x1804) btgatt.uuid0x1804 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Tx Power (UUID 0x1804)
BT GATT Tx Power Level (UUID 0x2a07) btgatt.uuid0x2a07 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Tx Power Level (UUID 0x2a07)
BT GATT Uncertainty (UUID 0x2ab4) btgatt.uuid0x2ab4 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Uncertainty (UUID 0x2ab4)
BT GATT Unread Alert Status (UUID 0x2a45) btgatt.uuid0x2a45 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Unread Alert Status (UUID 0x2a45)
BT GATT URI (UUID 0x2ab6) btgatt.uuid0x2ab6 Bluetooth GATT Attribute URI (UUID 0x2ab6)
BT GATT User Control Point (UUID 0x2a9f) btgatt.uuid0x2a9f Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Control Point (UUID 0x2a9f)
BT GATT User Data (UUID 0x181c) btgatt.uuid0x181c Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Data (UUID 0x181c)
BT GATT User Index (UUID 0x2a9a) btgatt.uuid0x2a9a Bluetooth GATT Attribute User Index (UUID 0x2a9a)
BT GATT UV Index (UUID 0x2a76) btgatt.uuid0x2a76 Bluetooth GATT Attribute UV Index (UUID 0x2a76)
BT GATT Valid Range (UUID 0x2906) btgatt.uuid0x2906 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Valid Range (UUID 0x2906)
BT GATT Value Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290a) btgatt.uuid0x290a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Value Trigger Setting (UUID 0x290a)
BT GATT VO2 Max (UUID 0x2a96) btgatt.uuid0x2a96 Bluetooth GATT Attribute VO2 Max (UUID 0x2a96)
BT GATT Voltage (UUID 0x2b18) btgatt.uuid0x2b18 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage (UUID 0x2b18)
BT GATT Voltage Specification (UUID 0x2b19) btgatt.uuid0x2b19 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage Specification (UUID 0x2b19)
BT GATT Voltage Statistics (UUID 0x2b1a) btgatt.uuid0x2b1a Bluetooth GATT Attribute Voltage Statistics (UUID 0x2b1a)
BT GATT Volume Flow (UUID 0x2b1b) btgatt.uuid0x2b1b Bluetooth GATT Attribute Volume Flow (UUID 0x2b1b)
BT GATT Waist Circumference (UUID 0x2a97) btgatt.uuid0x2a97 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Waist Circumference (UUID 0x2a97)
BT GATT Weight (UUID 0x2a98) btgatt.uuid0x2a98 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight (UUID 0x2a98)
BT GATT Weight Measurement (UUID 0x2a9d) btgatt.uuid0x2a9d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Measurement (UUID 0x2a9d)
BT GATT Weight Scale (UUID 0x181d) btgatt.uuid0x181d Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Scale (UUID 0x181d)
BT GATT Weight Scale Feature (UUID 0x2a9e) btgatt.uuid0x2a9e Bluetooth GATT Attribute Weight Scale Feature (UUID 0x2a9e)
BT GATT Wind Chill (UUID 0x2a79) btgatt.uuid0x2a79 Bluetooth GATT Attribute Wind Chill (UUID 0x2a79)
BT GNSS btgnss Bluetooth GNSS Profile
BT GPP Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.gpp Bluetooth OBEX GPP Application Parameters
BT HCRP bthcrp Bluetooth HCRP Profile
BT HFP bthfp Bluetooth HFP Profile
BT HID bthid Bluetooth HID Profile
BT HSP bthsp Bluetooth HSP Profile
BT L2CAP btl2cap Bluetooth L2CAP Protocol
BT LE LL btle Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer
BT MAP Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.map Bluetooth OBEX MAP Application Parameters
BT MCAP btmcap Bluetooth MCAP Protocol
BT Mesh btmesh Bluetooth Mesh
BT PBAP Application Parameters obex.parameter.bt.pbap Bluetooth OBEX PBAP Application Parameters
BT RFCOMM btrfcomm Bluetooth RFCOMM Protocol
BT SAP btsap Bluetooth SAP Profile
BT SDP btsdp Bluetooth SDP Protocol
BT SMP btsmp Bluetooth Security Manager Protocol
BT SPP btspp Bluetooth SPP Packet
BT VDP btvdp Bluetooth VDP Profile
BT VDP Content Protection Header SCMS-T btvdp_content_protection_header_scms_t Bluetooth VDP Content Protection Header SCMS-T
BT-DHT bt-dht BitTorrent DHT Protocol
BT-uTP bt-utp uTorrent Transport Protocol
BTLE RF btle_rf Bluetooth Low Energy RF Info
BTSNOOP btsnoop Symbian OS BTSNOOP File Format
Bundle bundle Bundle Protocol
BVLC bvlc BACnet Virtual Link Control
C12.22 c1222 ANSI C12.22
C15 c15 C15 Call History Protocol
C15.ch c15.ch C15 Call History Common Header Protocol
C15.INC_GWE c15.inc_gwe C15 Incoming GWE
C15.out_gwe c15.out_gwe C15 Outgoing GWE
C15.TONE c15.tone C15 Tone
C15HBEAT c15hbeat C15 Call History Heartbeat Protocol
CalcAppProtocol calcappprotocol Calculation Application Protocol
CAMEL camel Camel
CAN can Controller Area Network
CAN-ETH caneth Controller Area Network over Ethernet
CANFD canfd Controller Area Network FD
CANOPEN canopen CANopen
CAPWAP-CONTROL capwap Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points - Control
CAPWAP-DATA capwap.data Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points - Data
CARP carp Common Address Redundancy Protocol
CAST cast Cast Client Control Protocol
CAT-TP cattp ETSI Card Application Toolkit Transport Protocol
CBOR cbor Concise Binary Object Representation
CBRS_OIDS cbrs_oids Citizen Broadband Radio Service - Object Identifiers
CCSRL ccsrl H.324/CCSRL
CDMA Code Attribute wmx.cdma WiMax CDMA Code Attribute
CDMA2K cdma2k CDMA2K
CDP cdp Cisco Discovery Protocol
CDS_CLERK cds_clerkserver CDS Clerk Server Calls
cds_solicit cds_solicit DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation
CDT cdt Compressed Data Type
cEMI cemi Common External Message Interface
Ceph ceph Ceph
CESoETH cesoeth Circuit Emulation Service over Ethernet
CESoPSN basic (no RTP) pwcesopsn CESoPSN basic NxDS0 mode (no RTP support)
CFLOW cflow Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX
CFM cfm CFM EOAM 802.1ag/ITU Protocol
CFP cfp Cisco FabricPath
CGMP cgmp Cisco Group Management Protocol
Chargen chargen Character Generator Protocol
ChargingASE chargingase Charging ASE
CHDLC chdlc Cisco HDLC
CIGI cigi Common Image Generator Interface
CIMD cimd Computer Interface to Message Distribution
Cimetrics MS/TP cimetrics Cimetrics MS/TP
CIP cip Common Industrial Protocol
CIP I/O cipio Common Industrial Protocol, I/O
CIP Motion cipm Common Industrial Protocol, Motion
CIP Safety cipsafety Common Industrial Protocol, Safety
CIPCCO cipcco CIP Connection Configuration Object
CIPCLS cipcls CIP Class Generic
CIPCM cipcm CIP Connection Manager
CIPMB cipmb CIP Modbus Object
CIPPCCC cippccc CIP PCCC Object
CIPSSupervisor cipssupervisor CIP Safety Supervisor
CIPSValidator cipsvalidator CIP Safety Validator
Cisco MetaData cmd Cisco MetaData
Cisco ttag ttag Cisco ttag
CISCO3 ERSPAN MARKER cisco-erspan3-marker CISCO ERSPAN3 Marker Packet
CLACSE clacse ISO 10035-1 OSI Connectionless Association Control Service
CLASSICSTUN classicstun Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT
CLDAP cldap Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
CLEARCASE clearcase Clearcase NFS
CLIP clip Classical IP frame
Clique-rm clique-rm Clique Reliable Multicast Protocol
CLNP clnp ISO 8473/X.233 CLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol
CLPRES clpres ISO 9576-1 OSI Connectionless Presentation Protocol
CLSP clsp ISO 9548-1 OSI Connectionless Session Protocol
CLTP cltp ISO 8602/X.234 CLTP ConnectionLess Transport Protocol
CLUSAPI clusapi Failover Cluster Management API (clusapi)
CMIP cmip X711 CMIP
CMP cmp Certificate Management Protocol
CMPP cmpp China Mobile Point to Point Protocol
CMS cms Cryptographic Message Syntax
CN/IP cnip Component Network over IP
CoAP coap Constrained Application Protocol
collectd collectd collectd network data
ComponentStatusProtocol componentstatusprotocol Component Status Protocol
CONV conv DCE/RPC Conversation Manager
COPS cops Common Open Policy Service
COROSYNC/TOTEMNET corosync_totemnet Totemnet Layer of Corosync Cluster Engine
COROSYNC/TOTEMSRP corosync_totemsrp Totem Single Ring Protocol implemented in Corosync Cluster Engine
COSEVENTCOMM giop-coseventcomm Coseventcomm Dissector Using GIOP API
CoSine cosine CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output
COSNAMING giop-cosnaming Cosnaming Dissector Using GIOP API
COTP cotp ISO 8073/X.224 COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol
Couchbase couchbase Couchbase Protocol
CP2179 cp2179 CP2179 Protocol
CPFI cpfi Cross Point Frame Injector
CPHA cpha Check Point High Availability Protocol
cprpc_server cprpc_server DNS Control Program Server
CQL cql Cassandra CQL Protocol
CredSSP credssp Credential Security Support Provider
CRF crf Clock Reference Format
CRMF crmf Certificate Request Message Format
CSN1 csn1 CSN.1
CTDB ctdb Cluster TDB
CUPS cups Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol
CVF cvf AVTP Compressed Video Format
cvspserver cvspserver CVS pserver
CWIDS cwids Cisco Wireless IDS Captures


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
D-BUS dbus D-Bus
DAAP daap Digital Audio Access Protocol
DAP dap X.519 Directory Access Protocol
Data data Data
DAYTIME daytime Daytime Protocol
DB-LSP db-lsp Dropbox LAN sync Protocol
DB-LSP-DISC db-lsp-disc Dropbox LAN sync Discovery Protocol
dc dc Dublin Core Metadata (DC)
DCC dcc Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse protocol
DCCP dccp Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
dce_update dce_update DCE/RPC UpServer
DCERPC dcerpc Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Call (DCE/RPC)
DCP (ETSI) dcp-etsi ETSI Distribution & Communication Protocol (for DRM)
DCP-AF dcp-af DCP Application Framing Layer
DCP-PFT dcp-pft DCP Protection, Fragmentation & Transport Layer
DCP-TPL dcp-tpl DCP Tag Packet Layer
DCT2000 dct2000 Catapult DCT2000 packet
DDP ddp Datagram Delivery Protocol
DDTP ddtp Dynamic DNS Tools Protocol
DEC_DNA dec_dna DEC DNA Routing Protocol
DEC_STP dec_stp DEC Spanning Tree Protocol
DECT dect DECT Protocol
DeviceNet devicenet DeviceNet Protocol
DHCP/BOOTP dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCPFO dhcpfo DHCP Failover
DHCPv6 dhcpv6 DHCPv6
DHCPv6 Bulk Leasequery dhcpv6.bulk_leasequery DHCPv6 Bulk Leasequery
DIAMETER diameter Diameter Protocol
Diameter3GPP diameter.3gpp Diameter 3GPP
DIS dis Distributed Interactive Simulation
DISP disp X.519 Directory Information Shadowing Protocol
DISTCC distcc Distcc Distributed Compiler
DJIUAV djiuav DJI UAV Drone Control Protocol
DLM3 dlm3 Distributed Lock Manager
DLR dlr Device Level Ring
DLSw dlsw Data Link SWitching
DLT_USER user_dlt DLT User
DMP dmp Direct Message Profile
DMX Channels dmx_chan DMX Channels
DMX Test Frame dmx_test DMX Test Frame
DMX Text Frame dmx_text DMX Text Frame
DNP 3.0 dnp3 Distributed Network Protocol 3.0
DNS dns Domain Name System
DNSSERVER dnsserver DNS Server
DOCSIS MAC MGMT docsis_mgmt DOCSIS Mac Management
DOCSIS PLC docsis_plc DOCSIS PHY Link Channel
DOCSIS Segment docsis_segment DOCSIS Segment
DOCSIS TLVs docsis_tlv DOCSIS Appendix C TLV's
DOCSIS VSIF docsis_vsif DOCSIS Vendor Specific Encodings
DOF dof DOF Protocol Stack
DOF-TCP dof-tcp DOF Protocol Stack TCP
DOF-UDP dof-udp DOF Protocol Stack UDP
DOF.CCM dof.ccm DOF CCM Security Mode of Operation
DOF.CCM.APP dof.ccm.app DOF CCM Security Mode App
DOF.CCM.DSP dof.ccm.dsp DOF CCM Security Mode DSP Options
DOF.DNP.V1 dof.dnp.v1 DOF Network Protocol V1
DOF.ESP dof.esp DOF Session Protocol
DOF.OAP dof.oap DOF Object Access Protocol
DOF.OAP.DSP dof.oap.dsp DOF Object Access Protocol DSP Options
DOF.SGMP dof.sgmp DOF Secure Group Management Protocol
DOF.TEP1 dof.tep1 DOF Ticket Exchange Protocol Version 1
DOF.TEP1.DSP dof.tep1.dsp DOF Ticket Exchange Protocol DSP Options
DOF.TRP dof.trp DOF Ticket Request Protocol
DOF.TRP.DSP dof.trp.dsp DOF Ticket Request Protocol DSP Options
DoIP doip DoIP (ISO13400) Protocol
DOP dop X.501 Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol
DPAUX dpaux DisplayPort AUX-Channel
DPAUXMON dpauxmon DPAUXMON DisplayPort AUX channel monitor
DPLAY dplay DirectPlay Protocol
DPNET dpnet DirectPlay 8 protocol
DPNSS dpnss Digital Private Signalling System No 1
DPNSS Link dpnss_link Digital Private Signalling System No 1 Link Layer
DPS.APP dof.app DOF Application Protocol
DPS.DNP dof.dnp DOF Network Protocol
DPS.DNP.V0 dof.dnp.v0 DOF Network Protocol V0
DPS.DPP dof.dpp DOF Presentation Protocol
DPS.DPP.V0 dof.dpp.v0 DOF Presentation Protocol V0
DPS.DPP.V2 dof.dpp.v2 DOF Presentation Protocol V2
DPS.DPP.V2S dof.dpp.v2s DOF Presentation Protocol V2 Support
DPS.OID dof.oid DOF Object Identifier
DRb drb Distributed Ruby
DSI dsi Data Stream Interface
DSP dsp X.519 Directory System Protocol
DSR dsr Dynamic Source Routing
DSSETUP dssetup Active Directory Setup
DTCP-IP dtcp-ip Digital Transmission Content Protection over IP
DTLS dtls Datagram Transport Layer Security
DTP dtp Dynamic Trunk Protocol
DTPS dtps DOF Tunnel Protocol Stack
DTPT dtpt DeskTop PassThrough Protocol
DTSPROVIDER dtsprovider DCE Distributed Time Service Provider
DTSSTIME_REQ dtsstime_req DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server
DUA dua DPNSS/DASS2-User Adaptation Layer
DVB AIT dvb_ait DVB Application Information Table
DVB BAT dvb_bat DVB Bouquet Association Table
DVB EIT dvb_eit DVB Event Information Table
DVB NIT dvb_nit DVB Network Information Table
DVB SDT dvb_sdt DVB Service Description Table
DVB TDT dvb_tdt DVB Time and Date Table
DVB TOT dvb_tot DVB Time Offset Table
DVB-CI dvb-ci DVB Common Interface
DVB-DATA MPE dvb_data_mpe DVB-DATA MultiProtocol Encapsulation
DVB-S2 dvb-s2_modeadapt DVB-S2 Mode Adaptation Header
DVB-S2-BB dvb-s2_bb DVB-S2 Baseband Frame
DVB-S2-GSE dvb-s2_gse DVB-S2 GSE Packet
DVMRP dvmrp Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
DX dx DX cluster
DXL dxl Data Exchange Layer
E-LMI elmi Ethernet Local Management Interface
E.164 e164 ITU-T E.164 number
E.212 e212 ITU-T E.212 number
E100 e100 E100 Encapsulation
E1AP e1ap E1 Application Protocol
EAP eap Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAPOL eapol 802.1X Authentication
EAPOL-MKA mka MACsec Key Agreement
ECAT ecat EtherCAT datagram(s)
ECAT_MAILBOX ecat_mailbox EtherCAT Mailbox Protocol
ECHO echo Echo
ECP ecp ECP Protocol
ECP21 ecp21 Edge Control Protocol
EDONKEY edonkey eDonkey Protocol
EDP edp Extreme Discovery Protocol
EFS efs EFS (pidl)
EGD egd Ethernet Global Data
EIGRP eigrp Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
Elasticsearch elasticsearch Elasticsearch
ELCOM elcom ELCOM Communication Protocol
ELF elf Executable and Linkable Format
ENC enc OpenBSD Encapsulating device
ENIP enip EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol)
ENRP enrp Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol
EPL epl Ethernet POWERLINK
EPL_V1 epl_v1 ETHERNET Powerlink V1.0
EPM epm DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper
EPMD epmd Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
EPMv4 epm4 DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper v4
EPON epon IEEE 802.3 EPON Preamble
ERF erf Extensible Record Format
Ericsson GSM A-bis P-GSL gsm_abis_pgsl GSM A-bis P-GSL
Ericsson GSM A-bis TFP gsm_abis_tfp GSM A-bis TFP
Ericsson HDLC as used in A-bis over IP ehdlc Ericsson HDLC
Ericsson OML gsm_abis_om2000 Ericsson A-bis OML
ErlDP erldp Erlang Distribution Protocol
ERSPAN erspan Encapsulated Remote Switch Packet ANalysis
ESG Bootstrap dvb_ipdc ETSI IPDC Bootstrap
ESIO esio SAIA Ether-S-I/O protocol
ESIS esis ISO 9542 ESIS Routeing Information Exchange Protocol
ESL esl EtherCAT Switch Link
ESP esp Encapsulating Security Payload
ESS ess Extended Security Services
ETAG etag 802.1BR E-Tag
Etch etch Apache Etch Protocol
ETHERCAT ecatf EtherCAT frame header
ETHERIP etherip Ethernet over IP
Ethernet eth Ethernet
Ethernet OAM PDU oampdu OAMPDU
Ethernet PW (CW heuristic) pwethheuristic Ethernet PW (CW heuristic)
Ethernet PW (no CW) pwethnocw Ethernet PW (no CW)
Ethernet PW (with CW) pwethcw PW Ethernet Control Word
Ethertype ethertype Ethertype
ETSI CAT etsi_cat Card Application Tookit ETSI TS 102.223
ETV-AM DDB etv-ddb ETV-AM DDB Section
ETV-AM DII etv-dii ETV-AM DII Section
ETW Ndis etw.ndis ETW Ndis
ETW WFP Capture etw.wfp_capture ETW WFP Capture
EVENTLOG eventlog Event Logger
EVRC evrc Enhanced Variable Rate Codec
EVS evs Enhanced Voice Services
Exablaze exablaze Exablaze trailer
EXEC exec Remote Process Execution
exported_pdu exported_pdu EXPORTED_PDU
F1AP f1ap F1 Application Protocol
F5 Ethernet trailer f5ethtrailer F5 Ethernet Trailer Protocol
FB/IB GDS DB gdsdb Firebird SQL Database Remote Protocol
FBZERO fb_zero (Facebook) Zero Protocol
FC fc Fibre Channel
FC ELS fcels FC Extended Link Svc
FC FZS fcfzs Fibre Channel Fabric Zone Server
FC-dNS fcdns Fibre Channel Name Server
FC-FCS fcs FC Fabric Configuration Server
FC-SB3 fcsb3 Fibre Channel Single Byte Command
FC-SP fcsp Fibre Channel Security Protocol
FC-SWILS swils Fibre Channel SW_ILS
Fc00 fc00 Fc00 CryptoAuth
FC_CT fcct Fibre Channel Common Transport
FCGI fcgi FastCGI
FCoE fcoe Fibre Channel over Ethernet
FCoIB fcoib Fibre Channel over Infiniband
FCP fcp Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI
FCSoF fcsof Fibre Channel Delimiters
FDDI fddi Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDP fdp Foundry Discovery Protocol
FEFD fefd Far End Failure Detection
FeliCa felica Sony FeliCa
Fibre Channel over IP fcip FCIP
File file File
File-PCAP file-pcap PCAP File Format
File-PCAPNG file-pcapng PCAPNG File Format
FILEEXP fileexp DCE DFS File Exporter
FILEINFO f5fileinfo F5 Capture Information
FINGER finger finger
FIP fip FCoE Initialization Protocol
FIX fix Financial Information eXchange Protocol
FLDB fldb DCE DFS Fileset Location Server
FLEXNET flexnet FlexNet
FLEXRAY flexray FlexRay Protocol
FMP fmp File Mapping Protocol
FMP/NOTIFY fmp_notify File Mapping Protocol Nofity
FMTP fmtp Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP)
ForCES forces Forwarding and Control Element Separation Protocol
FP fp FP
FP Hint fp_hint FP Hint
FP Mux fp_mux Huawei FP Multiplexing Header
FR fr Frame Relay
FractalGeneratorProtocol fractalgeneratorprotocol Fractal Generator Protocol
Frame frame Frame
Frame Preemption Protocol fpp IEEE 802.3br Frame Preemption Protocol
Frame Relay DLCI PW pwfr PW Frame Relay DLCI Control Word
FRSAPI frsapi Microsoft File Replication Service API
FRSRPC frsrpc File Replication Service
FRSTRANS frstrans File Replication Service DFS-R
FTAM ftam ISO 8571 FTAM
FTP ftp File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP-DATA ftp-data FTP Data
FTSERVER ftserver FTServer Operations
FW-1 fw1 Checkpoint FW-1


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
G.723 g723 G.723
Gadu-Gadu gadu-gadu Gadu-Gadu Protocol
GBCS Message gbcs_message GBCS Message
GBCS Tunnel gbcs_tunnel GBCS Tunnel
GDB remote gdb GDB Remote Serial Protocol
Gearman gearman Gearman Protocol
GED125 ged125 Cisco GED-125 Protocol
Generic PW (with CW) pwmcw PW MPLS Control Word (generic/preferred)
Geneve geneve Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation
genl genl Linux Generic Netlink protocol
GFP gfp Generic Framing Procedure
GIAS giop-gias Gias Dissector Using GIOP API
GIF image image-gif Compuserve GIF
giFT gift giFT Internet File Transfer
GIOP giop General Inter-ORB Protocol
Git git Git Smart Protocol
GLBP glbp Gateway Load Balancing Protocol
GLOW glow Glow
Gluster CLI gluster.cli Gluster CLI
Gluster Dump gluster.dump Gluster Dump
Gluster Portmap gluster.pmap Gluster Portmap
GlusterD glusterd Gluster Daemon
GlusterFS glusterfs GlusterFS
GlusterFS Callback glusterfs.cbk GlusterFS Callback
GlusterFS Handshake glusterfs.hndsk GlusterFS Handshake
GMHDR gmhdr Gigamon Header
GMR-1 BCCH gmr1.bcch GEO-Mobile Radio (1) BCCH
GMR-1 CCCH gmr1.ccch GEO-Mobile Radio (1) CCCH
GMR-1 Common gmr1.common GEO-Mobile Radio (1) Common
GMR-1 DTAP gmr1.dtap GEO-Mobile Radio (1) DTAP
GMR-1 RACH gmr1.rach GEO-Mobile Radio (1) RACH
GMR-1 RR gmr1.rr GEO-Mobile Radio (1) RR
GMRP gmrp GARP Multicast Registration Protocol
GMTRAILER gmtrailer Gigamon Trailer
GNUTELLA gnutella Gnutella Protocol
GNW gnw GeoNetworking
Gopher gopher Gopher
GPRS-LLC llcgprs Logical Link Control GPRS
GPRS-NS gprs-ns GPRS Network Service
GQUIC gquic GQUIC (Google Quick UDP Internet Connections)
GRE gre Generic Routing Encapsulation
GRPC grpc GRPC Message
Gryphon gryphon DG Gryphon Protocol
GSM BSSMAP LE gsm_bssmap_le Lb-I/F BSSMAP LE
GSM CBCH gsm_cbch GSM Cell Broadcast Channel
GSM CCCH gsm_a.ccch GSM CCCH
GSM Cell Broadcast Service gsm_cbs GSM Cell Broadcast Service
GSM DTAP gsm_a.dtap GSM A-I/F DTAP
GSM EC-CCCH gsm_a.ec_ccch GSM EC-CCCH
GSM Management gsm_a.gm GSM A-I/F GPRS Mobility and Session Management
GSM Osmux osmux GSM multiplexing for AMR
GSM over IP gsm_ipa GSM over IP protocol as used by ip.access
GSM RLC MAC gsm_rlcmac Radio Link Control, Medium Access Control, 3GPP TS44.060
GSM RP gsm_a.rp GSM A-I/F RP
GSM RR gsm_a.rr GSM A-I/F Radio Resource Management
GSM SIM gsm_sim GSM SIM 11.11
GSM SMS gsm_sms GSM SMS TPDU (GSM 03.40)
GSM SMS UD gsm_sms_ud GSM Short Message Service User Data
GSM Um gsm_um GSM Um Interface
GSM-R gsm-r-uus1 GSM-R User-to-User Signaling
GSM_MAP gsm_map GSM Mobile Application
GSMTAP gsmtap GSM Radiotap
GSMTAP-LOG gsmtap_log GSMTAP libosmocore logging
GSS-API gss-api GSS-API Generic Security Service Application Program Interface
gsup gsup Osmocom General Subscriber Update Protocol
GTP gtp GPRS Tunneling Protocol
GTP (Prime) gtpprime GPRS Tunneling Protocol Prime
GTPv2 gtpv2 GPRS Tunneling Protocol V2
GVCP gvcp GigE Vision Control Protocol
GVRP gvrp GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
GVSP gvsp GigE Vision Streaming Protocol
H.223 h223 ITU-T Recommendation H.223
H.225 RAS h225_ras H.225 RAS
H.225.0 h225 H323-MESSAGES
H.261 h261 ITU-T Recommendation H.261
H.263 h263 ITU-T Recommendation H.263
H.323 h323 H.323
H.450 h450 H.450 Supplementary Services
H.460 h460 H.460 Supplementary Services
H.501 h501 H.501 Mobility
H1 h1 Sinec H1 Protocol
h221nonstd h221nonstd H221NonStandard
H248 h248 H.248 MEGACO
H2483GPP h248.3gpp H.248 3GPP
H248_2 h248.2 H.248.2
H248AN h248.an H.248.7
H248C h248.annexc H.248 Annex C
H248CHP h248.chp H.248.10
H248E h248e H.248 Annex E
H248Q1950 h248q1950 H.248 Q.1950 Annex A
H263P h263p ITU-T Recommendation H.263 RTP Payload header (RFC4629)
H264 h264 H.264
H265 h265 H.265
H450.ROS h450.ros H.450 Remote Operations Apdus
HART_IP hart_ip HART_IP Protocol
HAZELCAST hzlcst Hazelcast Wire Protocol
HCI BROADCOM bthci_vendor.broadcom Bluetooth Broadcom HCI
HCI Intel bthci_vendor.intel Bluetooth Intel HCI
HCI_ACL bthci_acl Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet
HCI_CMD bthci_cmd Bluetooth HCI Command
HCI_EVT bthci_evt Bluetooth HCI Event
HCI_H1 hci_h1 Bluetooth HCI H1
HCI_H4 hci_h4 Bluetooth HCI H4
HCI_MON hci_mon Bluetooth Linux Monitor Transport
HCI_SCO bthci_sco Bluetooth HCI SCO Packet
HCI_USB hci_usb Bluetooth HCI USB Transport
HCLNFSD hclnfsd Hummingbird NFS Daemon
HCrt hcrt Hotline Command-Response Transaction protocol
HDCP hdcp High bandwidth Digital Content Protection
HDCP2 hdcp2 High bandwidth Digital Content Protection version 2
HDFS hdfs HDFS Protocol
HDFSDATA hdfsdata HDFSDATA Protocol
HDLC PW with PPP payload (no CW) pw_hdlc_nocw_hdlc_ppp HDLC-like framing for PPP
HDLC PW, FR port mode (no CW) pw_hdlc_nocw_fr HDLC PW, FR port mode (no CW)
HDMI hdmi High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HI2OPERATIONS hi2operations HI2Operations
HIP hip Host Identity Protocol
HiQnet hiqnet Harman HiQnet
HiSLIP hislip High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol
HL7 hl7 Health Level Seven
HNBAP hnbap UTRAN Iuh interface HNBAP signalling
HomePlug homeplug HomePlug protocol
HomePlug AV homeplug-av HomePlug AV protocol
HomePNA hpna HomePNA, wlan link local tunnel
HP_ERM hp_erm HP encapsulated remote mirroring
HPEXT hpext HP Extended Local-Link Control
HPFEEDS hpfeeds HPFEEDS HoneyPot Feeds Protocol
HPSW hpsw HP Switch Protocol
HPTEAM hpteam HP NIC Teaming Heartbeat
HSMS hsms High-speed SECS Message Service Protocol
HSR hsr High-availability Seamless Redundancy (IEC62439 Part 3 Chapter 5)
HSR_PRP_SUPERVISION hsr_prp_supervision HSR/PRP Supervision (IEC62439 Part 3)
HSRP hsrp Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
HTTP http Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP2 http2 HyperText Transfer Protocol 2
HyperSCSI hyperscsi HyperSCSI
I2C i2c Inter-Integrated Circuit
IAP iap Information Access Protocol
IAPP iapp Inter-Access-Point Protocol
IAX2 iax2 Inter-Asterisk eXchange v2
IB infiniband InfiniBand
iBeacon ibeacon Apple iBeacon
iCall icall iCall Communication Protocol
ICAP icap Internet Content Adaptation Protocol
ICBAAccoCB cba_acco_cb ICBAAccoCallback
ICBAAccoCB2 cba_acco_cb2 ICBAAccoCallback2
ICBAAccoMgt cba_acco_mgt ICBAAccoMgt
ICBAAccoMgt2 cba_acco_mgt2 ICBAAccoMgt2
ICBAAccoServ cba_acco_server ICBAAccoServer
ICBAAccoServ2 cba_acco_server2 ICBAAccoServer2
ICBAAccoServSRT cba_acco_server_srt ICBAAccoServerSRT
ICBAAccoSync cba_acco_sync ICBAAccoSync
ICBABrowse cba_browse ICBABrowse
ICBABrowse2 cba_browse2 ICBABrowse2
ICBAGErr cba_grouperror ICBAGroupError
ICBAGErrEvent cba_grouperror_event ICBAGroupErrorEvent
ICBALDev cba_ldev ICBALogicalDevice
ICBALDev2 cba_ldev2 ICBALogicalDevice2
ICBAPDev cba_pdev ICBAPhysicalDevice
ICBAPDev2 cba_pdev2 ICBAPhysicalDevice2
ICBAPDevPC cba_pdev_pc ICBAPhysicalDevicePC
ICBAPDevPCEvent cba_pdev_pc_event ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent
ICBAPersist cba_persist ICBAPersist
ICBAPersist2 cba_persist2 ICBAPersist2
ICBARTAuto cba_rtauto ICBARTAuto
ICBARTAuto2 cba_rtauto2 ICBARTAuto2
ICBAState cba_state ICBAState
ICBAStateEvent cba_state_event ICBAStateEvent
ICBASysProp cba_sysprop ICBASystemProperties
ICBATime cba_time ICBATime
ICEP icep Internet Communications Engine Protocol
ICMP icmp Internet Control Message Protocol
ICMPv6 icmpv6 Internet Control Message Protocol v6
ICP icp Internet Cache Protocol
ICQ icq ICQ Protocol
IDispatch dispatch DCOM IDispatch
IDMP idmp X.519 Internet Directly Mapped Protocol
IDP idp Internetwork Datagram Protocol
IDRP idrp ISO/IEC 10747 (1993): Inter Domain Routing Protocol
IEC 61883 iec61883 IEC 61883 Protocol
IEEE 802.11 wlan IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN
IEEE 802.11 (Centrino) wlan_centrino IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (Centrino)
IEEE 802.11 Aggregate Data wlan_aggregate IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN aggregate frame
IEEE 802.11 EXT wlan_ext IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN extension frame
IEEE 802.15.4 wpan IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.4 non-ASK PHY wpan-nonask-phy IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN non-ASK PHY
IEEE 802.15.4 TAP wpan-tap IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN TAP
IEEE 802.1AD ieee8021ad IEEE 802.1ad
IEEE 802.1AH ieee8021ah IEEE 802.1ah
IEEE1609dot2 ieee1609dot2 IEEE1609dot2
IEEE1722 ieee1722 IEEE 1722 Protocol
IEEE1722.1 ieee17221 IEEE 1722.1 Protocol
ieee1905 ieee1905 IEEE 1905.1a
IEEE802a ieee802a IEEE802a OUI Extended Ethertype
iFCP ifcp iFCP
IGAP igap Internet Group membership Authentication Protocol
IGMP igmp Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP igrp Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ILP ilp OMA Internal Location Protocol
IMAP imap Internet Message Access Protocol
IMF imf Internet Message Format
INAP inap Intelligent Network Application Protocol
InfiniBand Link infiniband_link InfiniBand Link
Infiniband SDP infiniband_sdp Infiniband Sockets Direct Protocol
INITSHUTDOWN initshutdown Init shutdown service
Interlink interlink Interlink Protocol
IOXIDResolver oxid DCOM OXID Resolver
IP/IEEE1394 ap1394 Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394
IPA ipaccess GSM over IP ip.access CCM sub-protocol
IPARS ipars International Passenger Airline Reservation System
IPComp ipcomp IP Payload Compression
IPDC ipdc IP Device Control (SS7 over IP)
iPerf2 iperf2 iPerf2 Packet Data
IPFC ipfc IP Over FC
IPMB ipmb Intelligent Platform Management Bus
IPMI ipmi Intelligent Platform Management Interface
IPMI Session ipmi_session Intelligent Platform Management Interface (Session Wrapper)
ipmi-trace ipmi.trace IPMI Trace Data Collection
IPNET ipnet Solaris IPNET
IPoIB ipoib IP over Infiniband
IPOS ipos IPOS Kernel Packet Protocol
IPP ipp Internet Printing Protocol
IPv4 ip Internet Protocol Version 4
IPv6 ipv6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IPv6 Destination ipv6.dstopts Destination Options for IPv6
IPv6 Fragment ipv6.fraghdr Fragment Header for IPv6
IPv6 Hop-by-Hop ipv6.hopopts IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option
IPv6 Routing ipv6.routing Routing Header for IPv6
IPVS ipvs IP Virtual Services Sync Daemon
IPX ipx Internetwork Packet eXchange
IPX MSG ipxmsg IPX Message
IPX RIP ipxrip IPX Routing Information Protocol
IPX SAP ipxsap Service Advertisement Protocol
IRC irc Internet Relay Chat
IrCOMM ircomm IrCOMM Protocol
IRemUnknown remunk IRemUnknown
IRemUnknown2 remunk2 IRemUnknown2
IrLAP irlap IrDA Link Access Protocol
IrLMP irlmp IrDA Link Management Protocol
ISAKMP isakmp Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
iSCSI iscsi iSCSI
ISDN_SUP isdn_sup ISDN supplementary services
iSER iser iSCSI Extensions for RDMA
ISI isi Intelligent Service Interface
ISIS isis ISO 10589 ISIS InTRA Domain Routeing Information Exchange Protocol
ISIS CSNP isis.csnp ISO 10589 ISIS Complete Sequence Numbers Protocol Data Unit
ISIS LSP isis.lsp ISO 10589 ISIS Link State Protocol Data Unit
ISIS PSNP isis.psnp ISO 10589 ISIS Partial Sequence Numbers Protocol Data Unit
ISL isl Cisco ISL
ISMACRYP ismacryp ISMACryp Protocol
ISMP ismp InterSwitch Message Protocol
iSNS isns iSNS
ISO 14443 iso14443 ISO/IEC 14443
ISO 15765 iso15765 ISO15765 Protocol
ISO 7816 iso7816 ISO/IEC 7816
ISO 8583 iso8583 ISO 8583-1
ISOBUS isobus ISObus
ISObus VT isobus.vt ISObus Virtual Terminal
ISUP isup ISDN User Part
ISystemActivator isystemactivator ISystemActivator ISystemActivator Resolver
ITDM itdm Internal TDM
ITS its Intelligent Transport Systems
itunes itunes iTunes podCast rss elements
IUA iua ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer
IuUP iuup IuUP
IWARP_DDP_RDMAP iwarp_ddp_rdmap iWARP Direct Data Placement and Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol
IWARP_MPA iwarp_mpa iWARP Marker Protocol data unit Aligned framing
IXIATRAILER ixiatrailer Ixia Trailer
ixveriwave ixveriwave ixveriwave


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
J1939 j1939 SAE J1939
JFIF (JPEG) image image-jfif JPEG File Interchange Format
Jmirror jmirror Juniper Packet Mirror
JPEG jpeg RFC 2435 JPEG
JSON json JavaScript Object Notation
Juniper juniper Juniper
JXTA Message jxta.message JXTA Message
K12xx k12 K12xx
KADM5 kadm5 Kerberos Administration
Kafka kafka Kafka
KCS kcs Keyboard Controller Style Interface
KDP kdp Kontiki Delivery Protocol
KDSP kdsp Kismet Drone/Server Protocol
KIF kif QNX6 QNET KIF protocol
Kingfisher kf Kingfisher
KINK kink Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Key
Kismet kismet Kismet Client/Server Protocol
KLM klm Kernel Lock Manager
KNET knet kNet Protocol
Kpasswd kpasswd MS Kpasswd
KRB4 krb4 Kerberos v4
KRB5 kerberos Kerberos
KRB5RPC krb5rpc DCE/RPC Kerberos V
Kyoto Tycoon kt Kyoto Tycoon Protocol
L&G 8979 lg8979 Landis & Gyr Telegyr 8979
L2TP l2tp Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LANforge lanforge LANforge Traffic Generator
LANMAN lanman Microsoft Windows Lanman Remote API Protocol
LAPB lapb Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB)
LAPBETHER lapbether Link Access Procedure Balanced Ethernet (LAPBETHER)
LAPD lapd Link Access Procedure, Channel D (LAPD)
LAPDm lapdm Link Access Procedure, Channel Dm (LAPDm)
Laplink laplink Laplink
LAPSat lapsat Link Access Procedure, Satellite channel (LAPSat)
LAT lat Local Area Transport
Layer 1 Events data-l1-events Layer 1 Event Messages
LBMC lbmc LBMC Protocol
LBMPDM lbmpdm LBMPDM Protocol
LBMPDM-TCP lbmpdm_tcp LBMPDM over TCP Protocol
LBMR lbmr LBM Topic Resolution Protocol
LBT-RM lbtrm LBT Reliable Multicast Protocol
LBT-RU lbtru LBT Reliable Unicast Protocol
LBT-TCP lbttcp LBT TCP Protocol
LCSAP lcsap LCS Application Protocol
LCT lct H.283 Logical Channel Transport
LDAP ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDP ldp Label Distribution Protocol
LDSS ldss Local Download Sharing Service
LGE_Monitor lge_monitor LGE Monitor
Line-based text data data-text-lines Line-based text data
Link Aggregation Control Protocol lacp LACP
Link Aggregation Marker Protocol marker Marker
LINK16 link16 Link 16
LISP Control lisp Locator/ID Separation Protocol
LISP Data lisp-data Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Data)
LISP Reliable Transport lisp-tcp Locator/ID Separation Protocol (Reliable Transport)
list list Event Notification for Resource Lists (RFC 4662)
LLAP llap LocalTalk Link Access Protocol
llb llb DCE/RPC NCS 1.5.1 Local Location Broker
LLC llc Logical-Link Control
LLDP lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LLMNR llmnr Link-local Multicast Name Resolution
LLRP llrp Low Level Reader Protocol
LLT llt Veritas Low Latency Transport (LLT)
LLTD lltd Link Layer Topology Discovery
LMI lmi Local Management Interface
LMP lmp Link Management Protocol (LMP)
LNet lnet Lustre Network
LNPDQP lnpdqp Local Number Portability Database Query
Log log Log Message
Logcat logcat Android Logcat
Logcat Text logcat_text Android Logcat Text
LogotypeCertExtn logotypecertextn Logotype Certificate Extensions
LON lon Local Operating Network
LOOP loop Configuration Test Protocol (loopback)
LoRaTap loratap LoRaTap header
LoRaWAN lorawan LoRaWAN Protocol
LPD lpd Line Printer Daemon Protocol
LPP lpp LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP)
LPPa lppa LTE Positioning Protocol A (LPPa)
LPPe lppe LTE Positioning Protocol Extensions (LLPe)
LR lr QNX6 QNET LR protocol
LSARPC lsarpc Local Security Authority
LSC lsc Pegasus Lightweight Stream Control
LSD lsd Local Service Discovery
LTE RRC lte_rrc LTE Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol
LTP ltp Licklider Transmission Protocol
Lucent/Ascend ascend Lucent/Ascend debug output
lustre lustre Lustre
LWAPP lwapp LWAPP Encapsulated Packet
LWL4 lwl4 QNX6 QNET LWL4 protocol
LwM2M-TLV lwm2mtlv Lightweight M2M TLV
LwMesh lwm Lightweight Mesh (v1.1.1)
LWRES lwres Light Weight DNS RESolver (BIND9)


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
M2AP m2ap M2 Application Protocol
M2M (m2m) m2m WiMax Mac to Mac Packet
M2PA m2pa MTP2 Peer Adaptation Layer
M2TP m2tp MTP 2 Transparent Proxy
M2UA m2ua MTP 2 User Adaptation Layer
M3AP m3ap M3 Application Protocol
M3UA m3ua MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer
MA WFP Capture AUTH v4 message_analyzer.wfp_capture.auth.v4 Message Analyzer WFP Capture AUTH v4
MA WFP Capture AUTH v6 message_analyzer.wfp_capture.auth.v6 Message Analyzer WFP Capture AUTH v6
MA WFP Capture v4 message_analyzer.wfp_capture.v4 Message Analyzer WFP Capture v4
MA WFP Capture v6 message_analyzer.wfp_capture.v6 Message Analyzer WFP Capture v6
MA WFP Capture2 v4 message_analyzer.wfp_capture2.v4 Message Analyzer WFP Capture2 v4
MA WFP Capture2 v6 message_analyzer.wfp_capture2.v6 Message Analyzer WFP Capture2 v6
MAAP maap IEEE 1722 MAAP Protocol
MAC-LTE-FRAMED mac-lte-framed mac-lte-framed
MAC-NR mac-nr MAC-NR
MAC-Telnet mactelnet MikroTik MAC-Telnet Protocol
MACC macc MAC Control
MACsec macsec 802.1AE Security tag
MAGIC magic Magic
Malformed packet _ws.malformed Malformed Packet
Manolito manolito Blubster/Piolet MANOLITO Protocol
MAPI mapi Exchange 5.5 EMSMDB
MATE mate Meta Analysis Tracing Engine
MAUSB mausb Media Agnostic USB
MBIM mbim Mobile Broadband Interface Model
MCPE mcpe Minecraft Pocket Edition
mDNS mdns Multicast Domain Name System
MDP mdp Meraki Discovery Protocol
MDS Header mdshdr MDS Header
MDSSVC mdssvc Spotlight metadata search service
Media media Media Type
Media Access Control (MAC) Address Withdrawal over Static Pseudowire mpls_mac MPLS-MAC
Mellanox EoIB infiniband.eoib Mellanox EoIB Encapsulation Header
MEMCACHE memcache Memcache Protocol
Mesh mesh Mesh Header
message/http message-http Media Type: message/http
Messenger messenger Microsoft Messenger Service
META meta Metadata
Metamako metamako Metamako ethernet trailer
MGCP mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol
MGMT mgmt DCE/RPC Remote Management
MGMT MSG wmx.mgmt WiMax MAC Management Message
MiFare mifare NXP MiFare
MIH mih Media-Independent Handover
MIKEY mikey Multimedia Internet KEYing
MIME multipart mime_multipart MIME Multipart Media Encapsulation
MIME_FILE mime_dlt MIME file
MiNT mint Media independent Network Transport
MIOP miop Unreliable Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol
MIPv6 mipv6 Mobile IPv6
MISC misc MISC (pidl)
MLE mle Mesh Link Establishment
MMSE mmse MMS Message Encapsulation
MNDP mndp Mikrotik Neighbor Discovery Protocol
Mobile IP mip Mobile IP
Modbus modbus Modbus
Modbus RTU mbrtu Modbus RTU
Modbus/TCP mbtcp Modbus/TCP
Modbus/UDP mbudp Modbus/UDP
Mojito mojito Mojito DHT
MoldUDP moldudp MoldUDP
MoldUDP64 moldudp64 MoldUDP64
MONGO mongo Mongo Wire Protocol
MOUNT mount Mount Service
MP2T mp2t ISO/IEC 13818-1
mp4 mp4 MP4 / ISOBMFF file format
MP4V-ES mp4v-es MP4V-ES
MPEG mpeg Moving Picture Experts Group
MPEG Audio mpeg-audio Moving Picture Experts Group Audio
MPEG CA mpeg_ca MPEG2 Conditional Access Table
MPEG Descriptor mpeg_descr MPEG2 Descriptors
MPEG PAT mpeg_pat MPEG2 Program Association Table
MPEG PES mpeg-pes Packetized Elementary Stream
MPEG PMT mpeg_pmt MPEG2 Program Map Table
MPEG SECT mpeg_sect MPEG2 Section
MPEG1 mpeg1 RFC 2250 MPEG1
MPLS mpls MultiProtocol Label Switching Header
MPLS Delay Measurement (DM) mplspmdm MPLS Delay Measurement (DM)
MPLS Direct Loss and Delay Measurement (DLM+DM) mplspmdlmdm MPLS Direct Loss and Delay Measurement (DLM+DM)
MPLS Direct Loss Measurement (DLM) mplspmdlm MPLS Direct Loss Measurement (DLM)
MPLS Echo mpls-echo Multiprotocol Label Switching Echo
MPLS Inferred Loss and Delay Measurement (ILM+DM) mplspmilmdm MPLS Inferred Loss and Delay Measurement (ILM+DM)
MPLS Inferred Loss Measurement (ILM) mplspmilm MPLS Inferred Loss Measurement (ILM)
MPLS ITU-T Y.1711 OAM mpls_y1711 MPLS ITU-T Y.1711 OAM
MPLS PW ATM 1:1 / AAL5 PDU mplspwatm11_or_aal5pdu MPLS PW ATM One-to-One or AAL5 PDU encapsulation
MPLS PW ATM AAL5 SDU mplspwatmaal5sdu MPLS PW ATM AAL5 CPCS-SDU mode encapsulation
MPLS PW ATM Cell Header mplspwatmcellheader MPLS PW ATM Cell Header
MPLS PW ATM Control Word mplspwatmcontrolword MPLS PW ATM Control Word
MPLS PW ATM N:1 CW mplspwatmn1cw MPLS PW ATM N-to-One encapsulation, with CW
MPLS PW ATM N:1 no CW mplspwatmn1nocw MPLS PW ATM N-to-One encapsulation, no CW
MPLS[-TP] Fault-Management Fault-Management (FM) Protocol mplstp_fm MPLS-TP Fault-Management
MPLS[-TP] Lock-Instruct Lock-Instruct (LI) Protocol mplstp_lock MPLS-TP Lock-Instruct
MPLS[-TP] Protection State Coordination (PSC) Protocol mpls_psc PSC
MPTCP mptcp Multipath Transmission Control Protocol
MQ mq WebSphere MQ
MQ PCF mqpcf WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats
MQTT mqtt MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol
MQTT-SN mqttsn MQ Telemetry Transport Protocol for Sensor Networks
MRCPv2 mrcpv2 Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2)
MRDISC mrdisc Multicast Router DISCovery protocol
MRP-MMRP mrp-mmrp Multiple Mac Registration Protocol
MRP-MSRP mrp-msrp Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol
MRP-MVRP mrp-mvrp Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol
MS NLB msnlb MS Network Load Balancing
MS Proxy msproxy MS Proxy Protocol
MS-WSP mswsp Windows Search Protocol
mscml mscml Media Server Control Markup Language - draft 07
MSDP msdp Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
MsgPack msgpack Message Pack
MSMMS msmms Microsoft Media Server
MSNIP msnip MSNIP: Multicast Source Notification of Interest Protocol
MSNMS msnms MSN Messenger Service
MSRP msrp Message Session Relay Protocol
MTP over NW UDP nw_mtp NexusWare C7 MTP
MTP2 mtp2 Message Transfer Part Level 2
MTP3 mtp3 Message Transfer Part Level 3
MTP3MG mtp3mg Message Transfer Part Level 3 Management
MUX27010 mux27010 MUX27010 Protocol
MySQL mysql MySQL Protocol
Nano nano Nano Cryptocurrency Protocol
NAS-5GS nas-5gs Non-Access-Stratum 5GS (NAS)PDU
NAS-EPS nas-eps Non-Access-Stratum (NAS)PDU
NASDAQ-ITCH nasdaq_itch Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH
NASDAQ-SOUP nasdaq_soup Nasdaq-SoupTCP version 2.0
NAT-PMP nat-pmp NAT Port Mapping Protocol
NB_RTPMUX nb_rtpmux 3GPP Nb Interface RTP Multiplex
NBAP nbap UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling
NBD nbd Network Block Device
NBDS nbdgm NetBIOS Datagram Service
NBIFOM nbifom Network-Based IP Flow Mobility
NBIPX nbipx NetBIOS over IPX
NBNS nbns NetBIOS Name Service
NBP nbp Name Binding Protocol
NBSS nbss NetBIOS Session Service
NCP ncp NetWare Core Protocol
NCS ncs Novell Cluster Services
NDMP ndmp Network Data Management Protocol
NDP ndp Nortel Discovery Protocol
NDPS ndps Novell Distributed Print System
NEGOEX negoex SPNEGO Extended Negotiation Security Mechanism
NET/ROM netrom Amateur Radio NET/ROM
netANALYZER netanalyzer netANALYZER
NetBIOS netbios NetBIOS
NETDFS netdfs Settings for Microsoft Distributed File System
Netdump netdump Netdump Protocol
netfilter netlink-netfilter Linux netlink netfilter protocol
NETLINK netlink Linux netlink protocol
NetMon 802.11 netmon_802_11 NetMon 802.11 capture header
NetMon Event netmon_event Network Monitor Event
NetMon Filter netmon_filter Network Monitor Filter
NetMon Header netmon_header Network Monitor Header
NetMon Network Info netmon_network_info Network Monitor Network Info
NetMon Process netmon_process Network Monitor Process
NetMon System Config netmon_system_config Network Monitor System Config
NetMon System Trace netmon_system_trace Network Monitor System Trace
NetPerfMeterProtocol npmp NetPerfMeter Protocol
Netrix netrix Netrix Communication Protocol
NetScaler HA nstrace.ha NetScaler HA Protocol
NetScaler MEP nstrace.mep NetScaler Metric Exchange Protocol
NetScaler RPC nstrace.rpc NetScaler RPC Protocol
Netsync netsync Monotone Netsync
nettl nettl HP-UX Network Tracing and Logging
NEWMAIL newmail Microsoft Exchange New Mail Notification
NFAPI nfapi Nfapi
NFLOG nflog Linux Netfilter NFLOG
NFS nfs Network File System
NGAP ngap NG Application Protocol
NGE nge Netgear Ensemble Protocol
NHRP nhrp NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol
NIS+ nisplus NIS+
NIS+ CB nispluscb NIS+ Callback
NJACK njack 3com Network Jack
nl80211 nl80211 Linux 802.11 Netlink
NLM nlm Network Lock Manager Protocol
NLSP nlsp NetWare Link Services Protocol
NMAS nmas Novell Modular Authentication Service
NMPI nmpi Name Management Protocol over IPX
NNTP nntp Network News Transfer Protocol
NOE noe NOE Protocol
NORDIC_BLE nordic_ble Nordic BLE Sniffer
NORM norm Negative-acknowledgment Oriented Reliable Multicast
novell_pkis novell_pkis Novell PKIS ASN.1 type
NR nr QNX6 QNET Network Resolver protocol
NR RRC nr-rrc NR Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol
NS Trace ns NetScaler Trace
NS_CERT_EXTS ns_cert_exts NetScape Certificate Extensions
NSH nsh Network Service Header
NSPI nspi Exchange 5.5 Name Service Provider
NSRP nsrp Juniper Netscreen Redundant Protocol
NTLMSSP ntlmssp NTLM Secure Service Provider
NTP ntp Network Time Protocol
Null null Null/Loopback
Number-string decoding error _ws.number_string.decoding_error Number-String Decoding Error
nvme nvme NVM Express
NVMe Fabrics RDMA nvme-rdma NVM Express Fabrics RDMA
NW_SERIAL nw_serial NetWare Serialization Protocol
NWP nwp Neighborhood Watch Protocol
NXP 802154 Sniffer nxp_802154_sniffer NXP 802.15.4 Sniffer Protocol
OBEX obex OBEX Protocol
OCFS2 ocfs2 OCFS2 Networking
OCSP ocsp Online Certificate Status Protocol
OER oer Octet Encoding Rules (ASN.1)
OICQ oicq OICQ - IM software, popular in China
OIPF CI+ oipf.ciplus Open IPTV Forum CSPG-CI+
OLSR olsr Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
OMAPI omapi ISC Object Management API
OPA opa Intel Omni-Path
OPA FE opa.fe Intel Omni-Path FE Header - Omni-Path Fabric Excutive Header
OPA MAD opa.mad Intel Omni-Path MAD
OPA SnC opa.snc Intel Omni-Path SnC - Omni-Path Snoop and Capture MetaData Header
OpcUa opcua OpcUa Binary Protocol
OpenFlow openflow OpenFlow
openflow_v1 openflow_v1 OpenFlow 1.0
openflow_v4 openflow_v4 OpenFlow 1.3
openflow_v5 openflow_v5 OpenFlow 1.4
openflow_v6 openflow_v6 OpenFlow 1.5
openSAFETY opensafety openSAFETY
openSAFETY ov. UDP opensafety_udp openSAFETY over UDP
OpenThread openthread OpenThread
OpenVPN openvpn OpenVPN Protocol
OpenWire openwire OpenWire
OPSI opsi Open Policy Service Interface
OptoMMP optommp OptoMMP
Organization Specific Slow Protocol ossp OSSP
OSC osc Open Sound Control Encoding
OSCORE oscore Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments
OSPF ospf Open Shortest Path First
OWAMP-Test owamp.test One-way Active Measurement Protocol


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
P1 p1 X.411 Message Transfer Service
P22 p22 X.420 Information Object
P3 p3 X.411 Message Access Service
P7 p7 X.413 Message Store Service
P772 p772 STANAG 4406 Message
P_MUL p_mul P_Mul (ACP142)
PacketBB packetbb PacketBB Protocol
PACKETCABLE packetcable_avps PacketCable AVPs
PAGP pagp Port Aggregation Protocol
Paltalk paltalk Paltalk Messenger Protocol
PANA pana Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access
PAPI papi Aruba PAPI
PARLAY giop-parlay Parlay Dissector Using GIOP API
Pathport pathport Pathport Protocol
PCAP pcap UTRAN Iupc interface Positioning Calculation Application Part (PCAP)
pcap_pktdata pcap_pktdata pcap/pcapng packet data
PCAPNG pcapng Pcapng block
PCEP pcep Path Computation Element communication Protocol
PCLI pcli Packet Cable Lawful Intercept
PCP pcp Performance Co-Pilot
PDC pdc PDC Protocol
PEEKREMOTE peekremote AiroPeek/OmniPeek encapsulated IEEE 802.11
PER per Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.691)
PFCP pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocol
PFLOG pflog OpenBSD Packet Filter log file
PFLOG-OLD pflog-old OpenBSD Packet Filter log file, pre 3.4
PGM pgm Pragmatic General Multicast
PGSQL pgsql PostgreSQL
PIM pim Protocol Independent Multicast
PingPongProtocol pingpongprotocol Ping Pong Protocol
PKCS-1 pkcs-1 PKCS#1
PKCS10 pkcs10 PKCS10 Certification Request
PKCS12 pkcs12 PKCS#12: Personal Information Exchange
PKInit pkinit PKINIT
PKIX Certificate pkix-cert PKIX CERT File Format
PKIX1EXPLICIT pkix1explicit PKIX1Explicit
PKIX1IMPLICIT pkix1implicit PKIX1Implitit
PKIXAC pkixac PKIX Attribute Certificate
PKIXPROXY pkixproxy PKIXProxy (RFC3820)
PKIXQUALIFIED pkixqualified PKIX Qualified
PKIXTSP pkixtsp PKIX Time Stamp Protocol
PKT CCC pkt_ccc PacketCable Call Content Connection
PKTAP pktap PKTAP packet header
PKTC pktc PacketCable
PKTC MTA FQDN pktc.mtafqdn PacketCable MTA FQDN
PKTGEN pktgen Linux Kernel Packet Generator
PKTLOG packetlogger PacketLogger
PMPROXY pmproxy Performance Co-Pilot Proxy
PN-RT pn_rt PROFINET Real-Time Protocol
PN532 pn532 NXP PN532
PN532_HCI pn532_hci NXP PN532 HCI
PNG png Portable Network Graphics
PNP pnp Microsoft Plug and Play service
PNRP pnrp Peer Name Resolution Protocol
poc-settings poc-settings poc-settings XML doc (RFC 4354)
POP pop Post Office Protocol
Port Control portcontrol Port Control Protocol
Portmap portmap Portmap
PPCAP ppcap Proprietary PCAP
PPI ppi PPI Packet Header
PPI antenna Decoder ppi_antenna PPI antenna decoder
PPI GPS Decoder ppi_gps PPI Geotagging GPS tag decoder
PPI sensor Decoder ppi_sensor PPI sensor decoder
PPI vector Decoder ppi_vector PPI vector decoder
PPP ppp Point-to-Point Protocol
PPP BACP bacp PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
PPP BAP bap PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol
PPP BCP BPDU bcp_bpdu PPP Bridging Control Protocol Bridged PDU
PPP BCP NCP bcp_ncp PPP Bridging Control Protocol Network Control Protocol
PPP CBCP cbcp PPP Callback Control Protocol
PPP CCP ccp PPP Compression Control Protocol
PPP CDPCP cdpcp PPP CDP Control Protocol
PPP CHAP chap PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
PPP Comp comp_data PPP Compressed Datagram
PPP IPCP ipcp PPP IP Control Protocol
PPP IPV6CP ipv6cp PPP IPv6 Control Protocol
PPP LCP lcp PPP Link Control Protocol
PPP MP mp PPP Multilink Protocol
PPP MPLSCP mplscp PPP MPLS Control Protocol
PPP OSINLCP osinlcp PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol
PPP PAP pap PPP Password Authentication Protocol
PPP PPPMux pppmux PPP Multiplexing
PPP PPPMuxCP pppmuxcp PPPMux Control Protocol
PPP VSNP vsnp Vendor Specific Network Protocol
PPP-HDLC ppp_hdlc PPP In HDLC-Like Framing
PPPoE pppoe PPP-over-Ethernet
PPPoED pppoed PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery
PPPoES pppoes PPP-over-Ethernet Session
PPTP pptp Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol
PrAP prap Printer Access Protocol
PRES pres ISO 8823 OSI Presentation Protocol
presence presence presence XML doc (RFC 3863)
Prism prism Prism capture header
ProtoBuf protobuf Protocol Buffers
PROXY proxy PROXY Protocol
PRP prp Parallel Redundancy Protocol (IEC62439 Part 3)
PTP ptp Precision Time Protocol (IEEE1588)
PTP/IP ptpip Picture Transfer Protocol Over IP
PULSE pulse PULSE protocol for Linux Virtual Server redundancy
PVFS pvfs Parallel Virtual File System
PW Associated Channel pwach PW Associated Channel Header
PW Associated Management Communication Channel mcc Management Communication Channel (MCC)
PW Padding pw.padding Pseudowire Padding
PW-OAM Pseudo-Wire OAM Protocol pw_oam Pseudo-Wire OAM
Q.2931 q2931 Q.2931
Q.708 q708 ITU-T Q.708 ISPC Analysis
Q.931 q931 Q.931
Q.933 q933 Q.933
Q932 q932 Q.932
Q932.ROS q932.ros Q.932 Operations Service Element
QLLC qllc Qualified Logical Link Control
QOS qos QNX6 QNET QOS protocol
QUAKE quake Quake Network Protocol
QUAKE2 quake2 Quake II Network Protocol
QUAKE3 quake3 Quake III Arena Network Protocol
QUAKEWORLD quakeworld QuakeWorld Network Protocol
R-STP r-stp Retix Spanning Tree Protocol
R3 r3 Assa Abloy R3
RADIUS radius RADIUS Protocol
RakNet raknet RakNet game networking protocol
RANAP ranap Radio Access Network Application Part
Raw raw Raw packet data
Raw Application Parameters obex.parameter.raw OBEX Raw Application Parameters
Raw_SigComp raw_sigcomp Decompressed SigComp message as raw text
Raw_SIP raw_sip Session Initiation Protocol (SIP as raw text)
Rbm rbm Ruby Marshal Object
rdaclif rdaclif DCE/RPC Directory Acl Interface
RDC rdc H.282 Remote Device Control
RDM rdm Remote Device Management
RDP rdp Remote Desktop Protocol
RDT rdt Real Data Transport
Redback redback Redback
RedbackLI redbackli Redback Lawful Intercept
reginfo reginfo Reginfo XML doc (RFC 3680)
RELOAD reload REsource LOcation And Discovery
RELOAD FRAMING reload-framing REsource LOcation And Discovery Framing
REMACT remact DCOM IRemoteActivation
REP_PROC rep_proc DCE DFS Replication Server
RFC2190 rfc2190 H.263 RTP Payload header (RFC2190)
rfc7468 rfc7468 RFC 7468 file format
RFR rfr Exchange 2003 Directory Request For Response
RFtap rftap RFtap Protocol
RGMP rgmp Router-port Group Management Protocol
Riemann riemann Riemann
RIP rip Routing Information Protocol
RIPng ripng RIPng
RLC rlc Radio Link Control
RLC-NR rlc-nr RLC-NR
RLM rlm Redundant Link Management Protocol
Rlogin rlogin Rlogin Protocol
RMCP rmcp Remote Management Control Protocol
RMI rmi Java RMI
RMP rmp HP Remote Maintenance Protocol
RMT-FEC rmt-fec Forward Error Correction (FEC)
RMT-LCT rmt-lct Layered Coding Transport
RNSAP rnsap UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Application Part
ROHC rohc RObust Header Compression (ROHC)
Roofnet roofnet Roofnet Protocol
ROS ros X.880 OSI Remote Operations Service
roverride roverride Remote Override interface
RPC rpc Remote Procedure Call
RPC_BROWSER rpc_browser RPC Browser
RPC_NETLOGON rpc_netlogon Microsoft Network Logon
RPCAP rpcap Remote Packet Capture
RPCoRDMA rpcordma RPC over RDMA
RPKI-Router Protocol rpkirtr RPKI-Router Protocol
RPL rpl Remote Program Load
rpriv rpriv Privilege Server operations
RQUOTA rquota Remote Quota
RRAS rras Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service
RRC rrc Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol
RRLP rrlp Radio Resource LCS Protocol (RRLP)
RS_ATTR rs_attr Registry Server Attributes Manipulation Interface
rs_attr_schema rs_attr_schema DCE/RPC Registry Server Attributes Schema
rs_misc rs_misc DCE/RPC RS_MISC
RS_PGO rs_pgo DCE Name Service
RS_PLCY rs_plcy RS Interface properties
rs_prop_acct rs_prop_acct DCE/RPC RS_PROP_ACCT
rs_prop_acl rs_prop_acl DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - ACLs
rs_prop_attr rs_prop_attr DCE/RPC Prop Attr
rs_prop_pgo rs_prop_pgo DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - PGO items
rs_prop_plcy rs_prop_plcy DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - properties and policies
rs_pwd_mgmt rs_pwd_mgmt DCE/RPC Registry Password Management
RS_REPADM rs_repadm Registry server administration operations.
RS_REPLIST rs_replist DCE/RPC Repserver Calls
rs_repmgr rs_repmgr DCE/RPC Operations between registry server replicas
rsec_login rsec_login Remote sec_login preauth interface.
RSH rsh Remote Shell
RSIP rsip Realm Specific IP Protocol
RSL gsm_abis_rsl Radio Signalling Link (RSL)
RSP rsp RMCP Security-extensions Protocol
rss rss rss
RSVD rsvd Remote Shared Virtual Disk
RSVP rsvp Resource ReserVation Protocol (RSVP)
RSYNC rsync RSYNC File Synchroniser
RTAC Serial rtacser RTAC Serial
RTCDC rtcdc WebRTC Datachannel Protocol
RTcfg rtcfg RTcfg
RTCP rtcp Real-time Transport Control Protocol
RTITCP rtitcp RTI TCP Transport Protocol
RTLS rtls Real Time Location System
RTmac rtmac Real-Time Media Access Control
RTMP rtmp Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
RTMPT rtmpt Real Time Messaging Protocol
rtnetlink netlink-route Linux rtnetlink (route netlink) protocol
RTP rtp Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTP Event rtpevent RFC 2833 RTP Event
RTP-ED137 rtp.ext.ed137 Real-Time Transport Protocol ED137 Extensions
RTP-MIDI rtpmidi RFC 4695/6295 RTP-MIDI
RTPproxy rtpproxy Sippy RTPproxy Protocol
RTPS rtps Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol
RTSE rtse X.228 OSI Reliable Transfer Service
RTSP rtsp Real Time Streaming Protocol
RUA rua UTRAN Iuh interface RUA signalling
RUDP rudp Reliable UDP
RWALL rwall Remote Wall protocol
RX rx RX Protocol


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
S101 s101 S101
S1AP s1ap S1 Application Protocol
S7COMM s7comm S7 Communication
SABP sabp UTRAN IuBC interface SABP signaling
SAMETIME sametime Sametime Protocol
SAMR samr SAMR (pidl)
SAP sap Session Announcement Protocol
SASP sasp Server/Application State Protocol
SAToP (no RTP) pwsatopcw SAToP (no RTP support)
SBC sbc Bluetooth SBC Codec
SBCAP sbcap SBc Application Part
SBUS sbus SAIA S-Bus
SCCP sccp Signalling Connection Control Part
SCCPMG sccpmg Signalling Connection Control Part Management
SCoP scop ZigBee SCoP
SCTE 35 scte35 SCTE-35 Splice Information
SCTE35 PC scte35_private_command SCTE-35 Private Command
SCTE35 SI scte35_si SCTE-35 Splice Insert
SCTE35 SS scte35_splice_schedule SCTE-35 Splice Schedule
SCTE35 TS scte35_time SCTE-35 Time Signal
SCTP sctp Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SDH sdh SDH/SONET Protocol
SDLC sdlc Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)
SDP sdp Session Description Protocol
SEBEK sebek SEBEK - Kernel Data Capture
SECIDMAP secidmap DCE Security ID Mapper
SEL Protocol selfm SEL Protocol
SES ses ISO 8327-1 OSI Session Protocol
sFlow sflow InMon sFlow
SGI MOUNT sgimount SGI Mount Service
SGSAP sgsap SGs Application Part (SGsAP)
Shim6 shim6 Shim6 Protocol
Short frame _ws.short Short Frame
SIGCOMP sigcomp Signaling Compression
SIMPLE simple Standard Interface for Multiple Platform Link Evaluation
SIP sip Session Initiation Protocol
SIPFRAG sipfrag Sipfrag
SIR sir Serial Infrared
SITA sita Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques
SKINNY skinny Skinny Client Control Protocol
SLARP slarp Cisco SLARP
SliMP3 slimp3 SliMP3 Communication Protocol
SLL sll Linux cooked-mode capture
SM sm Cisco Session Management
SMB smb SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)
SMB Mailslot mailslot SMB MailSlot Protocol
SMB Pipe smb_pipe SMB Pipe Protocol
SMB2 smb2 SMB2 (Server Message Block Protocol version 2)
SMB_NETLOGON smb_netlogon Microsoft Windows Logon Protocol (Old)
SMBDirect smb_direct SMB-Direct (SMB RDMA Transport)
SMCR smcr Shared Memory Communications - RDMA
smil smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SML sml Smart Message Language
SMP smp Session Multiplex Protocol
SMPP smpp Short Message Peer to Peer
SMRSE smrse Short Message Relaying Service
SMTP smtp Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMUX smux SNMP Multiplex Protocol
SNA sna Systems Network Architecture
SNA XID sna_xid Systems Network Architecture XID
SNAETH snaeth SNA-over-Ethernet
SNDCP sndcp Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol
SNDCP XID sndcpxid Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol XID
SNMP snmp Simple Network Management Protocol
Snort snort Snort Alerts
sock_diag netlink-sock_diag Linux netlink sock diag protocol
Socks socks Socks Protocol
SolarEdge solaredge SolarEdge monitoring protocol
SoulSeek slsk SoulSeek Protocol
SoupBinTCP soupbintcp SoupBinTCP
Spice spice Spice protocol
SPNEGO spnego Simple Protected Negotiation
SPOOLSS spoolss Microsoft Spool Subsystem
SPP spp Sequenced Packet Protocol
SPRT sprt Simple Packet Relay Transport
SPX spx Sequenced Packet eXchange
SRP srp H.324/SRP
SRT srt SRT Protocol
SRVLOC srvloc Service Location Protocol
SRVSVC srvsvc Server Service
SSDP ssdp Simple Service Discovery Protocol
SSH ssh SSH Protocol
SSP ssp Scripting Service Protocol
SSS sss Novell SecretStore Services
SSTP sstp Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
STANAG 4607 s4607 STANAG 4607 (GMTI Format)
STANAG 5066 DTS s5066dts STANAG 5066(DTS layer)
STANAG 5066 SIS s5066sis STANAG 5066 (SIS layer)
StarTeam starteam StarTeam
STAT stat Network Status Monitor Protocol
STAT-CB statnotify Network Status Monitor CallBack Protocol
STCSIG stcsig Spirent Test Center Signature
Steam IHS Discovery steam_ihs_discovery Steam In-Home Streaming Discovery Protocol
STP stp Spanning Tree Protocol
String errors _ws.string String Errors
STT stt Stateless Transport Tunneling
STUN stun Session Traversal Utilities for NAT
SUA sua SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer
SV sv IEC61850 Sampled Values
SVCCTL svcctl Microsoft Service Control
swIPe swipe swIPe IP Security Protocol
Symantec symantec Symantec Enterprise Firewall
SYNC sync MBMS synchronisation protocol
SYNCHROPHASOR synphasor IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasor Protocol
Synergy synergy Synergy
Syscall syscall System Call
Sysdig Event sysdig Sysdig System Call
SYSEX sysex MIDI System Exclusive
Syslog syslog Syslog message
systemd Journal systemd_journal systemd Journal Entry
T.30 t30 T.30
T.38 t38 T.38
TALI tali Transport Adapter Layer Interface v1.0, RFC 3094
TANGO giop-tango Tango Dissector Using GIOP API
TAPA tapa Trapeze Access Point Access Protocol
TAPI tapi Microsoft Telephony API Service
TC-NV tc_nv TwinCAT NV
TCAP tcap Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCP tcp Transmission Control Protocol
TCPCL tcpcl DTN TCP Convergence Layer Protocol
TCPENCAP tcpencap TCP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets
TCPROS tcpros TCP based Robot Operating System protocol (TCPROS)
TDMA tdma TDMA RTmac Discipline
TDMoE tdmoe Digium TDMoE Protocol
TDMoP tdmop TDMoP protocol
TDS tds Tabular Data Stream
TeamSpeak2 ts2 Teamspeak2 Protocol
TEI_MANAGEMENT tei_management TEI Management Procedure, Channel D (LAPD)
TELKONET telkonet Telkonet powerline
TELNET telnet Telnet
Teredo teredo Teredo IPv6 over UDP tunneling
TETRA tetra TETRA Protocol
TFP tfp Tinkerforge Protocol
TFTP tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Thread thread Thread
Thread Address thread_address Thread Address
Thread Beacon thread_bcn Thread Beacon
Thread CoAP thread_coap Thread CoAP
Thread Diagnostics thread_diagnostic Thread Diagnostics
Thread MeshCoP thread_meshcop Thread MeshCoP
Thread NWD thread_nwd Thread Network Data
Thrift thrift Thrift Protocol
Tibia tibia Tibia Protocol
TIME time Time Protocol
TIPC tipc Transparent Inter Process Communication(TIPC)
TiVoConnect tivoconnect TiVoConnect Discovery Protocol
TKN4Int tkn4int DCE DFS Token Server
TLS tls Transport Layer Security
TMode tmode Serial Terminal Mode Interface
TN3270 tn3270 TN3270 Protocol
TN5250 tn5250 TN5250 Protocol
TNEF tnef Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format
TNS tns Transparent Network Substrate Protocol
Token-Ring tr Token-Ring
TPCP tpcp Alteon - Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol
TPKT tpkt TPKT - ISO on TCP - RFC1006
TPM2.0 tpm TPM2.0 Protocol
TPNCP tpncp AudioCodes TPNCP (TrunkPack Network Control Protocol)
TR MAC trmac Token-Ring Media Access Control
TRKSVR trksvr Microsoft Distributed Link Tracking Server Service
TSDNS tsdns TeamSpeak3 DNS
TSP tsp Time Synchronization Protocol
TTE tte TTEthernet
TTE PCF tte_pcf TTEthernet Protocol Control Frame
TTP ttp Tiny Transport Protocol
Turbocell turbocell Turbocell Header
Turbocell Aggregate Data turbocell_aggregate Turbocell Aggregate Data
TURNCHANNEL turnchannel TURN Channel
TUXEDO tuxedo BEA Tuxedo
TWAMP-Control twamp.control TwoWay Active Measurement Control Protocol
TWAMP-Test twamp.test TwoWay Active Measurement Test Protocol
Type length mismatch _ws.type_length Type Length Mismatch
TZSP tzsp Tazmen Sniffer Protocol
U3V u3v USB 3 Vision
UA ua Universal Alcatel Protocol
UA3G ua3g UA3G Message
UASIP uasip UA/SIP Protocol
UAUDP uaudp UA/UDP Encapsulation Protocol
UBDP ubdp Ubiquiti Discovery Protocol
UBERTOOTH ubertooth Ubertooth
UCP ucp Universal Computer Protocol
UDLD udld Unidirectional Link Detection
UDP udp User Datagram Protocol
UDP-Lite udplite Lightweight User Datagram Protocol
UDPENCAP udpencap UDP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets
UDS uds Unified Diagnostic Services
UDT udt UDT Protocol
UFTP uftp UDP based FTP w/ multicast
UFTP4 uftp4 UDP based FTP w/ multicast V4
ULP ulp OMA UserPlane Location Protocol
UMA uma Unlicensed Mobile Access
UNISTIM unistim UNISTIM Protocol
Unreassembled fragmented packet _ws.unreassembled Unreassembled Fragmented Packet
URL Encoded Form Data urlencoded-form HTML Form URL Encoded
USB DFU usbdfu USB Device Firmware Upgrade
USBAUDIO usbaudio USB Audio
USBCOM usbcom USB Communications and CDC Control
USBIP usbip USBIP Protocol
USBMS usbms USB Mass Storage
USBPort usbport USBPort
USBVIDEO usbvideo USB Video
UserLog userlog UserLog Protocol
UTS uts Unisys Transmittal System


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
V.120 v120 Async data over ISDN (V.120)
v150fw v150fw v150fw State Signaling Event
V5.2 v52 V5.2
V5DL v5dl V5 Data Link Layer
v5ef v5ef V5 Envelope Function (v5ef)
V5UA v5ua V5.2-User Adaptation Layer
VDP21 vdp21 VSI protocol
VICP vicp LeCroy VICP
Vines ARP vines_arp Banyan Vines ARP
Vines Echo vines_echo Banyan Vines Echo
Vines FRP vines_frp Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol
Vines ICP vines_icp Banyan Vines ICP
Vines IP vines_ip Banyan Vines IP
Vines IPC vines_ipc Banyan Vines IPC
Vines LLC vines_llc Banyan Vines LLC
Vines RTP vines_rtp Banyan Vines RTP
Vines SPP vines_spp Banyan Vines SPP
VITA 49 vrt VITA 49 radio transport protocol
VLAN vlan 802.1Q Virtual LAN
VMLAB vmlab VMware Lab Manager
VNC vnc Virtual Network Computing
VNTAG vntag VN-Tag
VP8 vp8 VP8
VPP vpp VPP Dispatch Trace
VPP-Metadata vpp-metadata VPP Buffer Metadata
VPP-Opaque vpp-opaque VPP Buffer Opaque
VPP-Opaque2 vpp-opaque2 VPP Buffer Opaque2
VPP-Trace vpp-trace VPP Buffer Trace
VRRP vrrp Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VSIP vsip Video Services over IP
VSNCP vsncp Vendor Specific Control Protocol
vsock vsock vSocket
VSS-Monitoring vssmonitoring VSS-Monitoring ethernet trailer
VTP vtp VLAN Trunking Protocol
Vuze-DHT vuze-dht Vuze DHT Protocol
VXI-11 Async vxi11_async VXI-11 Asynchronous Abort
VXI-11 Core vxi11_core VXI-11 Core Protocol
VXI-11 Intr vxi11_intr VXI-11 Interrupt
VXLAN vxlan Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network
WAI wai WAI Protocol
WAP SIR wap-sir WAP Session Initiation Request
WASSP wassp Wireless Access Station Session Protocol
watcherinfo watcherinfo watcherinfo XML doc (RFC 3858)
waveagent waveagent WaveAgent
WBXML wbxml WAP Binary XML
WCCP wccp Web Cache Communication Protocol
WCP wcp Wellfleet Compression
WebSocket websocket WebSocket
WFD wifi_display Wi-Fi Display
WHDLC whdlc Wellfleet HDLC
WHO who Who
WHOIS whois whois
Wi-Fi DPP dpp Wi-Fi Device Provisioning Protocol
Wi-Fi P2P wifi_p2p Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer
Wi-SUN wisun Wi-SUN Field Area Network
Wi-SUN EAPOL Relay wisun.eapol_relay Wi-SUN FAN EAPOL Relay
Wi-SUN Netricity Segment wisun.netricity.sc Wi-SUN Netricity Segment
Wi-SUN WM-SEC wisun.sec Wi-SUN FAN Security Extension
WiMax (wmx) wmx WiMax Protocol
WiMax AAS-BEAM wmx.aas_beam WiMax AAS-BEAM Messages
WiMax AAS-FEEDBACK (aas) wmx.aas WiMax AAS-FEEDBACK Messages
WiMax ARQ Feedback/Discard/Reset (arq) wmx.arq WiMax ARQ Feedback/Discard/Reset Messages
WiMAX ASN CP wimaxasncp WiMAX ASN Control Plane Protocol
WiMax CLK-CMP (clk) wmx.clk WiMax CLK-CMP Message
WiMax DCD wmx.dcd WiMax DCD Messages
WiMax DLMAP wmx.dlmap WiMax DLMAP Messages
WiMax DREG-CMD wmx.dreg_cmd WiMax DREG-CMD Messages
WiMax DREG-REQ wmx.dreg_req WiMax DREG-REQ Messages
WiMax DSA wmx.dsa WiMax DSA Messages
WiMax DSC wmx.dsc WiMax DSC Messages
WiMax DSD wmx.dsd WiMax DSD Messages
WiMax DSX-RVD (dsx_rvd) wmx.dsx_rvd WiMax DSX-RVD Message
WiMax FPC (fpc) wmx.fpc WiMax FPC Message
WiMax Generic/Type1/Type2 MAC Header (hdr) wmx.hdr WiMax Generic/Type1/Type2 MAC Header Messages
WiMAX MAC-PHY wimaxmacphy WiMAX MAC-PHY over Ethernet
WiMax PKM-REQ/RSP (pkm) wmx.pkm WiMax PKM-REQ/RSP Messages
WiMax PMC-REQ wmx.pmc_req WiMax PMC-REQ Messages
WiMax PMC-RSP wmx.pmc_rsp WiMax PMC-RSP Messages
WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL (prc) wmx.prc WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL Message
WiMax REG-REQ wmx.reg_req WiMax REG-REQ Messages
WiMax REG-RSP wmx.reg_rsp WiMax REG-RSP Messages
WiMax REP-REQ/RSP (rep) wmx.rep WiMax REP-REQ/RSP Messages
WiMax RES-CMD (res) wmx.res WiMax RES-CMD Message
WiMax RNG-REQ wmx.rng_req WiMax RNG-REQ Messages
WiMax RNG-RSP wmx.rng_rsp WiMax RNG-RSP Messages
WiMax SBC-REQ/RSP (sbc) wmx.sbc WiMax SBC-REQ/RSP Messages
WiMax Sub-TLV (sub) wmx.sub WiMax Sub-TLV Messages
WiMax UCD wmx.ucd WiMax UCD Messages
WiMax ULMAP wmx.ulmap WiMax ULMAP Messages
WINREG winreg Remote Registry Service
WINS-Replication winsrepl WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) Replication
WireGuard wg WireGuard Protocol
WITNESS witness SMB Witness Service
WKSSVC wkssvc Workstation Service
WLANCERTEXTN wlancertextn Wlan Certificate Extension
WLCCP wlccp Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol
WOL wol Wake On LAN
WOW wow World of Warcraft
WPS wps Wifi Protected Setup
WRETH wreth WSE remote ethernet
WSMP wsmp Wave Short Message Protocol(IEEE P1609.3)
WSP wsp Wireless Session Protocol
WTLS wtls Wireless Transport Layer Security
WTP wtp Wireless Transaction Protocol
WZCSVC wzcsvc Wireless Configuration Service
X-Rite i1 Display Pro i1d3 X-Rite i1 Display Pro (and derivatives) USB protocol
X.25 x25 X.25
X.29 x29 X.29
X11 x11 X11
X2AP x2ap EUTRAN X2 Application Protocol (X2AP)
X509AF x509af X.509 Authentication Framework
X509CE x509ce X.509 Certificate Extensions
X509IF x509if X.509 Information Framework
X509SAT x509sat X.509 Selected Attribute Types
xcap-caps xcap-caps XML Configuration Access Protocol Server Capabilities
xcap-error xcap-error XCAP Error XML doc (RFC 4825)
XCSL xcsl Call Specification Language (Xcsl)
XDMCP xdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol
XIP xip eXpressive Internet Protocol
XIP Serval xipserval XIP Serval
XMCP xmcp eXtensible Messaging Client Protocol
XML xml eXtensible Markup Language
XMPP xmpp XMPP Protocol
XnAP xnap NG-RAN Xn Application Protocol (XnAP)
XOT xot X.25 over TCP
XRA xra Excentis XRA header
XTP xtp Xpress Transport Protocol
XYPLEX xyplex Xyplex


名前 表示フィルタ 説明
YAMI yami YAMI Protocol
YHOO yhoo Yahoo Messenger Protocol
YMSG ymsg Yahoo YMSG Messenger Protocol
YPBIND ypbind Yellow Pages Bind
YPPASSWD yppasswd Yellow Pages Passwd
YPSERV ypserv Yellow Pages Service
YPXFR ypxfr Yellow Pages Transfer
Z39.50 z3950 Z39.50 Protocol
ZBOSS dump wpan-zboss ZBOSS IEEE 802.15.4 dump
ZCL Alarms zbee_zcl_general.alarms ZigBee ZCL Alarms
ZCL Analog Input Basic zbee_zcl_general.analog.input.basic ZigBee ZCL Analog Input Basic
ZCL Analog Output Basic zbee_zcl_general.analog.output.basic ZigBee ZCL Analog Output Basic
ZCL Analog Value Basic zbee_zcl_general.analog.value.basic ZigBee ZCL Analog Value Basic
ZCL Appliance Control zbee_zcl_general.applctrl ZigBee ZCL Appliance Control
ZCL Appliance Events & Alert zbee_zcl_ha.applevtalt ZigBee ZCL Appliance Events & Alert
ZCL Appliance Identification zbee_zcl_ha.applident ZigBee ZCL Appliance Identification
ZCL Appliance Statistics zbee_zcl_ha.applstats ZigBee ZCL Appliance Statistics
ZCL Ballast Configuration zbee_zcl_lighting.ballast_ctrl ZigBee ZCL Ballast Configuration
ZCL Basic zbee_zcl_general.basic ZigBee ZCL Basic
ZCL Binary Input Basic zbee_zcl_general.binary_input_basic ZigBee ZCL Binary Input Basic
ZCL Binary Output Basic zbee_zcl_general.binary_output_basic ZigBee ZCL Binary Output Basic
ZCL Binary Value Basic zbee_zcl_general.binary_value_basic ZigBee ZCL Binary Value Basic
ZCL Calendar zbee_zcl_se.calendar ZigBee ZCL Calendar
ZCL Color Control zbee_zcl_lighting.color_ctrl ZigBee ZCL Color Control
ZCL Commissioning zbee_zcl_general.commissioning ZigBee ZCL Commissioning
ZCL Daily Schedule zbee_zcl_se.daily_schedule ZigBee ZCL Daily Schedule
ZCL Dehumidification Control zbee_zcl_hvac.dehum_ctrl ZigBee ZCL Dehumidification Control
ZCL Device Management zbee_zcl_se.dm ZigBee ZCL Device Management
ZCL Device Temperature Configuration zbee_zcl_general.device_temperature_config ZigBee ZCL Device Temperature Configuration
ZCL DLRC zbee_zcl_se.drlc ZigBee ZCL DLRC
ZCL Door Lock zbee_zcl_closures.door_lock ZigBee ZCL Door Lock
ZCL Energy Management zbee_zcl_se.em ZigBee ZCL Energy Management
ZCL Events zbee_zcl_se.events ZigBee ZCL Events
ZCL Fan Control zbee_zcl_hvac.fan_ctrl ZigBee ZCL Fan Control
ZCL Flow Meas. zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.flowmeas ZigBee ZCL Flow Meas.
ZCL Green Power zbee_zcl_general.gp ZigBee ZCL Green Power
ZCL Groups zbee_zcl_general.groups ZigBee ZCL Groups
ZCL IAS ACE zbee_zcl_ias.ace ZigBee ZCL IAS ACE
ZCL IAS WD zbee_zcl_ias.wd ZigBee ZCL IAS WD
ZCL IAS Zone zbee_zcl_ias.zone ZigBee ZCL IAS Zone
ZCL Identify zbee_zcl_general.identify ZigBee ZCL Identify
ZCL Illuminance Level Sensing zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.illumlevelsen ZigBee ZCL Illuminance Level Sensing
ZCL Illuminance Meas. zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.illummeas ZigBee ZCL Illuminance Meas.
ZCL Keep-Alive zbee_zcl_se.keep_alive ZigBee ZCL Keep-Alive
ZCL Key Establishment zbee_zcl_se.ke ZigBee ZCL Key Establishment
ZCL Level Control zbee_zcl_general.level_control ZigBee ZCL Level Control
ZCL MDU Pairing zbee_zcl_se.mdu_pairing ZigBee ZCL MDU Pairing
ZCL Messaging zbee_zcl_se.msg ZigBee ZCL Messaging
ZCL Meter Identification zbee_zcl_ha.metidt ZigBee ZCL Meter Identification
ZCL Metering zbee_zcl_se.met ZigBee ZCL Metering
ZCL Multistate Input Basic zbee_zcl_general.multistate.input.basic ZigBee ZCL Multistate Input Basic
ZCL Multistate Output Basic zbee_zcl_general.multistate.output.basic ZigBee ZCL Multistate Output Basic
ZCL Multistate Value Basic zbee_zcl_general.multistate.value.basic ZigBee ZCL Multistate Value Basic
ZCL Occupancy Sensing zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.occsen ZigBee ZCL Occupancy Sensing
ZCL OnOff zbee_zcl_general.onoff ZigBee ZCL OnOff
ZCL OnOff Switch Configuration zbee_zcl_general.onoff.switch.configuration ZigBee ZCL OnOff Switch Configuration
ZCL OTA zbee_zcl_general.ota ZigBee ZCL OTA
ZCL Partition zbee_zcl_general.part ZigBee ZCL Partition
ZCL Poll Control zbee_zcl_general.poll ZigBee ZCL Poll Control
ZCL Power Configuration zbee_zcl_general.power_config ZigBee ZCL Power Configuration
ZCL Power Profile zbee_zcl_general.pwrprof ZigBee ZCL Power Profile
ZCL Prepayment zbee_zcl_se.pp ZigBee ZCL Prepayment
ZCL Pressure Meas. zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.pressmeas ZigBee ZCL Pressure Meas.
ZCL Price zbee_zcl_se.price ZigBee ZCL Price
ZCL Pump Configuration and Control zbee_zcl_hvac.pump_config_ctrl ZigBee ZCL Pump Configuration and Control
ZCL Relative Humidity Meas. zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.relhummeas ZigBee ZCL Rel. Humidity Meas.
ZCL RSSI Location zbee_zcl_general.rssi_location ZigBee ZCL RSSI Location
ZCL Scenes zbee_zcl_general.scenes ZigBee ZCL Scenes
ZCL Shade Configuration zbee_zcl_closures.shade_config ZigBee ZCL Shade Configuration
ZCL Sub-Ghz zbee_zcl_se.sub_ghz ZigBee ZCL Sub-Ghz
ZCL Temperature Meas. zbee_zcl_meas_sensing.tempmeas ZigBee ZCL Temperature Meas.
ZCL Thermostat zbee_zcl_hvac.thermostat ZigBee ZCL Thermostat
ZCL Thermostat User Interface Configuration zbee_zcl_hvac.thermo_ui_config ZigBee ZCL Thermostat User Interface Configuration
ZCL Time zbee_zcl_general.time ZigBee ZCL Time
ZCL Touchlink zbee_zcl_general.touchlink ZigBee ZCL Touchlink
ZCL Tunneling zbee_zcl_se.tun ZigBee ZCL Tunneling
ZEBRA zebra Zebra Protocol
ZEP zep ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol
ZigBee zbee_nwk ZigBee Network Layer
ZigBee APF zbee_apf ZigBee Application Framework
ZigBee APS zbee_aps ZigBee Application Support Layer
ZigBee Beacon zbee_beacon ZigBee Beacon
ZigBee Green Power zbee_nwk_gp ZigBee Green Power Profile
ZigBee IE zbee_ie ZigBee IE
ZigBee IP Beacon zbip_beacon ZigBee IP Beacon
ZigBee ZCL zbee_zcl ZigBee Cluster Library
ZigBee ZDP zbee_zdp ZigBee Device Profile
ZIOP ziop Zipped Inter-ORB Protocol
ZIP zip Zone Information Protocol
ZVT zvt ZVT Kassenschnittstelle


Wireshark Display Filter Reference






2500/15.4 MJLT2J/A MacBook Pro Retinaディスプレイ

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013)
macOS Mojave
  システムのバージョン:    macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)
  カーネルのバージョン:    Darwin 18.6.0


Version 3.0.2 (v3.0.2-0-g621ed351d5c9)